
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


"Oh wow!!! There's so many games to play!!" Raiha was in awe as she looked around the arcade with a bright expression.

There were claw machines, photo booths, racing arcade machines, gaming machines that had old school games like Donkey Kong and Pac-Man on it and so much more.

Fuutarou had brought Itsuki and Raiha to the arcade center. They got here by bus. "She's really cute isn't she?" Fuutarou commented while looking at his little sister walking around the place with a smile on her face. Itsuki nodded.

"Indeed she is! You're lucky to have someone like her as your sibling." Itsuki replied cheerfully. Fuutarou chuckled and looked at her.

" You know what this looks like right now, Itsuki? "

" What does it look like, Uesugi-kun? " Itsuki tilted her head at him while having a confused expression. Fuutarou smirked.

"It looks like we're a family taking our child out here to play. Don't you think so, Itsuki? " Fuutarou asked her with a teasing tone as Itsuki blushed up a storm.

"F-family?" Itsuki stuttered as Fuutarou nodded.

"Mhm. That's what it looks like in mine or probably other people's point of view and I like it. Raiha does look like me cuz she's my sister, and she's cute like you. So others would definitely see us as a family." Fuutarou replied with a smile on his face.

" I-I don't think others would think of us like that! A-and in this you're taking too f-far, Uesugi-kun! " Itsuki stuttered out, intending to scold him for being out of line. Fuutarou raised an eyebrow.

"I have a solution to that problem, Itsuki. Say...." Fuutarou leaned into her ear.

"Do you wanna start a family with me?" Fuutarou whispered with a deep masculine tone, making Itsuki's heart skip a beat and her face blushing redder than her hair.

"A-a f-family with U-u-uesugi-kun?" Itsuki's imagination started running wild.



In the mind of Nakano 'Eatsuki' Itsuki.....

Itsuki was preparing breakfast by putting two plates on the dining table when someone approached her.

She looked and smiled happily, seeing that it was Fuutarou. He was wearing shorts and a black long sleeved shirt but left it unbuttoned, showing his six pack and lean torso.

"Good morning dear." Itsuki smiled happily at him. Fuutarou smiled and leaned down a little to to face her.

"Good morning, my darling wife~ Chu~!" Fuutarou grinned and kissed her passionately with Itsuki gladly returning it. The kiss lasted for about 20 seconds before they stopped to catch their breath.

"I will never get bored of you and your lips." Fuutarou whispered as Itsuki giggled at him.

"And I'll never get bored of you, dear. A-and I have something to show you." Itsuki muttered shyly before showing him something that balled up in her right hand all this time.

"What is—" Fuutarou widened his eyes as Itsuki handed him a pregnancy test. It was positive.

"Itsuki." Fuutarou looked at Itsuki with a bright expression. Itsuki squealed and hugged him tightly, snuggling into his chest.

"We're gonna have a baby!!" Itsuki squealed as Fuutarou picked her up and kissed her repeatedly.

They put their foreheads against each other and looked into each other's beautiful eyes.

"I love you, Itsuki."

"I love you too, Fuutarou."

"Oi Itsuki!"

Itsuki gasped as she returned back to reality. She looked up at Fuutarou who was smiling down at her.

Her face went bright red as the passionate dream replayed in her head again. Fuutarou laughed at her expression.

"You were totally thinking about us having a family weren't you, Itsuki?" Fuutarou asked her. Itsuki quickly shook her head repeatedly.

"N-no! I-I did not have those inappropriate thoughts!" Itsuki stuttered out. Fuutarou laughed again and shook his head.

"Oh really now? Your reaction says otherwise. You're a really bad liar, Itsuki~ Hehehe! " Fuutarou grinned at her. Itsuki's face reddened and she looked down at the ground, not wanting to look at his face.

'A child with Uesugi-kun? That..... that doesn't sound that bad at all actually. Uesugi-kun is smart, independent, and....and s-sexy....' Itsuki's face reddened up to impossible levels when she remembered that imagination Fuutarou had a six pack and a lean but muscular body.

"Hey Itsuki, stop thinking about us getting married and let's go." Fuutarou snapped her back for the second time. She looked up and saw that he was holding out his hand in front of her.

"Let go already or we'll lose Raiha." Fuutarou smiled at her. Itsuki grabbed his hand.

" L-let's go! "

Raiha hummed and turned around to see that her big bro and Itsuki were walking towards her, hand in hand.

She looked at their intertwined hands and smirked slyly. She looked up at them. "So big bro, big sis, when's the wedding?" She asked them. Itsuki's face was flushed oncd again.

" R-raiha-chan! It's not what you think!! " Itsuki shouted out, making Raiha smirk harder at her.

"Give her a break Raiha, she just imagined us getting married and starting a family." Fuutarou scolded lightly, making Raiha giggle.

" I-i told you I have no such thoughts just now! "

" Sure you don't. But let's not go deeper into that. We're here to have fun with each other. So what kind of games do you wanna play Raiha?"

" I wanna go play that hockey machine! "

"Alright! The hockey machine it is. But let's exchange money for some coins first. "

Fuutarou and Itsuki still didn't let go of each other's warm hands despite being teased by Raiha.



"Big bro! Big sis! Let's go take a photo before we go home! For nostalgia!" Raiha suggested while pointing at a photo booth. Fuutarou and Itsuki looked at each other.

Itsuki was holding a cute tiger plushie Fuutarou won for her while Fuutarou was holding a cute cat plushie Itsuki won for him via the claw machine.

"Family photo?" Fuutarou suggested with a big grin on his face. Itsuki blushed and pouted at him.

"U-uesugi-kun! Enough of this!"

"Hehehe..." Fuutarou laughed to himself before bringing Raiha and Itsuki into the photo booth.

"Please choose one!..... Done! Let's give big smiles!!"

Fuutarou smiled after the machine's stopped talking. He looked at Itsuki who was embarrassed and nervous.

"Lighten up Itsuki, there's nothing embarrassed about taking a picture." Fuutarou advised her.

" W-well. I'm not used to taking pictures with you and Raiha-chan. " Itsuki stuttered out. Fuutarou chuckled and gently wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling a now flustered Itsuki closer to him. They were standing behind Raiha whose smile brightened.

"Big bro's right! It really feels like we're taking a family picture!" Raiha commented cheerfully as she held Itsuki's left hand. Fuutarou smirked and blushed a little with Itsuki's blush reddening.

"It really does doesn't it? Now say cheese."

" Cheese! "




" What's that face you're making, Itsuki? It's really funny." Fuutarou asked while standing behind Itsuki and looking down at the picture she was holding. In the picture, Itsuki had a flustered expression, Fuutarou was grinning savagely at the camera while Raiha was smiling cheerfully while holding up the peace sign.

Itsuki pouted and looked up at him.

"It wouldn't have been weird if your hand wasn't around my waist, pervert!" She stuck her tongue out playfully at him. Fuutarou chuckled and stared into her dark blue eyes while she stared at his golden-yellow ones.

"We should do this more often Itsuki. I've had a lot of fun with you." Fuutarou whispered to her.

"Hihihi! I'll consider this as my treasure for the rest of my life!" Raiha meanwhile was giggling at the picture they took and held it close to her chest.

"Y-yeah, me too." Itsuki replied while smiling at him. Fuutarou then smirked at her.

"But the next time we go on a date, it's just gonna be the two of us alone with each other." Fuutarou added. Itsuki widened her eyes at him and gasped.

"Y-you..... You tricked me, Uesugi-kun!" Itsuki declared, gathering Raiha's attention at why she was shouting. Fuutarou raised an eyebrow at her.

"Tricked you? What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me! This is a date disguised as just ' friends hanging out'! You just want a date in your record! Hmph!" Itsuki crossed her arms, pouted at him and looked away from him. Fuutarou laughed nervously.

" But friends can also go on dates. It ain't just limited to married couples or those who're in a relationship. Unless you're trying to imply that we should take our relationship to the next step. " Fuutarou smirked at Itsuki's increasingly flushed reaction.

"N-no I did not, Uesugi-kun! Next time just be honest with me or else...." Itsuki then glared menacingly at him.

"I'll ban you from entering the PENTAGON building itself. " She threatened Fuutarou who chuckled in response.

"Alright then, no more lying between the 2 of us. Then I'll ask you this, do you wanna go on a date with me again? " Fuutarou asked Itsuki as they left the arcade. Itsuki blushed, thinking about what her reply should be. She didn't have to think for long.

"Yes! Yes I will!" Itsuki replied with a warm smile and blush on her face. Fuutarou grinned at her.

"Thanks! I'll have to contact you so that we can find time and meet up for our second one. But I don't have your phone number so um.... can you gimme your phone number? " Fuutarou grinned nervously at her. Itsuki laughed at how awkward and nervous he suddenly became.

"Of course I will, let's exchange our contact info right now. " Itsuki replied happily. Fuutarou cheered in his mind as they then exchanged their contact info.

"Nice big bro!" Raiha grinned as she elbowed Fuutarou in the stomach, making him chuckle at her antics.

He offered out his hand. "C'mon, let's go back to my place. I'll drop Raiha off and then I'll walk you home. " He suggested. Itsuki blushed shyly, having to hold his warm hand again. She held it and Fuutarou intertwined it. Raiha held his other hand and they started walking back to the Uesugi Residence.

"Big bro, am I gonna die?"

"Huh? Why would you say that Raiha?" Fuutarou looked at his little sister with a confused expression on his face. Raiha pointed at four people in front of her.

"There are four Itsuki in front of me." Raiha explained as Fuutarou looked at the direction she was pointing at.

"O-oh." Fuutarou muttered as he smiled a little. The people in front of them were the rest of the Nakano quintuplets dressed in gorgeous yukatas.

Ichika was giggling to herself, looking at the Fuutarou's and Itsuki's intertwined hands. But inside, she was jealous as hell.

'That should've been me, not her.' Ichika thought to herself. Yotsuba had a similar train of thought as Ichika did. She was showing her dissatisfaction by pouting at him.

"Uesugi-san! I'll never forgive you!" Yotsuba huffed at Fuutarou who chuckled and shook his head.

"Fuutarou, I didn't know you were that kind of person. Guess I misunderstood what kind of person you truly are. " Miku commented straightforwardly, making Fuutarou's heart shatter into pieces.

But on the inside, Miku was wondering how it would feel like holding Fuutarou's hand. She blushed at those dirty thoughts and tried to shake them off, but the thoughts became stronger in the process.

"Oi Uesugi! Hands of Itsuki!" Nino shouted while pointing at their handholding. Itsuki suddenly gasped, noticing the outfits her sisters were wearing.

"Oh crap! The Musashi Festival! I forgot about that!! Oh what do I do!!" Itsuki panicked but she calmed down when ichika put a hand on her shoulder.

" Don't worry, Itsuki. We can just go back to the apartment and let you change there. It's not far from here. " Ichika explained, calming Itsuki down. Yotsuba happily went and crouched in front of Raiha.

" Oh my god!! Who's this cutie pie?! You must be the little sister of Uesugi-san! Let's go to the festival, come with us! " Yotsuba offered. Raiha looked at Fuutarou who smiled back at her.

" Can we go big bro?" Raiha asked him. Fuutarou nodded.

"Well, you already finished your homework. So we can go, but let's go back to our place first though, we need to look the part during the festival. "

" Okay! See you at the festival!!"

" See you later!!! "

To be continued...