
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Asking Out

"Before you say anything, this is for self defense purposes." Fuutarou explained while grabbing the tanto and unsheathing it. Miku widened her eyes as she stared at the blade intensely.

She had never seen a real tanto up close. 'So cool. ' She thought while there were some stars shining in her dark blue eyes.

"Do you guys know Iaido?" Fuutarou asked them. Miku tilted her head.

"It's a sword art." Miku replied. Fuutarou nodded.

"This tanto is a gift from my teacher. I have a real katana but it's with him right now. " Fuutarou explained, making Miku widen her eyes even more. He then grinned at them.

" Wanna see me slice an orange blindfolded?"



" Are you sure it's okay to let him? " Itsuki asked Ichika who giggled in response.

"If Fuutarou-kun is confident that he can do it, we should let him. Plus, it looks interesting. Right Miku? " Ichika smirked at Miku who was completely engrossed in the scene. Fuutarou was blindfolded wife a cloth while holding a plate and tanto in his hands.

Nino was standing on upper floor of the apartment while holding an orange. The Quints made sure the Fuutarou didn't know when she was before this.

Without warning, Nino smirked evilly and threw the orange as hard as she could at Fuutarou.

Fuutarou instantly looked at the orange flying at him before unsheathing his tanto. He sliced at the air as the orange flew towards him.


The orange was sliced into six pieces. Fuutarou held out his plate and caught them all. He looked up at where Nino was and grinned broadly at her.

"Woah....." Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki and Ichika who were amazed by his skills, applauded his incredible performance. Nino snorted as she stood beside him.

"Yeah yeah, it's impressive. Whatever. But that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did to me. " Nino argued as Fuutarou took off his blindfold.

" I told you many times already Nino, you hit your hand on that shelf and the books fell down. I carried you away from them before they could hit you. " Fuutarou explained then pointed at a small bruise on the back of her right hand.

"There's the proof that your hand hit the shelf." He added as Nino crossed her arms.

"Tch! Whatever! You win this time! But what about those drawings of us, pervert?!" Nino shouted at him. Fuutarou shrugged.

"I was bored and you five just so happen to pop up in my head. So I decided to cure my boredom by drawing you five. My boredom was definitely cured alright." Fuutarou grinned as he flipped through the drawings of the Quints in maid dresses.

"Give us that!" Itsuki demanded it seriously. Fuutarou raised a brow at her.

"Why should I?"

"So that you won't do something.....weird..... with them in hand." Itsuki blushed a little as Fuutarou smirked in amusement at her.

"I don't do that kind of stuff, Itsuki." Fuutarou replied.

"Sure, you guys can have it. But make sure to frame them. Also, anyone want orange slices? "



" What's up Nino? Miss me already? I just left your house. " Fuutarou smirked at Nino who glared back at him.

"Uesugi, you're hiding something from us aren't you!?" Nino accused him. Fuutarou shook his head and raised his hands defensively.

"What would I be hiding huh?" Fuutarou asked her. Nino slammed her palm onto the wall behind Fuutarou, she did the Kabedon on him.

" Stop lying! There's no way you're just an average guy! That hole in the wall, that sword slice, you definitely do more than just training!" Nino shouted. Fuutarou chuckled before grabbing her hand and they switched positions in an instant with Nino's backed up against the wall.

"Nino, these strange abilities are the fruits of years and years of hard work. Other than that, I'm just a normal student that just wants you and your sisters to graduate high school." Fuutarou revealed sincerely. Nino did not believe him and was still glaring at him.

" Love the PDA." A person living there commented while stepping out of his own apartment.

Nino and Fuutarou blushed in embarrassment at the same time. Fuutarou sighed and backed up a little.

"Look Nino, I know I'm a very suspicious dude. But I can assure you that there's nothing else going on in my life besides tutoring you guys, spending time with my family and training." Fuutarou told her with a small smile on his face.

"Are you sure?" Nino asked with a hint of suspicion in her tone. Fuutarou nodded at her.

"Yes, Nino. I'm sure." Fuutarou replied. Nino hummed before walking past him. She stopped when she was beside him. She smiled a little bit.

"Goodnight Uesugi." Nino whispered warmly before continuing walking away from him. Fuutarou smiled warmly before walking to the elevator.

"Goodnight princess." Fuutarou entered the elevator and pressed a button. The elevator started moving as Fuutarou slumped onto the elevator floor and palmed his face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry Nino..."




Sunday, September 30th.

Fuutarou was doing pushups with Raiha in the kitchen cooking breakfast for him. Today was Sunday, meaning that there was no school today.

"Big bro, I think you should upgrade your clothing to something that's better in quality. You're tutoring girls after all, you need to dress to impress them." Raiha suggested to him.

"I'll do that when I save up enough money, Raiha. For now, let's get us out of that debt." Fuutarou replied while switching to one handed pushups.

*Ding dong!!!*

The doorbell rang, Fuutarou went to the front door and opened it. He was surprised to see Itsuki on the other side with a smile on her face.

"Well hello Itsuki. How did you find out where my house was? You stalker." Fuutarou teased Itsuki who pouted at him.

"I got the address from the student database idiot! I'm here to give you something. " She revealed. Fuutarou smiled and grabbed her hand gently.

"Come in, Itsuki! Take off your shoes and put them in the rack over there." Fuutarou grinned at her. Itsuki took off her shoes and blushed in embarrassment as Fuutarou was still holding on to her wrist.

"You look wonderful in that outfit by the way." Fuutarou whispered, making Itsuki smile warmly at him.

" Thanks, Uesugi-kun. " She replied, making Fuutarou blush at how beautiful her smile is.

"Who's this big bro?! Is she your girlfriend?" Raiha asked energetically as she ran over to the two. Itsuki blushed vividly.

"N-no! He's my—

" Yeah, it's something along those lines. " Fuutarou replied to her, making Itsuki look at him with a baffled expression. Raiha rolled her eyes and giggled.

" Uh huh, sure. Who is she actually?" Raiha asked.

"Itsuki is one of the Quints I'm tutoring. She's the youngest out of the five." Fuutarou explained. Raiha widened her eyes and looked at Itsuki with an excited expression on her face.

"How should I call you?!"

"Itsuki will do just fine."

"Big sis Itsuki! Let's have breakfast together! I cooked curry rice! "

" O-oh! Sure!!"



"This is..... AMAZING!!! Raiha-chan, you're so good at cooking! "

" Hehehe! Thank you big sis! Do you want thirds?"

" Oh yes please!! "

Raiha took Itsuki's plate away to add some more of the curry rice on it. Itsuki looked at Fuutarou who was smiling at her. She blushed in embarrassment and pouted at him.

"What? I'm hungry, you got a problem with that?" Itsuki grumbled. Fuutarou laughed and shook his head.

" No I don't. I'm just thinking about how cute you were when you're eating. And also, you got some rice on your face. " Fuutarou commented. Itsuki was flustered by his compliment that she didn't notice him sitting closer to her. She then processed Fuutarou's second sentence.

" O-oh? Rice on my face? Where is it—

" Right here. Chu~" Fuutarou kissed her on the cheek, sucking in the grain of rice on her cheek and into his mouth at the same time.

"U-u-uesugi-kun!!!" Itsuki looked at her tutor with an expression of pure disbelief while having a vividly red face that's redder than her hair.

"Big sis! Here's your third serving!" Raiha interrupted their moment while holding a plate in her hands.

"A-ah! Thank you Raiha-chan!" Itsuki stuttered out her reply while Fuutarou chuckled to himself while sitting right beside her. Raiha looked at her big bro and big sis.

"Did something happen while I was gone?" Raiha asked with a suspicious tone while narrowing her eyes at them.

" N-nothing!! " Itsuki quickly replied, making Raiha even more suspicious of her. Fuutarou put his head on Itsuki's shoulder and kept chuckling endlessly.

Itsuki pouted and just continued eating while Raiha theorizing endlessly about what had happened in her head.



"This is really nice. Thank you so much. Wow that is a lot of money. " Fuutarou whispered as he looked at the cash in his hands. Itsuki handed him an envelope that had his salary in it.

"Mom look! Brother did it!" Raiha whispered while looking at her mother's picture. Fuutarou smiled and looked at Itsuki.

"You deserve it, Uesugi-kun. You have changed something in all of us, bit by bit." Itsuki said while smiling brightly at him. Fuutarou smiled back.

"I'm glad it can be of assistance to you guys. You five changed something in me too." Fuutarou replied while putting a hand on his chest. Itsuki's brightened and she had a small blush on her face.

"You in our lives.... I seriously can't imagine what me and my sisters' lives would be if you don't exist. You make the world special just by being in it. " Itsuki whispered shyly while looking down. Fuutarou's heart skipped a beat.

"Heh, I'm so glad I have you and your sisters in my life, Itsuki. Our friendship is a gift that I treasure everyday and I know you know that I value it more than anything else in the world. Except for my family cuz family comes first." Fuutarou quickly added while grinning broadly, making Itsuki giggle in response. There was a comfortable silence for a while with both sides reflecting on what each other said.

"Hey Itsuki, are you free right now? Do you have somewhere to be later?" Fuutarou asked her. Itsuki shook her head.

" No, I'm free for the whole afternoon. Why do you ask, Uesugi-kun? " She asked back. Fuutarou smiled and held out his hand.

" Wanna go out with me and Raiha? "

To be continued...

(Should I take a break?

