
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


(Happy New Year everybody 🥳)

"This bathwater feels very weird. Why does it smell like Itsuki and Nino at the same time?" Fuutarou wondered to himself while he was in the bathtub full of Itsuki and Nino's bathwater.

He grinned. "It's pretty soothing to say the least. This bathtub is really spacious too." Fuutarou added before taking a sip of the bathwater.

" Gah!! " Fuutarou widened his eyes as he found himself standing in front of a set of white cloudy stairs. On the top of the stairs was a golden gate, more specifically Heaven's Gate.

It was so good he entered Heaven.

"Oi! Uesugi!"

"Huh? What!?" Fuutarou replied as he looked at the door to the bathroom. He saw a silhouette standing behind it.

"It's Nino, do you bring any spare clothes?" Nino asked him.

" Oh, there's some in my bag. I keep them in there so that I can change into the just in case accidents happen to my original clothes." Fuutarou replied.

" Alright, I'll bring them in here okay? " Nino asked him.

" Okay— wait a second." Fuutarou froze as he replayed Nino's sentence in his mind, palming his face as he realized it.

"Too late now. She's going to see everything." Fuutarou muttered before looking at five shampoo bottles on a small shelf beside the bathtub.

"Better wash my body quickly then."



"I'm coming in now." Nino smiled with a big blush on her face as she entered the bathroom. She froze and dropped Fuutarou's clothes she was holding.

She looked at Fuutarou's body while her face was getting brighter than her hair. She even started drooling at how godlike his body was. Thankfully she didn't see what was down there or else she would've fainted by now.

"Oi Nino, my eyes are up here. You dropped my clothes too." Fuutarou snapped her out of her thoughts with a smug smirk on his face. Nino blushed vividly in embarrassment as she quickly picked his spare clothes up.

"What's up with your expression, Nino? Never seen muscles on a man before?" Fuutarou asked as he received the clothes from her. Nino nodded, trying to look away from him so that she wouldn't be called out as a pervert but was failing badly to do so. His body was just too intoxicating.

"W-well, I did see some biceps on some guys in K-dramas but that's it. I knew you were fit b-but t-to this extent?" Nino pointed at his eight pack.

"This is all hard work Nino. And I'm proud of it, since it can give girls like you nosebleeds whenever I show them." Fuutarou grinned broadly as he pointed at Nino's nose. Nino widened her eyes as she looked at the bathroom mirror.

"Oh crap!!" Nino shrieked as she noticed that her nose was leaking blood. She looked at Fuutarou and bowed a little.

"Sorry for intruding, Uesugi!" Nino quickly said before running out of the bathroom, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

Fuutarou chuckled as he relaxed himself again, enjoying the scent of the bathwater Nino and Itsuki previously bathed in.



"That was the greatest bath ever. The bathtub was spacious, the water was great too. It smelled like Itsuki and Nino for some reason, made it even better to be honest." Fuutarou commented as he sat down on the ground around the coffee table with the Quints.

Itsuki and Nino blushed in embarrassment at his words. Ichika, Miku and Yotsuba giggled. Fuutarou smiled at them.

"So, I already made the study schedule for the midterms. I think we should start now. Remember girls, if there's any problem that you don't understand, just bring it to me. " Fuutarou reminded them. The girls nodded in response.

"And also, since you girls each excel at one of the five subjects. You guys can also help each other out. I can't be there all the time ya know?" Fuutarou added.

" Okey dokey Uesugi-san! " Yotsuba replied cheerfully while holding up the okay sign. Fuutarou smiled and nodded, glad that they understand.

"Um.... Fuutarou.... There's something I'd like to ask... If it's too sudden then you don't need to answer it...." Miku said silently, gathering everyone's attention.

" What type of girl do you like?" Miku asked while looking at him seriously. If her sisters weren't paying attention before, they definitely were now.

"Hmmm...." Fuutarou smiled as he rubbed his chin.

"Well, if that's what you girls want to know. There are five qualities I like most in a girl. However, I will only reveal one quality when one of you girls finish today's homework. So get to it! " Fuutarou grinned at them. The Quints loved a challenge, and with rewards like that, they quickly got to finishing their homework.

"I'm done!" Yotsuba shouted while raising her hand. Fuutarou nodded as he held up his right hand. He put up one finger.

"Number one, I like girls who are always happy and kind." Fuutarou replied, making Yotsuba pout because that wasn't really a good answer.

"Okay! I'm done!" Itsuki declared while raising her hand at the same time. Fuutarou smirked and nodded, putting up the second finger.

"Number 2 I like girls that are serious and well mannered." Fuutarou answered. Itsuki hummed, a little bit disappointed at his answer but accepted it nonetheless.

"My turn!" Nino declared as she closed the workbook. Fuutarou held up his third finger.

"Number 3! I like girls that are outgoing and have a sharp tongue. " He stated. Nino hummed and rubbed her chin, trying to think about who Fuutarou was describing.

"The fourth one please." Miku asked politely while putting away her pen into her pencil case. Fuutarou held up the fourth finger.

"Number four! I also like girls who are silent and reserved but also talk in a straightforward manner and doesn't hesitate to confront others." Fuutarou explained. Miku joined Nino in thinking about who Fuutarou was trying to describe.

" The last one please! " Ichika giggled, excited to know Fuutarou's last answer. Fuutarou's smirk was as wide as possible as he held up all five fingers.

"The last one! I like girls who are calm but can also tease the hell out of me if she wanted to." Fuutarou declared.

" Hmm...." Ichika pouted cutely. Now that she thought about it, Fuutarou's answers were kind of underwhelming.

"Wait a damn minute!!" Nino widened her eyes and pointed accusingly at Fuutarou.

"You're describing all five of us aren't you?!" Nino accused. Fuutarou smiled and raised his hand. He was caught red handed.

"Took you long enough, Nino." Fuutarou teased as all five sisters blushed vividly.

"Hey! That isn't fair! You can't just describe us!" Yotsuba whined at him. Itsuki nodded in agreement.

"What's wrong with that, Yotsuba? I'm not lying when I said what I said. I genuinely like all five of those qualities of you girls." Fuutarou replied with a warm smile on his face.

"Fuutarou-kun, give us a reward for tricking us." Ichika requested while still pouting at him. Fuutarou chuckled before patting her head gently.

"There there Ichika. Who's a good girl? You are." Fuutarou whispered as he patted and scratched her head gently. Ichika giggled while smiling brightly.

"Doesn't this make your heart race?" Ichika suddenly asked. Fuutarou blushed a little bit.

"Maybe." He mumbled.

"Yotsuba, please confirm." Ichika requested. Yotsuba saluted.

"Roger!" She replied as she leaned onto Fuutarou's chest. She put her head on where Fuutarou's heart was located.

"Wow.... It's beating like crazy." Yotsuba commented. Fuutarou's face was red because of the physical contact with Yotsuba.

"Well obviously it's beating like crazy. I have a beautiful girl hugging me. " Fuutarou grumbled as Yotsuba's blush reddened. Ichika suddenly smiled mischievously.

"I wonder.... What would happen if I do this?~" Ichika whispered as she grabbed Fuutarou's hand that was patting her head before putting it on her left breast.

" Ichika!! What do you think you're doing?!" Itsuki shrieked loudly as she, Nino, Yotsuba and Miku were blushing vividly at Ichika's lewd actions. Fuutarou's face was bright red.

" What's wrong Fuutarou-kun~ You've seen my naked body before~ You shouldn't be affected by this~" Ichika teased him while having a flustered blush of her own for doing such an embarrassing act.

"He what!!!" Nino shouted while glaring at Fuutarou. Ichika giggled before covering her mouth.

"Oops~ I probably shouldn't have said that out loud~"

" Explain now Ichika!!! "



" Wow.... so this is what a real bed is like...." Fuutarou whispered as he was lying on Miku's bed. Miku suggested that he sleep in her bedroom while she slept in Ichika's.

"Now how the hell am I gonna tell the girls about their father's challenge to me? " Fuutarou wondered as he dozed off.

While he was sleeping soundly, a girl wearing all blue pajamas slowly approached the bed he was sleeping in while rubbing her eyes.

The girl climbed onto the bed and snuggled into Fuutarou's body. Smiling because of how warm he was, she dozed off while hugging him tenderly.




It was a nice Saturday morning. Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki were sitting at the dining table while eating breakfast cooked ny Nino together.

"Where's Uesugi-kun?" Itsuki asked. Ichika shrugged.

"He's probably still sleeping. But where's Miku?" Nino asked while eating a fried egg.

" She left my bed last night and went to God knows where. Yotsuba went to find her but came back with nothing. "

" Sorry guys." Yotsuba apologized.

" Nah, it's fine. Let her show up herself. " Nino replied while drinking her tea.

Meanwhile, in Miku's bedroom. Fuutarou and Miku were cuddling each other. Fuutarou started waking up.

He looked down at the warm pillow he was hugging. It was not what he imagined it to be. Miku was sleeping soundly, having a peaceful expression on her beautiful face while she was snuggling into his warm chest.

Fuutarou sighed at the situation he found himself in. He started playing with Miku's soft hair while looking at her peaceful expression.

"How the hell can one girl be this cute."

To be continued...