
Chapter 86 - One cut and done

"Wha? So much money and all we have to do is help capture them?"

"Rubbish! You think the Donquixote family is easy to capture? Don't even think about it, they'll end your life if you do!"

Everyone in Dressrosa who saw Bob and the various rewards had differing thoughts. Some wanted to help pursue the Donquixote family, because if they didn't nothing would change on the island. Yet, deep down they knew what helping Bob would mean. If they failed and Bob died, they too would be punished once all this was over with.

Bascud who was sitting in the tavern talking to the owner stopped and grinned.

"Hunting, just what I like to do."

"Hey, hey, hey! We're supposed to be gathering information, not joining in on the hunt. Besides, you think he'd even give us the beli if we captured them?"

Hassan asked Bascud, as he wanted to remind him of what their goal was.

Bascud shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine, we can finish this here."

While things were going on all over Dressrosa, Bob was standing on a tall building overlooking things.

He could see the people who were once Toys charging towards the places the Donquixote family usually hung out. Their blood was boiling and after all they've been through he could tell they wanted some well deserved revenge.

Luna who was on the ground had her sword placed on the hilt of her sword. She did not know what would happen, but she figured something big was about to go down.

When she saw and heard Bob's announcement, she knew that things were already about to begin.

After waiting around for a few minutes, it wasn't long before the people that were rushing about looking for the Donquixote family and their crew members started running. Fear was shown in their eyes as some of them screamed from the top of their lungs.


"Don't run now, I will make all of you beautiful!"

A woman's voice sounded out as she laughed.

Luna saw a very large woman with exaggerated facial features who had a plump body but skinny legs. She was wearing a purple dress with yellow flowers on it, and her hair was both orange and blonde.

Luna shivered and hoped that she would never look like this woman when she grew in age.

On top of her head was a cloud, the woman grabbed the cloud and threw it towards the citizens running away.

With a small explosion, the people turned into something different. They were 2D, flat and oddly shaped.

Seeing her creation the woman laughed.

"This is the power of the Donquixote family."

Bob shivered when he saw her, she was just too ugly. In the anime, her appearance was ten times better than it was now.

He knew her, she was Giolla an officer of the Donquixote family whose been around for a long time. However, he never considered her a real threat, just a side character.

Looking down at Luna, Bob said, "Luna take care of her."

Luna nodded her head and unsheathed her sword.

It wasn't going to be much of a fight, considering most of the Donquixote family were pretty weak. Luna at her current stage could easily beat Giolla.

Not to mention it wasn't like Giolla's ability was able to track its target. You could easily dodge it, or use your surroundings to block it.

Without it, her physical ability was just like Sugars. Super weak.

Luna pushed her foot off the ground as she dashed straight towards Giolla with her hand on the hilt of her sword.

Giolla laughed as she saw Luna approaching her and a thought cloud appeared above her head.

"Witness my new creation!"

Giolla shouted as she threw the cloud towards Luna.

Luna's speed was quick, she simply dodged to the side and approached Giolla.

A white line flashed across Giolla's body as Luna put her sword back in its sheath. With a click sound, Giolla's body was split in two.

All those people who was transformed into abstract art turned back to normal and cheered.


"She beat an officer of the Donquixote pirates! Who is she?"

"Did you see that? One cut and done!"

Bob grinned as he watched the scene playout.

With Giolla dead, her image that was shown on the screens all over Dressrosa now had a giant x through it.

To those on the island, they already knew what it meant. Giolla, one of the members of the Donquixote pirates was dead or captured, meaning there was no longer a reward for her.

How could this not inspire the others who were hesitating before?

Lol, Bob has just begun another adventure...

Village Shrouded in Ice.

No spoilers for Quicksword Bob, but lots of references.

FishThatsBluecreators' thoughts