

"…So, you are saying, you were born in a different world? And then you… transmigrated here, is that it?"

"Yes, that's right."

"With your body? Or was it just your soul?"

"Just my soul. Lin Virran was an actual person born in this world."

"Right. You had that debt after your mother and everything, after all…" Lily massaged his temples, furrowing his brows. "Sorry, that's just a lot to take in."

"I get it. I also couldn't believe it at first. I thought that I was dreaming or something." Yu Qingyu took a sip of his drink, looking pensively out of the window, at the city stretching far below them. "But it's my twelfth world already, so I guess I'm used to it now… at least to a certain degree."

"Twelfth?" Lily looked up in shock. "Then how long has it been for you?"

"Hm… I'm not sure… Around 10 years, perhaps? This is the world I've been the longest in, so far."

"Ten years… You mean, you've been in this world for ten years now?"