Tang Yixiu was left alone after the two's deaths. He attended their funerals still in shock. It would still take a long time to recover from the grief even if he had expected this to happen after Xu Jiaqi went away.
He just wished that his older brother wouldn't leave him alone like this. It was very lonely...
Or not.
Even though the two decided to depart from this world, he actually still had someone by his side. Someone who kept on being a shoulder that he could lean on no matter what.
Yu Xuan, the friend that he had obtained overseas.
Even after the day his crimes were revealed, the two still ended up mending their relationship.
Furthermore, to make sure that Yu Xuan wouldn't be hated by Tang Yixiu's own family, Tang Yixiu took it into his own hands to convince Xu Jiaqi that Yu Xuan wasn't a bad guy. He kept on persuading the woman, her and her alone.