
Maverick Rayne ... Get that company down.

Thousands of miles away from Elberg in the capital city of Wraig of country A at a skyscraper at W's Square in a spacious office cabin sits a guy with two more people facing towards him. One of these two people is quite old and another one seems to be his son. The guy in front of them has no emotions on his face but it is very clear from the atmosphere that the negotiation is completely inclined towards the guy's side.

But suddenly the elderly person says " You told us your demands but we don't agree with your clauses. We cannot sanction this deal ."

The guy in the chair says " As you wish sir, but we gave you a fair option do not blame it on me for what happens from now on."

"Are you blackmailing us? This isn't expected from a person of such a dignified family. Where are your ethics that your father brags of?" the elderly questions.

"Well, there is only one principle I follow when dealing with people like you that is ' not to follow any principle'. If you eye something that is mine I'll take everything that is yours" the guy in the chair says this looking at the elderly's son.

The elderly guy confused but still high on his self-esteem says" Do whatever you want we won't give in. Let's go, son." And both the father-son duo exits the cabin.

The guy calls someone " Maverick Rayne... Get that company down." The guy on the other side seems to be some employee at the elderly's company replies " Yes, boss!"

Half an hour later Maverick switches the tv on and the breaking news of Andrew groups bankruptcy is flashed. Until the father-son reaches their company they are completely destroyed.

The news of Andrew groups is finished unexpectedly and some breaking news of Bahrati country is flashed. Maverick being a Bahratin ( his father's country is Bahrati) continues to watch as he knows his mom is seriously going to be affected by this news being a country lover.

Just then Maverick receives a call " Yes, Dad". "Are you going to destroy the Andrews? Why did you do that?" his dad asked. "They were involved in the drugs racket," he said. His father asked " So? How does that concern us?" He answered, " One of the guys from them was trying to sell drugs to Matt." His father replied," As expected of you!" And then suddenly Maverick's attention is grabbed towards the girl on the television mouthing 'Idiots' with an expression saying how foolish you are. and the clip is cut. The reporter in the background tells 'Captain Amelia Marss from Bahratin army kills fifty militants in the blast. These militants are said to be from JeM which included Illyasi the handler of 20/10 blast in Barbe and also the attack done in our country A at Wantan. This brave soldier died while killing fifty militants in the blast.'