
Chapter 39 - Something Unexpected

The hammer opponent successfully saved the archer by swinging at Tian Longmeng, but it immediately sent flying from his whiplash kick.

Tian Longmeng wasted no time in punching the archer's head off before leaping to do the same with the hammer opponent. However, he had to first, pay attention to the saber aiming for his neck.

"What, that was barely 5 breaths!" Tian Longmeng was completely shocked as he dodged the new opponent. "Could it be that the system is decreasing the spawn time to bombard me quicker?"

Tian Longmeng was a bit shaken by the sudden change in the flow of battle but he was happy about one thing. Starting with this saber wielder, it is going to be fought at the Mortal Grand-Apprentice level.

Tian Longmeng quickly slaughtered the hammer opponent as more Grand-Apprentice opponents came out. By the time he was finished with the hammer opponent, there was already 5 Early Mortal Grand-Apprentice facing him, even 2 Mid Mortal Grand-Apprentices.

"This is what I call fun!" Tian Longmeng roared as he exploded off the floor with all his cultivation and strength behind him. At this point, strategies and conserving strength were miles away from his thoughts. He just let the excitement and heat of battle take control.

Nevertheless, it was not as if Tian Longmeng did not take a couple scrapes himself. He accumulated so many injuries, to the point that he could not ignore it any longer. At least he was also decimating the opponents at a faster.

Alas, the volume of enemies remained constant while their own fighting power grew as well. At this juncture, Tian Longmeng admitted that this may be the time he is defeated. After all, even someone with two cultivation paths such as Tian Longmeng would find it hard pressed to combat 20 Late Mortal Grand-Apprentices at once.

"It does not seem like they are willing to give me a break." Tian Longmeng surveyed his opponents, their weapons, positions, and other little details. This was another hunting skill Tian Longmeng learned while in the Desolate Wilderness.

Massive amounts of essence began rapidly gathering and compressing in Tian Longmeng's body. He was planning on making one final attempt and wipe out everyone at once. This for Tian Longmeng, was truly pushing his limits.

The opponents seemed to eventually catch on to his plan, since they suddenly brandished their weapons and charged at him.

In the midst of impending defeat, something totally unexpected happened within Tian Longmeng's body; the stockpiled essence was actually being absorbed by his visceral organs! Not only that, but his internal damage was also being regenerated and strengthened.

"Could this be-" Tian Longmeng exclaimed in his thoughts. He had a clue as to what was occurring, however as joyous it may be, he could not finish the process. Reason being, if he did, he would most certainly fall helpless to the oncoming assault.

So he used what was left of his stockpiled essence to erupt with tremendous strength and punch a hole clean through the opponent in front of him.

"Nineteen more!" Tian Longmeng leapt into the air and screamed what seemed like a war cry before diving into the thicket of the opponents.

Tian Longmeng kicked an opponent into 5 more while stealing its longsword. With longsword in his hands, Tian Longmeng made a full circle, cleaving 9 opponents in half, and threw the sword into the skull of 1 more.

Relying on his hands, Tian Longmeng made quick work of the remaining enemies. Tian Longmeng slumped on the ground for his knees could not support his body anymore. "Zero."

At this point, Tian Longmeng was so tired that a Dim White Soul Talent could easily behead him right now. He looked up to see the spatial fluctuations once more. "No breaks, even when someone is already so exhausted." Tian Longmeng sighed as he witnessed a Mortal Enforcer level opponent appear from nowhere with a spear in hand.

There was no way he could hope to take on a Mortal Enforcer, even at his peak. Tian Longmeng had this though as he smiled wryly at the opponent.