
CH. 15 I Have Return

Fours months has passed since she had arrived at the underground lake. Juvia discovers may wonder about this place. First, it that the time flow is different. One year in here is equivalent to one month in the outside. She also discovers that the lake is filled with healing water. Any wound or injuries is instantly healed by touching the water. Juvia strength has also increased tremendously. She could now use eight moves from the Millennium Great Shark Techniques. Juvia also spends a fortune buying things from the system, leaving her with only 4,154,385 system points. She bought the Water & Sea Dragon Slayer Magic which cost her 1,200,000 points.

Her training was intense, as she never in her life lost more than five times in her battle. She needs to be alert at all time because once she defeats one of her opponent the second appears or maybe sometimes comes in a group. Later on, Juvia also learns that poison and acid magic which she bought for 400,000 helps in her training and other magic such as plants and earth magic.

Time Skip ~ 5 years

After five years of training and fighting, Juvia has finally defeated all the sea guardian protecting the islands. She also has mastered many of magic that she has bought over the years such as Plant, Earth, Acid and Poison Magic. She also bought Time Magic and a Takeover Demon Form which causes her 2,000,000 points, leaving her with only 2,154,385 points.

"Finally, you have reached the island." Shark Sage swimming toward Juvia. She was tired and exhausted from all the battle. "Follow me," said Shark Sage as he leads Juvia into the middle of the Islands. Both went up the mountain through the rivers. Once she reached the top there was another lake on the mountain. "This is where I am going to train you." said the Shark Sage and immediately attack Juvia. She knew that the real battle has just started.

Time Skip ~ 6 years

Juvia, who was trained by the Shark Sage has finally mastered the Millennium Great Shark Techniques. The battle was savage as it was a life and death battle training. One wrong move and that the end. "You have finally mastered our secret techniques." said The Shark Sage "You can leave now" and swims away. Juvia was prepared to leave.

[Master congratulation for finishing your training]

"Thank You" answered Juvia.

[Master, what is your plan after this?]

Juvia didn't answer instead, "Transformation Magic". She changed into a young lady about twenty, who has white spiky hair and peach skin. "Requip" She now wears a grey top which reveals her cleavage and has a blue bra covered. She also wears a black short with a snake scale belt and white boots. On her right arm was a silver bracelet design in the shape of a shark and a shark teeth earrings.

"How do I look?" asked Juvia as she made her voice sound tougher.

[Master you look cool, but what is your plan?]

Juvia didn't answer, she puts on a grey robe with hood and walked away preparing to leave.

[Master, where are you going?]

"Fairy Tail," said Juvia and disappear away from the cave back to Fiore.

Fiore - Magnolia

Juvia was walking through Magnolia as she remembers all her memories about it. "I have returned," whispered Juvia. "Natsu hurry up!" shouted a blonde celestial mage, Lucy Heartfilia. "Yess" answered the pink haired boy, Nastu. Juvia then purposely dumped into Lucy and both fall on the ground. "Sorry," said Juvia who get up and helps Lucy. "It's fine," answered Lucy and stand up. "Ano? Do you where Fairy Tail is?" asked Juvia. "Yes, Are you joining the guild?!" asked Lucy excited as well as Natsu, who didn't wait for her to answer. He dragged Juvia to the guilds.

Fairy Tail Guild

As usual, the guilds was filled with laughter. Suddenly Natsu rushed in with Juvia who was dragged while leaving Lucy and Happy to follow behind. He rushed to where Mira and Makarov were, "Guys, there someone who wants to join us!" said Natsu as he finally let go of Juvia, as Lucy and Happy have finally caught up to them. Both Makarov and Mira tuned their attention to her. Juvia slowly stands up and remove her hood. "Hello everyone, my name is Rose Vamphir." greeted Juvia. "So you want to join?" which Juvia nodded. "That's fine." "Mira can you get the guild stamp," said Makarov.

"Where do you want the guild mark?" asked Makarov. Juvia raises her left arm and showed it to Makarov "Here, blue" and he stamped on her left arm in blue.

Then Makarov went up to the stage and announced: "We have a new member, let's welcome Rose Vamphir!" All the other members start cheering. Juvia was sitting by the bars when Lucy came with Natsu. "So welcome, and yeah what is your magic?" asked Lucy. Many people went closer to listen. "Well, I used three Magic," answered Juvia. "First is Water Magic" and start to form water ball in her hands, "while the second is Shark Magic".

"So what is this Shark Magic?" asked Mira interested about Juvia magic. "Shark Magic is a power to summon and use shark," answered Juvia as she stands up. "Shark Magic: Biting Shark" and water gathers to form a large shark and rushed toward a table where no one was sitting and destroy it completely. Everyone was surprised at the destructive power. "So what is your third magic?" asked Erza as she walks to Juvia. "That a secret." said Juvia.

"Rose, let's fight!" shouted Natsu and Juvia smiled
