
Queen of the Hybrids

A queen is born, While another suffers. Four bound with each other. *** A woman appeared, saying words she couldn’t decipher. “What are you saying? Who are you?” The woman smiled. “It’s time, survive, and take your throne.” “What do you mean?” “No more hiding. Only you can decide your fate.”

makekhatewrite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs



13 years before the hybrids vanished

"Brother!" A voice came out from the little girls quivering lip. She had pale skin, and raven hair that stopped by her waist. As she saw her brother got pinned down by a rogue, her blood started to boil. She was about to advance forward to defend her brother but was immediately stopped by a voice laced with authority.

"Anastasia, get out of here!"

It was from her brother who was now on top of the rogue who had him pinned by the ground a second ago.

"Leave!" Her thoughts were interrupted by her brother's desperate voice. Her lips started quivering as tears welled up from her eyes.

"Please…Ana." He gave her a look that made her heartache; it was a look she had never seen before. His eyes were full of sadness, she nodded even it was hard for her to leave her brother.

She turned around and started walking away as she clutched the sides of her now muddy dress. What seems like walking became running for she doesn't know why the rogues were attacking their pack. Her surroundings consisted of rogues and their pack warriors snarling and lunging at each other. She couldn't bear the sight anymore; she couldn't bear seeing some of their pack warriors getting killed. So she ran, she ran as if the rogues were chasing after her.

Her cheeks are now soaked by tears that had continuously escaped from her eyes; she didn't pay attention to her surroundings anymore. A voice called out to her, it felt like an echoing sound that slowly pulled her out of her thoughts. Her gaze slowly traveled to the direction where the voice was coming from and there she saw a black wolf running towards her, with its bloodshot eyes she knew it was a rogue.

Everything was like in slow-motion as she closed her eyes along with raising both of her arms on the level of her face to protect herself as the rogue lunges forward. But she felt nothing, causing her to freeze. 'Maybe it's tricking me, so it could eat my face when my arms are no longer covering my face.' She thought to herself causing her to stand like that for a few other minutes.

She shrieked as she was nudged by a snout, she immediately took a step back and uncovers her face. "Mommy?" The wolf lowered its head and pressed its forehead to her own.

"Ride on my back, It is not safe." A soothing voice said.

She nodded before climbing on its back, and once she is safely holding on her mother they sprinted on the direction where her mother came from. Seconds passed and she felt her mother decreased its speed; she looked ahead and saw hundreds of wolves on the ground bathing in blood. Anastasia hid her face on her mother's fur as she got sick of watching the wolves killing each other.

Her chest started to ache and her head throbbed in pain making her scream out of agony, and then a loud howl was heard from a distance.

They sprinted once again heading to the direction of where the howl came from. A man was crouching down as its arms were wrapping something as if it was a fragile thing, once they were near to the figure. He stood up and walked towards them as he carried something on his arms.

She let out a loud gasp as tears were welling-up again from her eyes. She was still on her mother's back when she heard its bone-cracking, the once fur was now a pale skin, and the paw that was once big became a hand that looked too delicate to touch. She slid down her mother's bareback as her father walked to their direction as he carries her lifeless brother on his arms. He stopped on his steps and lowered himself to Anastasia's height along with his wife on her knees.


A pair of blue eyes watched from a distance as a single tear escaped. She had a hard time getting a grip on her monster as her mate was attacked and killed right before her eyes.

She wiped the tear that escaped from her eye seconds ago and stood tall. Her eyes closed as she deeply inhaled as she took in their scents, once she found the scent she's looking for she opened her eyes and a glint of bloodlust crossed within it.

A sly smirk formed on her lips. "As a Chinese proverb said, 'He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself'," She softly chuckled and it immediately died down. "Too bad, I'm too dead to dig my grave."