
Queen of Beasts: Miracle Doctor Consort's Multiple Identites were Exposed Again!

The Yan family's third daughter was a good-for-nothing. She was mute, disfigured, and incapable of cultivation. Her cousin falsely accused her of stealing, and her fiancé gave her the cold shoulder. However, one day, everything changed. She began her spiritual and martial arts cultivation. With a beast charm in one hand and a silver needle in the other, she could control any magical beast and heal any sickness! She regained her former beauty and took the world by storm! Her multiple identities were exposed one at a time... She was the ultimate beast tamer, a genius alchemist, and a well-rounded spiritual guru. Yan Xi leveled up throughout the journey of torturing scum. She even found herself a mysterious husband along the way. "My husband is handsome and sweet. He also has a mild temper and is extremely cute," Yan Xi said. Everyone cried out, "No! Your husband is cruel and possessive. It's scary when he loses his temper!" A certain demon king's eyes turned red. "Hmm?" Everyone shivered in fear. "She's absolutely right!"

Yidu Hanya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Wolf in Sheep's Skin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Aunt Wang hurriedly came to check on Yan Xi's wound. 

Her tears fell again. "Miss Lan hurt you again. She's so ruthless every time. She's going to beat you to death." 

Yan Xi clenched her fists tightly and smiled. "I'm fine. The wound has been treated." 

Yan Chushi waved his fists at the side, his eyes sparkling. "Aunt Wang, you don't know, but Yan Lan is worse off than us today. Her injuries are even more severe than ours. She asked Xixi to kowtow to her. However, Xixi hit her five times and made her kowtow after each hit. In the end, she could not even speak! Xixi was so cool!" 

Aunt Wang was extremely shocked. 

Yan Xi had only briefly told her about today's situation, but she did not mention the details. 

Her slightly aged face revealed a gentle and kind smile. Aunt Wang looked nostalgic. "Miss Xi, your personality now is exactly the same as Miss Yue's when she was a child." 

Yan Xi and Yan Chushi looked at each other in surprise. 

The image of the gentle mother in Yan Xi's memory was suddenly torn apart. It seemed that her mother was a wolf in sheep's skin! 

"Today, I sold my newest embroidery piece for a lot of money and bought four pounds of beef. I'm going to make your favorite stir-fried beef. Little Chu, you should stay for dinner too." Aunt Wang smiled gently. 

Because the bullied often stole Yan Xi's monthly allowance and three meals, Aunt Wang often had to embroider late at night to supplement Yan Xi's expenses. 

"Aunt Wang, I'll help you wash the vegetables!" Yan Chushi happily went to help. Yan Xi also followed to wash the rice. 

It did not take long for the courtyard to be filled with the aroma of food. The three of them sat around the old, broken table, and the atmosphere was filled with warmth. 

However, this warm atmosphere was quickly broken by someone. 

The door was rudely smashed open, and the butler rushed in with a few guards. 

A pair of sharp eyes looked around and finally stopped on Yan Xi. 

The butler waved his hand and glared at Yan Xi. "Tie Yan Xi up! Take her to the main hall!" 

Beside him, Zi Huan was leaning on him, her hands wrapped in bandages. She looked at Yan Xi with hatred and smugness. 

She did not expect Yan Xi to be bold enough to hurt Miss Lan! 

She had been thinking about how to cry pitifully in front of the butler and ask him to teach Yan Xi and that old woman a lesson for her. However, she did not even need to play any tricks anymore! Yan Xi had done it herself! 

Miss Lan was the beloved genius of the Yan family. Now that she was seriously injured, the master would definitely not spare her! 

"What are you guys trying to do?" Yan Chushi stood up nervously, guarding Yan Xi and Aunt Wang with his small body. 

"Young Master, this is none of your business. Yan Xi hurt a disciple of the family, and the family head is going to punish her. You should not interfere in this matter." The butler scanned Yan Chushi from head to toe with a look of disdain. He did not take him seriously. 

He was only being polite because his father, Yan Wuya, was still alive. 

In the Yan family, talent and strength were the deciding factors for success. Direct descendants like Yan Xi and Yan Chushi, who had no talent, were not even respected. 

Yan Xi's heart turned cold. 

In the past, Yan Lan had brought a group of people to bully Yan Xi and Yan Chushi, and no one had intervened. 

Now that something had happened to Yan Lan, the first thing they did was to question her. 

Yan Xi's eyes flashed with a cold light, feeling the grievances and anger of the original owner burning in her chest. 

"Yan Xi, the master ordered us to tie you up and drag you all the way to the hall to apologize to Miss Lan. Do you want to cooperate, or do you want us to take you by force?" The butler laughed sinisterly. 

In fact, this was a condition he had added on his own. The master only asked him to bring Yan Xi to the hall. 

Who asked Yan Xi to offend his lover? Moreover, Yan Xi had hurt Yan Lan, and the master was furious. By hurting Yan Xi, he might gain some favor. 

Zi Huan, who was beside him, looked at Yan Xi happily, waiting for her to kneel down. 

"You guys are too much!" Yan Chushi clenched his fists and his eyes turned red with anger. 

On the other hand, Yan Xi swallowed the last bite of the stir-fried beef unhurriedly. 

Her calm eyes fell on them. "If I don't want to go, what are you going to do?" 

"Then we can only take you by force." The butler smiled coldly and clapped his hands, sending a signal to the two servants behind him. "Go and tie her up." 

Two burly servants stepped forward, and Aunt Wang lifted a wooden stool. She was now like a hen protecting her chicks. She was sick of letting Zi Huan bully them! 

The two servants did not even look at her and raised their hands to grab Yan Xi. 

However, a figure rushed out faster than them. 

"Don't you dare take Xixi!" 

Yan Chushi's eyes were burning with anger. Like a small cannonball, he rushed out and ruthlessly crashed into a servant. 

He was like a ferocious wolf cub that had finally bared its fangs. 

Under the setting sun, his black eyes seemed to glow red. His pupils suddenly contracted like a beast! 

The servant was at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm. He did not care about Yan Chushi, who was at the first level of the Body Tempering Realm. He raised his hand and was about to push him away. 

However, before he could raise his hand, he felt as if he had been knocked down by a beast. The huge force made his eyes widen in horror, and with a crack, he was suddenly thrown to the ground. A sharp pain came from his waist, and he seemed to lose all feeling in his lower half. 

He widened his eyes in shock... How... How was that possible? Wasn't that useless young master at the first level of the Body Tempering Realm? 

The servant raised his head and was met with a pair of vertical pupils that looked at him like an ancient, ferocious beast. 

Yan Chushi was cold and terrifying. 

Dark red scales appeared on his smooth skin at the corner of his eyes, reflecting a cold light. 

The servant's pupils dilated as he shouted, "Monster!" He then closed his eyes and fainted. 

Everyone looked over. 

Yan Chushi stood rooted to the ground, his dark eyes watery, and his soft face dazed. 

Did he just knock down a cultivator at the seventh level of the Body Tempering Realm? 

Then, a smile appeared on his sweet face, and he was very happy. 

He was so powerful! 

Xixi was right. There was no need to be afraid. If they came to bully him, he would just beat them up! He could protect Xixi in the future! 

As long as he was brave, he could do anything! 

He turned around happily, intending to knock down the other servant in the same way. 

However, a pair of chopsticks shot out before he could. 

Yan Xi raised her hand, and a pair of chopsticks flew toward the servant who was rushing toward them like a bullet. 

The servant who had jumped up felt his knees go numb, and his legs went limp. He fell to the ground like a wet paper towel. 

Yan Xi ate her food slowly. 

In the 21st century, when she was the head of the Yan family, people only knew that she had been chosen as the head of the family because of her martial arts talent, but no one knew that her medical skills were superb as well. 

No one knew the acupuncture points of the human body better than she did. 

The butler seemed to realize that he had run into a tough nut, and his expression was a little ugly. 

Yan Xi supported her chin with one hand, her eyes smiling. "I'd like to know what other means you have to subdue me. You can use them all."