
The lady of the house

Ning Xi's body felt extremely uncomfortable and she couldn't wait to wash up.

"Are you okay?", Zhi Lianci paused and glanced at Ning Xi. She wondered how the little girl would feel since she was too young for such an experience.

"I'm fine. It was not so bad in there.", Ning Xi replied, she was glad Zhi Lianci cared to ask about her.

Zhi Lianci nodded, they got into her car and drove off.

"I can't go to the hotel, there might be reporters around", Ning Xi said. Although it was midnight, those reporters were capable of anything.

"Are you going to be okay alone?", Zhi Lianci asked out of worry. She was not one to easily show any kind of emotions but she had to admit that she had grown fond of Ning Xi within this few days. She had never felt this way towards any of her artists.

"Hmmm I'm going to be okay, I'm going now. You take care of yourself too", Ning Xi bade farewell to her and turned to leave.