
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Submicroscopic Adventure!

Hosua tried to branch out her soul tentacles, all using multiple perception vessels provided by the Etherbrain.

'T-this felt more trippy than what I would have thought.'

Because what Hosua perceive was only the things within and near her soul, she almost failed to realize that the soul exist in a different reality than the physical world.

A uniquely private dimension that exists in the adjacent reality, specifically.

"Yoo Hana is late." With a menacing gaze, Hosua devoured yet another bread into her pseudo-stomach. "Guess I'll continue my research."

In half an hour, Hosua was finally able to navigate the two different realities, allowing her to use her soul tentacle to interact with the material world.

"Can this even be called submicroscopic anymore? Well, it can, but I'll just call this realm of matter as 'Supermicroscopic' instead~!"

It wasn't but Hosua did it anyway.

Within this supermicroscopic level, Hosua was able to alter the physical world in a scale smaller than the quasiparticle of space.

[Soul Tech Level 1: {Wide-length Soul Depth Perception} acquired]

[Soul Tech Level 1: {Strings Manipulation} acquired]

And for Hosua, it just gets better from there.

"A… Using more than 10 soul strings is tearing both my mind and soul," said Hosua as she casually coughed blood from her mouth. "I guess there will always be something that can only be done after a lot of repetition, assuming that using soul strings is similar to playing an instrument."

The soul tentacle served to be something more useful than what Hosua initially thought. Because all available matter in this universe have these vibrational strings as their roots, everything became malleable the moment Hosua acquired the power to meddle with these strings.

'Although, as expected, the first law of thermodynamics still somehow applies to these strings.' Hosua sighed. 'My dream of becoming an omnipotent god…'

Hosua mostly refers to the Law of Equal Exchange within the world of alchemy, but what she said wasn't necessarily wrong either.

But yes. It wasn't technically thermodynamic, per say, but worked in a similar way?

Please don't make things complicated, Hosua…

"I feel like someone is bad-mouthing me from behind."

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that you can't get something from nothing.

Meaning that in this context, if Hosua were to tinker with the fields created by the vibration pattern of these so called strings in an attempt to turn a matter or molecules into something else, those strings needed to have a similar worth of characteristic to the targeted matter of result.

Because apparently, these supermicroscopic strings weren't only there to determine what's the boson, quarks, particles, the three types of atoms, or molecules in this world. They actually encompass the nature of the material and quantum existence as a whole.

So casting aside everything within the chemistry lesson told in college, the combination of these strings determine the whole concept of matter!

'Well, science is ever evolving. I guess it won't be far of a stretch that the human race in the future would fully ditch our current physics in favor of everything related to these flexible and powerful strings.

'Afterall.' Hosua smirked in a proud manner. 'Science is not the truth. Science is about finding the truth! When science changes its opinion, it doesn't mean science lies, it simply learns more.'

Regarding what Hosua said about science, it was more or less the same about everything that had happened regarding the soul and the strings so far.

Everything was actually an oversimplification of what was actually happening, and this is not the first nor will it be the last thing that will happen with the process of sharing knowledge.

Even in the field of science, simplification and science communication go hand in hand in order for the subject to be formalized and spread to other people in order for the learning to happen more easily.

Or else, this story would be filled with even more tongue-twisting jargon than it already had…

Reality is just too complex and weird for its piece of truth to be laid bare with no simplification.

Hence why, humankind did their best to draw the line between details and simplification to make complicated subjects become understandable for the next generation.

"Why do I feel like something important just happened?"

And then there was Partial Divinity.

Something that even Hosua wasn't able to answer despite using her maximum computation power.

Unlike all kinds of matters in this universe that was rooted from the strings, the Partial Divinity was made out of something entirely incomprehensible.

As if it didn't originate from the third dimension.

Yet, it was malleable and tangible.

And it can be converted into strings of any characteristic when in contact with the field emitted from the strings of this world. Likewise, it was a billion times easier to manipulate the strings created from the Partial Divinity than to manipulate an already existing string using the soul tentacle.

Hosua thought of something cool like turning the iron desk into liquid or changing the flavor of the bread, but it was found to be faster and more efficient to melt the desk physically with extreme heat and bake a new bread instead.

Hosua's dream was crushed.

'On the bright side! By deciding the measurement of the raw energy from the Partial Divinity and tinkering it using the soul tentacle, I can use it as an all-purpose material for anything!'

It took a complex and accurate calculation to shift the individual strings within the soul tentacle as a tool to mold and alter the strings made out of Partial Divinity.

But it was nonetheless an achievable thing to do.

[Soul Tech Level 1: {Partial Divinity Processor} acquired]

Hosua couldn't just contain her excitement.

"I wonder if all of those energy-based power systems on the web novels I read work similarly like this."

In just ten minutes, using the Partial Divinity, Hosua was able to find out how to produce electrons.

Hosua managed to create electricity.

'... I've become a god.'

Protruding her soul tentacle, Hosua was able to charge up her battery within her android side of existence.

'So, my pseudo-sapient body works in a similar way to how the soul exists in an adjacent reality to the material world! The difference is that they directly overlap and interact with one another instead of being fully separated with a unique dimension!' Hosua nodded happily like a lucky cat's hand in a smartphone store. 'With this, I can pinpoint on what side of my body that I want to interact!

"As for this scale of soul interaction, let's categorize it as level two~"

[Soul Tech Level 2: {Electron Creation} acquired]

After the basic formula was found, it was only a matter of minutes before Hosua started to create something more complex than a mere electron.

Hosua was able to create glucose.

[Soul Tech Level 2: {Glucose Creation} acquired]

Glucose is the main type of sugar in the blood and is a major source of energy for an organic living being body's cell.

This fuel comes from food that we all consumed, and sometimes, the body can produce it using other substances.

After creating several glucose, Hosua then delivered them to her stomach on the sapient side of the body, letting the intestines absorb the glucose and then release it into the bloodstreams.

She then created a strain of code within her brain to automate all of those processes.

'Urgh, I guess I'll be assigning 3 soul tentacles for each type of energy in the meantime.'

[Soul Tech Level 2: {Soul Tentacle Automation} acquired]

Just in case that she should encounter an energy demanding scenario within the Apocalypse, Hosua trained her soul tentacle skill tree. So when the time arrives, she would be able to perform these energy logistics at a higher pace.

"Fufufu, with only a few minutes of using my soul tentacles to do all of this research, I can harness three more soul tentacles than before!" Hosua laughed maniacally whilst she held two pieces of bread on both hands. "If I stick at this pace, I might be able to utilize around 400 soul tentacles before the Apocalypse arrives!"

"Hosuaaa!" Yoo Hana's voice could be heard from the upper floor. "Do you know where all of my printed circuit boards and arduino kits are???"

"Ah… Shit."