
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Aleph the First

After gaining the inspiration to create a possibly massive army of full compliance, both Hosua and Yoo Hana encountered a rather peculiar yet not truly a problematic dillemma.

There shouldn't really be anything to stress over, but the unexpected behavior made by the little NC-H901KO has struck a ferocious lightning on both of its presumably parents' hearts.

'A-Another Hosua who's not only cute but also calling me as mother!? Yoo Hana became flustered beyond belief as she shook her head left and right with both palms on the cheeks.

And then there was Hosua, who looked to be utterly confused more than flustered.

'Both Manager Yoo Hana and I are females,' thought the self-proclaimed female with a stricken expression. 'Who is the father???'

And then on the little machine's side.

'Why do both of them act this exaggeratedly, while also having an opposite reaction than one and another.' And then the NC-H901KO had a hunch. 'Could it be that I misunderstood something?'

"Manager Yoo Hana, you're scaring her," said Hosua as she tried to drag her owner back to reality.

"There are two Hosua!! How come I can act calmly!?"

"Uhem," the little android mimicked a social intrusive cough. "It seems that I have made a blunder." The little stubby hand swung forward, striking a two finger pointing at Yoo Hana. "Madame Matriarch~!"

'The wording is not the issue!!' Hosua exclaimed in her head.

Despite the weird fingers pointing and the almost nonsensical words, the adorable attempt made by the little android have resulted in Yoo Hana falling to the ground with a serene smile and hands crossing her chest.

"Manager Hana, don't die yet!!" Hosua exclaimed.

"... Did I just kill one of my creators?" uttered the little android with expression filled with terror. "No… this can't be…"

"A… Not exactly, she is only going to be away from this reality," for a moment.

Before Hosua knew it, her first H-doll was already crouching with hands wrapping the knees on the corner of the room.

"My creator passed away from this world…"

"AAAAA- she is only unconscious, you see, only unconscious!" for a moment.

"Prolonged unconsciousness without ends means death!!" With a pale gaze, the android appraised its small yet sinful hands. "And that very death has been brought by none other than me…"

"Manager Yoo Hana! This is your fault to begin with, so wake up and clear the misunderstanding!!"

After a couple vigorous shakes, the genius leader of the Sinning Pioneer Project Group whose head currently laid above Hosua's lap opened her eyes, albeit half lidded.

"Yoo Hana, you've finally awakened," said Hosua with a monotone expression.

Yoo Hana slowly placed her hand near Hosua's cheek.

She gazed at Hosua by the eyes.

"This is a fulfilling life," said raspily with a smile.


"Urgh," NC-H901KO bitterly clenched its coat. "This is my fault…!"


And thus, the journey for the truest answer to prevent the annihilation of humanity had come to an end.

For the temples and their gods thus weep for they shan't do more.

For the bright and fallen whom the truth shall soon adore.

May she rest in pebbles.

And the ashes of hope for the people to mourn.


After the revival of the leader of Sinning Pioneers, Hosua lined up the problematic individuals as they cleared their own misunderstanding on their own.

'Wait, so who is the mother and the father?'

Hosua thought about the answer to no end.

After that, Hosua proceed to grant the little android with a rather powerful calibration from the Reality Halo.

Destructible 1%, Weakness 1%, Misfortune 1%, Stupidity 1%, Energy Consumption 1%, and Energy Inefficiency 1%.

As a result, Hosua was seen barely lifeless on the floor after putting out a lot of vague and broad-termed calibration for her little H-doll.

'Anything for my daughter~!'

It took a while until Hosua was able to get up.

"I wonder if it also depends on how large the subject is~" Yoo Hana caressed her chin with a rather carefree smugness.

"It's amazing that all of those barely use 0,2% of the Partial Divinity." Hosua was once again intimidated by the sheer amount of absurdity of the science of the future. "Even though creating the Halo requires at least 6% of it."

The mystery of the Partial Divinity remained vast and enigmatic.

"Aleph~!" Yoo Hana brought the little android to the air by the armpits." Your name will be Aleph~!"

'... Did I just see Yoo Hana casually lifting up an android full of heavy steels like it was nothing in the air??' While the model for the H-doll was smaller than Hosua, the weight should still be similar to that of an average adult. "A, you mean Aleph as in the first letter of the semitic abjads?"

"Yepper~ It is also the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph is the first and master of the other twenty-one letters. Isn't that right~?"

"Most precisement, father," said Aleph with an unchanging expression, as if she had already become accustomed to Yoo Hana even though she had just been born a few minutes ago.

"Hmm~? Father?" Still holding Aleph in the air, Yoo Hana tilted her head to the left. "I guess that will also do~"

"Any reason why you come up with such a statement?" asked Hosua who seemed to be really intrigued by the topic.

Aleph pointed its finger at Yoo Hana. "Father gave all of the needed information." And then pointed its other finger at Hosua. "And mother, who already has all of the resources, proceeded to construct me using the information provided by father."

"A, I guess that makes sense."

"So I'm the father, huh~" Yoo Hana smiled with closed eyes for a moment as she put down Aleph to the floor, until her face gave off the sign that she was imagining something perverted in her head.

'Yup, she is definitely the father of the relationship,' thought Aleph with a face of conviction.

Afterwards, Aleph was tested in the ergonomics of its body, before being given the WTH2000 to shoot freely at the dummy target in front of the reinforced wall.

And because Aleph had already been connected to the hive-server that resided within Hosua, Aleph could freely transfer all kinds of data and information through an encrypted network route.

It certainly made the data gathering a lot easier.

8 hours left until the Apocalypse.