
Chapter 88: buy fish! Can your small fish pond hold that many fish?

Xu Chengfeng stood on his island, staring at the mud people digging the soil.

Looking at the exposed rocks, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He thought of the ten top-grade bronze rock spirits on the construction site.

It seems that these hard rocks are not impossible to use.

After annexing the Flower Elf Island, the island was gradually renovated by the Island Spirit, making it closer to the shape of a boat again.

The tip of the boat is where Xu Chengfeng is standing.

He stood on the edge of the island and looked down at the cliff rocks like a cruise ship ramming.

This is to break the wind and waves, reduce resistance, increase sailing speed, and reduce energy loss.

The entire base of the island is solid rock.

Xu Chengfeng jumped onto the island, stood in front of a big rock, and pressed his hand on it.

Injecting energy, the dazzling white light instantly envelopes the rock.

Two minutes later, the white light disappeared, and a huge rock spirit crawled at Xu Chengfeng's feet.

Xu Chengfeng spent 612 energy points to directly upgrade it to the lowest gold level.

Anyway, he has enough energy points now, but it's just too economical.

Besides, how can it be said to be a waste to improve the strength of the island?

"I have seen the master!"

The spirit of rock said with a humming sound.

"Stand up and see!"

The spirit of the rock slowly stood up from the ground, and Xu Chengfeng also slowly raised his head, he could only look up at it!

The golden low-grade rock spirit is seven meters high and almost five meters wide.

You can tell at a glance, he is a solid guy!

The Spirit of Rock stood in front of Xu Chengfeng. Its huge body and gray-white icy rock mass brought a great sense of oppression to Xu Chengfeng.

He looked at the attribute panel of the spirit of rock again:

[Name]: Spirit of Rock

[Talent]: 1 rock manipulation (f)

[Loyalty]: 100

[Attribute]: Rock

[Level]: Gold low grade

[Skills]: 1 Rock Manipulation, 2 Rock Hardening, 3 Great Strength, 4 Heavy Attack, 5 Heavy Stone Armor.

The main defense and strength, Xu Chengfeng is still quite satisfied.

"Wait for me, let me make some helpers for you!"

With that said, Xu Chengfeng began to get busy on this island.

One after another, the silver low-grade rock spirits stood up from where he passed.

Consuming another 1920 energy points, Xu Chengfeng activated thirty silver low-grade rock spirits.

Now, Xu Chengfeng has four combat troops in his hands.

Two armies defend the mainland of the island.

They are the Clay Army and the Rock Army.

A navy, responsible for reconnaissance and naval warfare, that is, the water spirit force.

There is also an Air Force Feng Ling unit responsible for reconnaissance and air combat.

Xu Chengfeng activated the rock troops. In addition to strengthening the defense, the most important thing is that he felt that after the trees and soil were dug out of these islands, there were still rocks left...

A little pity!

Rocks can be used to pave roads, build houses, and reinforce islands…

Why stay?

He doesn't have many rocks on the island now. Most of them have been taken away by the spirit of the island to stabilize the island. It's actually quite good to take some rocks and save them.

"From today onwards, you will be called the head of the rock, responsible for leading other rock spirits to fight!"

"Yes, Master!"

"The first task is to take away the rocks on this island. We will leave tomorrow. We can take as much as we can!"

"Yes, Master!"

Rock spirits are good at rock manipulation, they can even gather broken rocks into neat stone bricks, and it is quite easy to transport the rocks on this island.

Returning to his island, when passing by the stone house, Xu Chengfeng found that the artificial lake was almost filled.

In the artificial lake, the spirit of the holy spring swims freely.

Seeing Xu Chengfeng, the Spirit of Holy Spring swam over quickly: "Master, raise me some fish!"

Last time Xu Chengfeng punished the Spirit of the Holy Spring, and the Spirit of the Holy Spring was angry for a day for this.

But the next day, when Xu Chengfeng got up, the Spirit of Holy Spring began to greet him warmly again.

This guy is very forgetful.

Hearing the request of the Spirit of Holy Spring, Xu Chengfeng asked with a smile, "What? Do you want to raise fish ponds? Or do you want to be a sea king?"

"fish culture!"

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng thought about it now, the Spirit of the Holy Spring should not know this stalk, "I will help you collect some freshwater fish and algae."

"Thank you master!"

Xu Chengfeng thought about it for a while, but he still prefers to raise native fishes in the island world.

However, freshwater fish are not common in the newcomer island world.

So, he opened the World Communication Channel and said:

"Acquisition of some native freshwater fish species in the island world, algae plants for fish farming, and species in the island world, if there are any, please contact me for a price interview!"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng spoke, he was naturally topped by Island World.

Many new island owners who paid attention to the World Communication Channel were all excited when they saw Xu Chengfeng's news.

"Why did Island Master Xu buy freshwater fish? Want to eat fish?"

"It's definitely fish farming!"

"Damn! I was pumping the small lake on the island with three water pumps. I wanted to drain the trees and planted trees, but Boss Xu wanted to grow fish on the island instead? What kind of world is this?"

"This is the realm gap!"

"Boss Xu, is there nothing to do?"

"Fish raising? I don't understand! Didn't you say that there should be more trees?"

"If you want to be rich, build roads first! Less children and more trees! Planting trees is right!"

"Boss Xu is already rich enough to flow oil!"


After the advertisement was over, just when Xu Chengfeng was about to leave, Gan Yanlei, who had not appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared and paid him back.

Gan Yanlei of Longguo: "Xu Chengfeng of Longguo: Boss Xu, do you want to raise fish?"

Long Guo Xu Chengfeng: "Yes, I just dug a pond to raise some fish!"

Tong Mu and Gan Yanlei are both outstanding among the new island owners of the Dragon Kingdom.

Xu Chengfeng had contact with Gan Yanlei, but it was a long time ago.

Gan Yanlei also persuaded him not to get too many aborigines at the time, which was definitely out of good intentions.

Xu Chengfeng felt that this person was not bad.

Gan Yanlei of the Long Kingdom: "There used to be a big lake on my island. There were a lot of fish in it. I was going to drain it. I want to ask, how big is your pond and how many freshwater fish you need... I can send it to you for free."

The island owner of the beautiful country who gloated over the misfortune said: "Gan Yanlei is in trouble now, maybe Willson will overtake him soon!"

"That's right, Gan Yanlei is really unlucky, such a small probability event can happen!"

"There is a big lake on the island, which is not a good thing."

"That's right, the forest is the resource, and it would be unlucky to encounter a lake!"

"If it wasn't for the consortium behind Gan Yanlei, he would definitely not be in the top five!"

"Who makes people lucky and is the fourth person in the world to become an island owner? The consortium just likes it!"

"If the artificial lake is not disposed of quickly, his development should be greatly affected!"


Seeing Gan Yanlei's news, Xu Chengfeng couldn't help but reply: "Free? Then why would you be embarrassed... Otherwise, give me all the things in your lake!"

Just for free, Xu Chengfeng was embarrassed to refuse.

After all, this is what people want.

Gan Yanlei of Longguo: "Xu Chengfeng of Longguo: Boss Xu, my lake is 03 square kilometers. Can your small fish pond support so many fish?"

Xu Chengfeng of the Dragon Country: "Gan Yanlei of the Dragon Country: Haha! The artificial lake I dug is 1 square kilometer, and your fish is not enough... I have to go to other places to buy some..."