
Chapter 42: 256 cubic meters of space! Atmospheric boss Xu!

Now, among the new island owners, only Xu Chengfeng has the ability to clean up the demonized beasts in the low-level development scrolls.

As long as Xu Chengfeng can help, they can get the island seeds a few months in advance, or even half a year.

This is very important for the new island owner.

For those island owners who plan to develop their own islands, this is even more important!

Xu Chengfeng continued to clean up the demonized beasts frantically, and after obtaining three low-level island seeds, he continued to help the last Dragon Country Island Master to complete the task.

So, after a whole day, Xu Chengfeng got nearly 2,000 energy points, as well as a lot of soil, rocks, dry trees and other fragmentary resources.

There is not much dirt and rocks, but it can be used to increase the thickness of the island soil and act as a building material.

Dry trees can be used as firewood, and he is reluctant to burn the trees in his own family.

These resources may seem fragmented, but what to say?

Yes, it's better than nothing!

If you want to transport it from Blue Star, you will not only have to pay, but also pay tolls to Island World.

After clearing six low-level development scroll tasks in one day, Xu Chengfeng was very tired, but when he saw the energy points and merit points, he was very satisfied.

Another full day!

With a little more energy, Xu Chengfeng consumed 192 points of energy to upgrade the Spirit of Space, a low-grade silver, to a high-grade silver.

The skills of Space Spirit have not changed much, but its storage space has been directly increased from 64 cubic meters to 256 cubic meters.

It quadrupled directly!

This means that the next time he enters the Broken World, he can take more resources from the low-level island seeds.

In a good mood, Xu Chengfeng returned to the town construction site, and directly took out a hundred catties of bronze-level demonized beast meat and handed it over to chef Geng Rui: "You can deal with it, treat everyone today, and have a good meal!"

Geng Rui excitedly said, "Okay, Lord Island Master!"

Chen Xinping said with a smile, "I'll let everyone know that the boss will treat them with bronze-level demonized beast meat."

"Does it work?"

"Many ordinary workers have eaten synthetic meat at most, not to mention demonized beast meat, what do you think?" Chen Xinping said with a smile, "Maybe, people with good qualifications can awaken to become capable people! "

In fact, these ordinary workers are not the worst.

At least they can still find a job and don't have to live off the nutritional creams that are given out for free by the government.

Sure enough, after Chen Xinping notified the workers, the entire construction site was boiling.

"Island master atmosphere!"

"Sure enough, the new king!"

"The food here is like heaven, I really want to live on the island!"

"I heard that people who want to apply for immigration to this island have blocked the main street of the company, but the deputy island owner's review is extremely strict, and the quota is deducted..."

"The newcomers are all powerful, and their island is the safest and has the best prospects for development!"

"That's right! This is the island of the newcomer king. I heard that the island owner now occupies the first place in the three rankings, and the second place can't even see the tail lights of the island owner. Most of the mainstream media in the world have admitted that the island owner Xu No one has been the strongest newcomer to the island over the past 50 years... All those who want to immigrate want to immigrate to the island of the island owner Xu!"

"I heard that the island owner has no plans to accept too many people for the time being!"

"The island has just developed, and of course it's impossible to accept too many people."

"Alas! People like us don't have a chance at all. At the very least, we have to think about professionals with strong professional skills like Chen Gong and Chef Geng, before we can get a chance to squeeze in!"

"It would be great if I could persevere during the Island Master's assessment back then!"


Even the middle-class Blue Star like Jian Tianshuo and Chen Jianjun couldn't help drooling when they heard that they were going to eat Bronze-level Warcraft meat.

Even though they used to be the middle class of Blue Star, but they have eaten only a handful of demonized beast meat in their lives, and they are all dipped in the light of the real big boss.

As for the Bronze Rank Demonized Beast Meat, I'm sorry, they haven't eaten it.

Chef Geng was on fire, and the two apprentices cooperated fully.

Geng Rui's superb cooking skills, combined with various spices from Blue Star, made the workers at the construction site stunned by the rich meat aroma.

When it was time to eat, all the workers were drooling and lined up, waiting for the meal.

"How much can you divide?"

"One piece is good, one piece is good!"

"Yes! If I can eat one slice, I can blow it for the rest of my life!"

"Damn... what is that?"

All the people in line looked at the first worker who came out with a lunch box.

To be precise, he was staring at the food box in his hand.

Inside the food box, the meat is piled up like a hill, and there are two lonely radishes...

Chef Geng's son knocked on the iron bucket and said, "Today there is only meat, and there is no time to cook anything else. The island owner said that this meat is full, and you can beat it after eating, but don't waste it!"


"Am I right?"

"Eat what you want?"

"Brother, why are you crying?"


Xu Chengfeng treats guests, naturally it is impossible to be stingy.

He also felt that these civil engineering people worked hard. In his last life, he persisted at the construction site for three months, and then decided to run away with a bucket.

Two hundred catties of meat was not much to him.

The flesh on a bronze-level demonized beast is seven or eight hundred pounds.

There are more than 30 workers on the construction site, and 200 catties of meat are definitely not enough.

If you can't finish it, that's right!

When entertaining guests, if the guests eat all the food, Xu Chengfeng feels very embarrassed...

This is a common problem for the people of the Dragon Kingdom.