
Section 1

He smiled lightly...

It was as if he had entered a blind alley, he could not get away from the thoughts that formed in his mind. Why was she still thinking, even though she knew that she could not help herself.

Wouldn't Aslan Saraçlı have wanted it?

If he wanted, he could mobilize all of Mardin and do what he wanted, but this time it was different. How could he bring a girl his family didn't want to his home.

Actually, this was not the only problem. The real problem was how to persuade Deniz to marry him. It would not be like this because he would face a girl who did not know him yet and would say how he would marry me.

She sighed quietly, there was no turning back, this love should have been her. But how, what was he supposed to do, how was he going to be, how could he convince the Sea while he was struggling with so many problems in his mind ...

2 months ago:

He was so tired that he wanted to go to Istanbul early and listen. When the door was knocked, he delayed his thinking. His secretary Derya, whom he had hired four months ago, entered.

Derya was a tall, fair-skinned, nice woman compared to a girl. But he was not someone the Lion could love. He started speaking with his Nahif voice.

- "Aslan Bey, will Mr. Demir come to the meeting?"

-"Yes." he said in his cold and thick voice.

Derya called out just as she was leaving the room.

- "Send Demir to my room."

- "All right, Mr. Aslan."

Just as he was about to return to his thoughts, a curse shook as the door suddenly opened. Of course, the only person who could enter this way was Demir.

Anyway, no one but Demir would enter Aslan's room like that. He stood up calmly and sat in the seat opposite his desk. When Demir came and sat in front of him, he got to the point without further ado.

- "I'm not going to Istanbul by plane."

- "Brother, you are crazy, I suppose we will go to Istanbul together, and Boran will not come to Istanbul anyway?"

-"The future, you are going by plane and I am going by car."

- "Why is that." asked Demir with curious eyes.

- "I need to listen head."

Demir looked at her best friend's face mockingly.

- "Brother come, let's clear your head at the bar, forget about driving, your father and Nasuh will not allow such a thing."

- "I'll tell my fathers that I'm going by plane." she said coldly. Although he knew his name, his father and grandfather would not believe it.

Demir among your laughter,

- "Definitely Uncle Bedir and Nasuh agha would believe it immediately."

- "Brother, whether they believe it or not, I will pack my bag in the evening and leave early, so you come before the meeting." he said and stood up.

Demir got up from behind and called from behind.

- "So be it, Mr. Aslan, see you in Istanbul."


*In Deniz's narration*

Ever since I was little, I like the morning run. Some days when I go to work at noon, I get dressed before Esin gets up to prepare breakfast, go to the beach not far from our house and run there.

Again, as always, I was startled by the ringing of my phone as I got up and got dressed.

The caller is of course Buraktı, my boyfriend. I immediately picked up the phone without holding any further calls.

- "Good Morning." he said as always in his cheerful voice.

- "Good Morning."

- "We are very early in the morning run again."

- "Yes, you know I like to stay fit."

- "Did you have breakfast at least? Tell me you didn't, please." He said hesitantly.

- "No, I was planning to do it after the run."

- "Do you have to run today?" he asked nervously.

Usually Burak did not speak so nervously, something had happened for sure and I was really curious about it. I asked, succumbing to my curiosity.

- "Did something happen? You look a little nervous."

He answered after a short silence.

- "I'll tell you when I come."

- "OK."

- "OK." He said and hung up where we would meet. I immediately put on my black denim skirt and white sweater. I tidy my hair and left home after wearing a light makeup.

After walking for a while, I took the first taxi I saw and set off to go to where we were going to meet. After a short while, the taxi stopped in front of the cafe. After paying the taxi fare, I immediately entered the cafe, looking for Burak, sat in an empty place and started to deal with my phone.

Not long after, Burak also came. I started talking after I said breakfast.

- "So what were you going to talk to me, what was the important issue, dear."

- "I don't know how to say it."

- "I'm going to England."

- "Why, why are you going for?" I said monotonously.

After a short silence. He started talking again.

- "I have no reason to stay here anymore. I am very bored, Deniz, I want to go."

Now the voices around me were buzzing at me. What was he talking about now? Was he leaving me? How ridiculous, he wouldn't leave me after all these years and Burak wouldn't do it either.

- "Are you leaving me?" I asked crying.

- "Yes, understand, now I'm bored. It doesn't work anymore, Deniz don't you understand?"