
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Tigress Aanya

(3rd Person View)

In the industrial harbor area of Busan, a couple of black SUVs made their way down a street. Inside one of them, in the backseat, a young blonde woman sat while looking at her tablet and drinking boba tea from a cup.

She frowned at the contents of her tablet, "Hm.." She said as the driver looked at her through the rearview mirror

"Something the matter, Miss Sarah?" he asked

"Yes." Sarah said, "She has a lot to do, today. And she is not even in Daegu, as requested."

They then made a stop next to an old building. The driver then looked at the building and studied it. It was a two story building made out of brick, nothing too special and looked very unsuspecting.

Sarah looked at it and finished her tea.

"Oh well, lets see if she's awake." she said as she opened the door and got out the truck

The driver followed her as they both went inside.

As they walked through the singular front door, they came into an large and open room that had plenty of gym equipment. Plenty of weight stations and several punching bags hanging from the ceilings. In the middle of the room, on the bench press station, a large and muscular man was doing a couple of reps, without a spotter mind you.

Sarah and the driver walked up to him, "Ahem." sarah called out

Suddenly, the man stopped and placed the weights back. He sat up and looked at his visitors. He had a serious look on his face. He then stood up and sarah saw him in his whole view. He was korean, around 6'1, and was very built. He had the look of the type of guy you would see in a bar stopping fights by just being there. All in all, very rugid looking.

"Can I help you?" He said

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "Call The Tigress." She told him, "She has work to do."

The man looked down at her, their difference in height was obvious as Sarah stood a foot shorter than her.

"If there isn't an attack, then she is not to be bothered." he said sternly, "So I suggest you go back to wherever you came from, girl. The rest of the men will be here in an hour."

Sarah gave a sly smile, "Oooh, men." she said, "What will they do? Lay a finger on me? I suggest they try to see what happens. My driver here will rip their fingers off if they do so."

The driver was silently standing behind Sarah the whole time and even if he was actually taller than her, just by a couple of inches, he was still shorter than the man.

The man scoffed, "Oh?"

Before anything else was said, a large bang was heard behind him.

Sarah and the driver looked past him as the man did not even even react.

Then a door that was in the back opened and a woman walked out.

"Ah for crying out loud.." she said as she stumbled into view

She was a brown skinned woman, about 5'10 with dark hair that was tied in a ponytail. You could also see that she was quite muscular as well but not as much as the big man that stood in front of Sarah. She was wearing nothing but a tanktop and shorts and she had a sleepy look on her face.

She looked at Sarah who was merely staring at her, "Oh, You." she merely said

"Aanya, you are awake?" Sarah asked

"Barely." Aanya said as she walked past them and made here way to a table that was by a wall

She grabbed a bottle of orange juice that was sitting atop of the table and started chugging down what was left of it.

"What do you want?" she asked

Sarah looked at her watch and then at her, "It's 12:30pm, Aanya." she said, "Don't you gotta be up earlier than that?"

Aanya shrugged as she leaned on the table and looked at them, "No."

She then saw as the big man was still looming over Sarah.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh for goodness sake, Peter." she said, "Go take a walk or something, you're being a creep by standing over the girl."

Sarah looked back at Peter who merely walked away.

"Geez, I already spoke to your husband about that habit of yours, man." Aanya said as she grabbed a half-eaten honey bun from a plate, "Sorry about him."

Sarah chuckled, "No worries." She walked over to her, "But do get changed, we have a busy day."

Aanya groaned, "How busy?"

Sarah handed her the tablet, "See for yourself." She told her as Aanya took the tablet, "Right now, Michael is having lunch with the CEO and is apologizing for him flying to Texas and beating up a pyromaniac."

"At least he's having fun." Aanya grumbled, "I can't fly or swim fast so I can't go to America and beat criminals up."

"Well, we do need you here grounded just in case something comes up." Sarah said

Aanya frowned at the contents of the tablet, "Oh geez, a public presentation?" she said, "Why? I don't wanna."

Sarah shook her head, "It's your turn, Tigress." she said, "Besides, You're 4th in Popularity so the crowd will be massive if you show up."

"How to be safe in the streets of Daegu" Aanya read from the tablet, "That's some bull, I am stationed in Busan, not Daegu."

"I know, just roll with it." Sarah replied

Aanya kept reading and then her eyes lit up, "Oh!" she said, "The charity event! We're finally partnering up with Kpop groups? Yes! Sarah, please pair me up with Twice, I beg of you!"

She grabbed Sarah's shoulder with one of her hand while the other held the tablet. She had an excited look on her face like that of a child on Christmas Day.

"I don't know who you guys are partnering up with, Aanya." Sarah shook her hand off, "All I know is that its some of you Guardians and a couple of High and Low ranking heroes."

Aanya handed her the tablet, "I'll go get changed, wait for me on the truck." she said before walking away

Sarah sighed, "I knew the charity event would excite her."


They were later in the trucks driving through the streets of Busan, trying to get to the main road to exit the city.

Aanya and Sarah sat in the backseat while Sarah was looking at the tablet and Aanya looked out the window.

"I sure hope trouble doesn't start while I am gone." Aanya said

"Relax, Shockwave is in town so he'll handle it." Sarah assured him

"Oh that doofus? Please." Aanya scoffed, "He cannot handle loosing his shock gauntlets much less an entire city to protect. It is beyond me how he even is a frigging HIgh Rank Hero."

Sarah looked at her and smiled, "Well, he is no Guardian like yourself." She said, "But he is capable, so cut him some slack."

Aanya rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Sarah then handed her the table, "Look, this is an article from America that covers the incident in Texas."

Aanya took the tablet and read the contents.

"Hm, a pyromaniac." she said, "Appeared out of nowhere, that's odd. Surely there must've been a warning."

Sarah shook her head, "Nope." she said, "Witnesses say he appeared out of thin air and started the attack. Conveniently, Michael was in the area flying around. Apparently, he says the superhuman was also confused as to where he was."

"No idea where he was and his first reaction was to blow up a car." Aanya said, "What a scumbag. So, Michael took him down?"

"Yes." Sarah replied, "Didn't last long."

"I see." Aanya said, "It does bother me that he appeared out of thin air. Someone must've teleported him there?"

Sarah shrugged, "I don't know. No signs of the usual teleportation distortion." she said, "Literally poofed into place."

Aanya frowned, "That's odd."


Aanya looked at her, "So, what other Guardians are attending the event?" she asked

Sarah crossed her arms, "Well, Energy is busy patrolling the skies ever since the terrorist group made those threats so I doubt she'll show." she said, "Taejoon is a given considering he loves parties. Michael is supposed to but who knows if he will. My money is on yes because The CEO probably scolded him for Texas."

Aanya nodded, "I bet he will too."

Sarah looked at her, "Not a lot of High and Low rank heroes will attend since they wanna patrol their territories." She said, "Seoul is on a tight schedule because of our Vampire wanting to keep things good."

"Yep, poor guy overworks himself." Aanya said

"And the others are up to guessing." Sarah said, "I know for a fact the Big Man won't show up. He rarely does."

Aanya looked outside and watched as the buildings passed by.

"Well, can you blame him?" she said, "People freak out too much when he's around."

Sarah sighed, "I just wish he could visit HQ once in a while." she said, "Newer employees are starting to believe he does not even exist."

Aanya laughed, "Ha!" she said, "Well, he does and they should be glad he does."

"Without him, Many lives would've been gone."

Aanya is a member of The Ten Guardians of Purgatory; the ten strongest heroes of the organization.

She could be very eccentric sometimes and her main drive is having a good brawl.

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