
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Rampaging Titan

(Taejoon's POV)

"Hey, stranger!" I told the Dreadfyre guy

He looked back at me.

"You can leave if you want." I said as I walked past him, "I'll handle this."

I saw as he smiled slightly, "Don't be foolish." He said, "I do not retreat from a fight."

Before I can say anything, I instinctively dodged as Wraith punched the air where I stood. I saw as the force of that punch was enough to send a shockwave that staggered the stranger.

She then looked at me with her cold blue eyes, there was nothing but killing intent in them. As she tried to straighten up, I drew my blade and swung at her.

"Take this!" I said but to my shock, that attack was nothing

Wraith caught my blade with her bare hands and looked at me with a serious expression. She then looked at my sword and smiled slightly. Her genuine smile still gave me the chills.

"This blade is perfectly made." she said, "It didn't break as soon as I squeezed it a bit. I wonder how much pressure will it take to snap..."

Then before she could do anything, I saw Amily's foot strike her in the temple, causing a shockwave that staggered me. The attack loosened Wraith's grip on my blade, allowing me to pull it away. The titan was reeled to her side a bit. She was more surprised than anything at Amily kicking her.

"You.." She said before the stranger appeared in front of her

I saw him with his right arm extended and his fingertips were touching her chest in a vertical position. His left hand was still in his pocket as he looked at Wraith without saying a word. I immediately knew what he was readying up for.

"What do you-" she said before a massive shockwave erupted from the point he had his hand on her chest

She was sent flying backward as I saw the stranger forming a fist where she stood. He didn't move an inch.

I stared in surprise, "The one-inch punch?" I told him, "You used Fajin in that position?"

I heard Amily pant heavily, "That was most impressive."

The stranger then pulled out his left hand out of his pocket. He then took a step forward and placed both his hands at his sides.

"The name is Ryuki, Heroes of Purgatory." He said, "I will now partake in the battle against The Rampaging Titan, Wraith. If you wish to fight alongside me, feel free to do so."

I then saw a blur flash to him and he immediately parried Wraith's punch with his elbow. Then, with the same elbow, I saw him strike Wraith in the face which sent her reeling back.

I readied my blade and lunged immediately. As I reached her, I swung at her vertically which she merely sidestepped. She looked at me and I dodged her hyper-fast kick. I was afraid of what that could've done to me if it connected.

As in cue, I saw Amilly lung at her and hit her with a jumping sidekick that hit her straight in the chest. She took the kick, but she managed to grab her leg almost immediately.

My stomach then dropped, "Amily!"

Amily didn't seem to care though, as I saw as she swung her other leg even in that awkward position. Wraith caught the other kick as well, but I was already on her with my blade sheathed and in a readied stance.

"Let her go." I hissed

I saw Wraith widen her eyes a bit and immediately hurled Amily away, but I was already attacking.

I drew my blade and swung it only for her to duck down. The force of the attack was enough to cut through the concrete pillars she was near. I messed up, those pillars might collapse and part of the building could go down.

I scowled, "Damn!"

I then felt a powerful fist hit me in the stomach really hard. And I mean really really hard. The force of the punch was strong enough to send me flying backward. I thought I was gonna hit a wall or something but I felt someone catch me.

"Don't stay close to her for too long!" I heard Ryuki say as I fell to the ground clutching my stomach, "Her attacks are too strong."

I gagged for air as I tried to get back up, "Easy....for you to say..." I managed as I looked around for Amily

I saw she was laying down on her stomach as she tried to get up. She was starting to look paler than before which was really worrying.

Ryuki then walked in front of me and patted his coat's sleeves, "Listen." He said, "She is strong. But you worry too much about your companion and the collateral of this building. God Sword Taejoon, you are strong enough to take her on. I know you are. The Chief knows it as well. So quit holding back."

I scowled at him, "You think I am holding back?" I said, "And how the fuck am I not gonna worry about Amily and the mall? Do you have any idea how much money this will cost to fix?! It won't be cheap if the building goes down!"

He sighed, "If you want me to take her on, I will." He said, "But you are the Hero, Taejoon."

Before I could respond, I felt someone grasp my shoulder. I turned my head to see Wraith's icy blue eyes looking at me.

"You boys done talking?" She said as she clutched my shoulder

She then picked me up and raised me in the air with one arm no less.

"What in the-" I exclaimed

"Shut your mouth and die!" I heard her say

She was about to slam me down on the ground when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Ryuki lunging at her and kicking her in the chest, sending her flying, not without letting go of me.

I landed on my feet and readied my blade as I saw Wraith fly towards us with tremendous speed. Ryuki stepped in front of me and parried another punch of hers with his elbow. Something that Wraith didn't like apparently.

Ryuki then grabbed her wrist and in a flick of his wrist, flipped Wraith around in the air.

"Now!" he shouted

I then sheathed my blade immediately and readied a stance.

"Cross Guild Mark!" I shouted as I flashed past her in the air and felt the shockwave of the attack

I landed and turned around to see Wraith still in the air floating. I noticed on her back where the cross-shaped slash had landed, that there was a bit of blood coming out. I saw as Wraith straightened herself in midair and looked at me.

"You bastard." She hissed, "You ripped my shirt."

I was a bit taken aback at this but then I remembered that she was a titan and possessed the ability of flight.

"I must commend you, though." She said, "You bypassed my invulnerability. So that means you're no pushover."

She then hurled herself at me but I had already jumped away. I saw as she punched the ground and then glared at me. She lunged at me again only for Amily to jump between us, emitting an aura.

"Amily, don't!" I exclaimed

I saw a shockwave erupt from Wraith's chest which stopped her in her tracks. She had been struck by one of Amily's invisible attacks. But it didn't seem to have done much damage to the titan who only looked annoyed.

"What is this?" she said

I readied my blade and was about to lung before I saw Amily swing another kick at her. This one was stopped by Wraith who grabbed it with ease.

"Dumb girl." Wraith said coldly before she swung Amily down to the ground

She smashed her to the ground as I lunged at her but all I received was a really fast kick that hit me square in the chest and send me crashing across the ground.

"Ugh!" I let out as I instantly got back up

I then saw as Wraith stomped Amily on her stomach. Amily coughed up a lot of blood as she clutched the titan's leg.

"Amily!" I shouted as I began to run to her

I then saw Ryuki behind Wraith as he swung a roundhouse at her only for her to block it with her arm.

I lunged and swung my blade at her only for her to catch it with her free hand. She grasped it tight enough for me to be unable to pull it free.

Still looking down at Amily who was coughing up blood, Wraith sighed, "You lot aren't worth the trouble." She said

I saw Ryuki pull back and swing another kick at her only for her to release my sword, reach for my collar, grab me and fling me toward Ryuki all in a swift motion, to my damn shock.

I crashed against him and we both fell to the ground. I felt him push me off and I immediately stood back up.

I saw as she picked Wraith up by her shirt and smiled slightly.

Lunging at her, I swung my blade only for it to be blocked by her free arm. I felt as if I struggled to even cut her thick and invulnerable skin.

She then looked at me, "Oh?" She said, "Is your ki faltering? Can't cut me? You were capable before, why can't you now?"

She then hurled Amily away and I saw as she crashed against the wall and fell to the ground.

"Damn you!" I said as I pulled back and tried to swing at her

She sent me flying with another kick and I crashed against the wall behind me and fell. I then got up to one knee and gritted my teeth.

First, it was Manti-Gore, now Wraith. This was starting to become a bad day. I am not one to ask for backup but for desperate measures...

I looked up to see Wraith cracking her knuckles.

"I must say." She said, "Your body is quite sturdy. Taking my attacks easily."

I didn't say anything but stood up. She then lunged at me.

Then, before she reached me, a bright ball of light crashed down in front of me and clashed with her. I covered my eyes due to the shockwave and the light.

"What the?!" I exclaimed as I squinted my eyes to try to see what was going on

Within the light, I saw Wraith struggling against a figure. Both her fists were caught by another and I saw the look on her face as she tried to overpower the newcomer. The light then slowly died out and a saw a blonde woman with her black uniform facing the Rampaging Titan.

I then let out a sigh of relief, "Oh man." I said as I slouched a little, "You're a sight for sore eyes, aren't you?"
