
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The God Sword Taejoon

Taejoon's POV

"Alright!" I smiled as I walked towards the mirror in my room, "Lets get ready for this event."

I looked at myself in the mirror and man was I in for a treat. I stood tall at a solid 6'1, pretty tall for an average korean male. My black hair was nicely done in a modern mullet with some light brown streaks. And no, not in those ridiculous american 80's style, mine is more lowkey, google it to see a somewhat similar description.

I wore a black suit with a fur coat over the suit, I did not have my arms in the sleeves of the coat so it was draped on me like a cape. It looks really cool, like those Marine guys from One Piece. Yes I took inspiration from that.

I smirked as I looked at myself, "Hehe, we about to have a good time." I said to myself

I turned around and walked towards the door. Before I reached it, I stopped. I looked at the table next to me and saw my round sunglasses laying on it. They looked like the ones John Lennon.

"Cannot forget my shades." I said as I picked them up and put them on, "Oh and my baby, where is she at."

I looked around to see if my sword was somewhere. I then looked by the door and saw it leaning on the umbrella rack.

"Ah, there she is." I said as I reached for it, "What kind of swordsman am I if I forget you every time I go somewhere?

I picked up and put it through the belt in my pants. I made sure the belt wasn't fastened on too tight so I can sheath my blade in it. Not like it matters anyway. I could have someone hold it for me at the event. I might actually do that, what are the odds there is trouble?

I then cleared my throat and opened the door, "Alright." I said as I walked out, "Showtime."


"Taejoon!" a voice called out for me

I turned around to see one of our Low Rank heroes walk up towards me.

He was wearing a suit but wearing his bright red cap. I realized it was one of those cap wearing guys that group up and fight active criminals around the country. Despite their unusual uniform choice, they are quite strong and can handle themselves.

"Yo." I greeted him

We were already at the venue, I was in the lobby of the salon where the event was taking place. Apparently, I was a bit early and many of our employees were still looming around getting things ready.

"It's been a while since we have seen each other." he said as he reached me, "I am not sure if you recognize me. I am Red Cap #6."

I raised an eyebrow, "Really? You guys number each other?" I asked, "That is very odd. How hasn't Purgotary fixed that."

He chuckled, "Well #1 kinda requested them not to." he said, "He is sort of our leader, despite technically being equals in Purgatory. There's 8 of us and we're still Low Rank."

I shrugged, "You guys aren't pushovers I tell you that." I said, "So don't beat yourself up over it."

He bowed, "Thank you for that, sir!"

"Ah no need for that." I patted him in the back, "Let's have some fun, its a party anyways."

I pushed him with me as I walked towards the main hall where the party is supposed to happen.

"If you say so." #6 said as we walked, "By the way, how many of you Guardians are showing up?"

"Beats me." I said as we dodged incoming staff, "As long as I am here, it don't matter who else is. I am the light of the party, after all."

He laughed nervously, "I guess so." He said, "I am looking forward to meeting the rest if possible. It's not too often I get to see any other Guardian besides yourself. I am actually a fan of Amily so I would love an autograph."

I looked at him, "Oh her?" I said before shaking my head, "Oh she won't be here."

He frowned, "No?"

"No, today marks the 17th year anniversary of her gramps' passing." I explained, "So she kinda wants to have day to herself. He really meant a lot to her."

"Ah, well..." he said before looking a bit sad, "That is unfortunate. My wishes for her family."

I nodded, "Yea. It kinda sucks that this event was schedule for that specific day." I said, "I love it when Amily is at a party. I have a blast convincing her to drink with me. Its literally the funniest shit ever, man."

We made our way to a table and offered him to sit down. He sat down and I did the same. I checked my watch to see the time. It was 6:35pm so it was still early for everyone to show up and get the thing started. Hopefully no group gets here late. The event is supposed to start at 7:10.

I looked at one of the staff, "Hey, can I have something to drink here?" I asked her, "Preferably some Bourbon, pretty please?"

She stopped and bowed apologetically, "My apologies sir, I have strict orders from The CEO to not serve any alcohol to you before the event starts." She said

I frowned, "Eh?"

She bowed again, "I am sorry." she said before hurriedly leaving

#6 looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Seems your mother does not want you to start anything yet."

I looked at him, "How do you know she's my mom?"

"Oh, uhm, its common knowledge amongst us heroes that you're Lady Hyejin's son." he said shakily

I sighed, "oh well."

My mother is in fact the CEO and founder of Purgatory. She could be quite strict sometimes. Especially when it comes to my partying habits. Can't help myself, though; I love having fun.

A lot of people say that I am spoiled and everything but I don't really know if I am or not. I just do what I want sometimes.

I do in fact take my duties seriously. I am there in the frontlines when people need me to and that is all that matters to the public.

"So, I heard Twice is showing up." #6 said, "Is that true?"

I nodded, "yea, but they're not performing." I said, "BTS and Taemin are. We are keeping the performances to a minimum, trying not to drag this out too much."

"Ah, I see." He said, "I hope I get paired up with them, I am a big fan..."

I chuckled, "They're kind girls, I'll tell you that." I said as I leaned back

"You ever saved them from a criminal attack?" he asked me, "Like all cool-looking and all."

I looked at him. This guy was a real good guy from what I can tell. He is a capable fighter and everything. Part of a weird cap wearing group, yes, but ultimately has a good heart from what it seems.

I smiled slightly, "No." I responded, "Fortunately for them, they have never been in a situation where they required I, Taejoon, to save them."

"Ah, that's good then." he said, "I just wanna say that I would be willing to save them from anyone, if needed."

I patted his shoulder, "Man, if you do, you'd be the luckiest person in the world." I told him, "Not many have the privilege of saving Twice."

He laughed, "You can say that again!"

He then pulled out his phone and looked at it, frowned and then looked around us as if he was looking for someone.

"What's the matter?" I asked

He shook his head, "Nothing." He said, "It's just that #4 was supposed to show up as well, but I have not seen him or gotten any messages from him."

"Huh, maybe he'll be here when the event starts." I assured him, "It is still early."

He nodded in agreement.

He then looked at his phone again and stared at it for a while. I could tell he was worried for his partner. Maybe something went wrong and he couldn't make it. I suppose it wasn't an attack and if it was, the Red Caps are capable of dealing with low level thugs with ease.

"I guess it's nothing. He did say his stomach was feeling wrong these days." He said, "He could be stuck in the toilet as we speak."

I chuckled, "Perhaps." I said

I was gonna say something else when I heard someone call out to me.

"Taejoon, you bastard!" I turn to see Aanya walk up to me, "You're here early."

I smirked and nodded at her, "You're one to talk." I said while noticing she was wearing a dark dress shirt and pants, "Oh? Not like you to wear something fancy."

She rolled her eyes, "I know, right?" She said, "Denim is my kind of thing but I have to look good for Twice, you know."

#6 gasped, "Miss Aanya, you look forward to be partnered up with them as well?"

"Oh yea, I am the biggest Once, like not even joking." she said, "Did you know that while I was beating that guy Scarlett Flyer up, I was listening to Cheer Up. It was the best moment of last year, I tell you."

She then stopped herself and starting staring at #6, looking up and down at him.

"Huh, I thought you were #4." She said, "I tell you, the damn caps make you look alike. That and I am sure some of you are cousins."

#6 nodded, "Yea, #4 is actually my brother so we look alike in some ways." he said, "He should be running late. I am #6 by the way."

"Noted." Aanya merely said

#6 then looked at me as Aanya sat next to me, "So that makes two of the ten." he said, "That's good, no?"

I started tapping on the table, not having alcohol this late into the day makes me anxious, especially on a party.

Aanya yawned a little, "Well, Michael should be here too, but I suppose he will wait to make a flashy entrance." she said, "He does that to hype up the idols. They like him a lot. I find it funny that Taejoon here is second to him in popularity."

"I was supposed to be BTS' eight member, mind you." I grumbled, "And that foreign stud is still more popular than me."

"Ha! You? BTS' eight member? Please." She said, "You are too old for that, you're like 3 years older than Jin."

"Oh shut it." I said, "If it wasn't for me funding the company, they'd be nowhere."

#6 widened his eyes, "Really?"

Before I can answer, my phone started buzzing. I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket and checked who was calling me.

It was my mother.

"Shit." I muttered before picking up, "Hello?"

"Taejoon." I heard her voice through the phone, "Michael is the only one left to join the event. The rest will not join, unfortunately. So it is just you three."

"Surprise, surprise, what do you expect from the others?" I told her, "So I take it you want me to take control of the festivities?"

I heard nothing but a long silence before she could response.

"Yes, do as you will." She said, "You are the host, after all. I will not attend either."

I raised an eyebrow, "And why's that?"

"Your father." She said,

"That is all you need to know."

Hello, readers. I would like to apologize if I reference K-Pop a lot in this story, I understand that not a lot of people may not be a fan of the genre but I am a huge fan.

Worry not, It will not be much a focus later on but it will be brought up once in a while. It is just these early chapters that may seem unbearable to some of you, just be patient.

Thank you

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