
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Boat

Taejoon's POV

"You sure I shouldn't ask for backup?" I asked as I sat next to the window looking out to the docks

"You have me." I heard Cyberknight's voice in my earpiece

"Oh please, you don't have your drones here. Just a little camera on my shirt." I scoffed

"It's good enough." He said

It was night time, around 8 or 9. I had made my way to Busan Port alone and decide to do a stake out a good distance away inside a building and was looking through a window to spot any activity. So far, I hadn't see any movement but Cyberknight insisted that there would be something going down. He really trusted his intel.

He had me strap a camera shaped like a badge on my shirt so he could see what I see. I had an earpiece in order to communicate with him. This is something he always does with any other hero he needs to aid in a mission.

"Nah but seriously, we should've asked Aanya to be here." I said as I scanned the yard that was just outside the building, "This is her territory after all."

"These aren't Mujin's goons we will be dealing with." He stated, "These are Paperbag's. Aanya is busy dealing with the sudden surge of thugs from Mujin's gang."

Now that I think about it, He is right. Mujin has gotten bold as of late and has started making move. But what I don't understand is how the hell is Paperbag making moves in Mujin's territory as well. And how the hell did Aanya not pick up on it. She must have her hands full trying to get to Mujin. These damn gangsters are slimier than the usual superhumans we deal with on the daily.

"You sure the ship already got here?" I asked Cyberknight

"It did, you blind idiot." He said, "It's right there on the far left."

I looked to the far left and narrowed my eyes to focus on where he meant. I saw the ship from picture docked there.

"How long has it been there?" I asked totally not remembering seeing it arrive

"About 20 minutes." Cyberknight said, "But we haven't spotted movement yet."

I stared at the ship for a couple of seconds. He was right, there was no movement that I could spot from here, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything happening there.

"So, we wait a bit more?" i asked

"I guess so." Cyberknight answered

I sighed and reached for my bag next to me. From within it, I pulled out a bag of chips and a can of soda. I opened the bag and tossed a couple of them into my mouth and started chewing.

After a good minute of silence, I decided to make some small talk.

"So...when's the last time you had any sleep?" I asked him

"I don't remember, honestly." He responded

"Geez." I frowned, "That bad? Man at this point, you're a frigging AI."

"I guess so." He said, "Truthfully, I don't require that much sleep when my brain is basically a supercomputer. I do in fact require energy. So I am stocked up on food and water so it's all good."

I raised my eyebrows, "You don't use the bathroom?"

"I do." He said

"And how do you do that away from your gearing station?" I asked

"That's something that shouldn't concern you." He merely said

I chuckled, "Man, speaking of AI, you should create one in order to help you out. Some sort of assistant, you know." I stated, "We don't want you burning out."

"Hm, I don't know about that." He said, "I am doing fine on my own."

I looked outside the window again to see if there was any unusual movement; There still wasn't.

"No I get that, but don't you get tired?" I said

"I do." He said

"Then why not rest?" I asked

"Because I cannot rest." He said, "It's like telling Apex to rest. You know that he won't rest. It's the same with me. I cannot and will not rest. This country needs me to be on the clock at all times."

I sighed, "Such a workaholic, man." I said, "Apex is different. You can definitely make it easier for you but you choose not to. It's about time you change that mindset. Sooner or later, you will end up burning out. I know lately you have been on the constant grind to get this case solved, but we all have our limits."

"I understand." He said, "But I will not stop regardless."

I rolled my eyes, "I figured."

Then, before I could say anything else, I spotted something from afar. I looked all the way to the ship, I saw that on top of one of the containers, there was a figure turning a flashlight on and off constantly. Some sort of signal.

"Oh, we got something." I said

"Stay on guard." Cyberknight stated

I then noticed a vehicle pull up at the yard that was next to the building I was in. It stopped next to one of the cranes that move the containers from the ship. The docks behind it were filled with a maze of these containers, so many that it is a wonder how people make their way around this place.

The doors opened and a couple of men in white suits walked out. They stayed next to the vehicle, not moving from there, looking around to see their surroundings. It's as if they expect trouble or something.

"Paperbag's men?" I said aloud

"It would appear so." Cyberknight said, "But Paperbag does not seem to be among them."

He was right, none of them seemed to not be wearing a paperbag. Not sure if I am relieved or disappointed that someone doesn't have a damn paperbag on his head.

"Hm, I wonder what's up then?" I said

"What do you think you should do?" Cyberknight asked

"Not sure." I said, "I can't make a move if Paperbag hasn't arrived. Something does not seem right at all."

I kept my eye on the men, they did not move at all. My only guess is that they are waiting for someone.

Could be that the main man hasn't arrived yet.

Then, I saw some headlights in the far distance. Two more vehicles pulled up in front of the men, stopping as soon as they neared them. Then a couple of black-suited men got out of one ofthe vehicles and walked up to Paperbag's men.

They did not seem to be part of their group, in fact, they didn't even seem Korean. No, these guys were japanese. One of them was holding a tanto in his left hand, with a crimson red scabbard. Only one certain group in Japan carries such a signature.

I narrowed my eyes, "Yakuza...." muttered under my breath

"It appears that the Yamato family is somehow involved." Cyberknight said

"Yes." I said, "It appears so."

I then saw as from the other vehicle, a lone man walked out.

He was wearing a dark grey suit with a fur coat over it. He looked rather young, had brown hair with blonde streaks that was slicked back. He had a somewhat stoic yet serious look on his clean shaven face. He had his hands in his pockets as he slowly walked towards Paperbag's men. I recognized this man, no doubt about it.

"Ah shit, Cyberknight." I said, "Things are about to get a bit complicated, man."

"That's Yamato Tatsuya."