
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Reaching Mujin

Aanya's POV

After beating the hell out of the armed men, I made my way to the bar where Mujin had called me from. I am pretty sure that he must've moved since, but he couldn't have gotten far. The tracker was online for at least 20 minutes so I had time to track his movement.

I was running on foot at a rapid pace; I could've used one of the vehicles the thugs brought with them but the police were on their way to detain them so they needed all the evidence or whatever they need.

I checked the phone and saw that the dot wasn't moving at all.

"So, you must be confident in your men there, Mujin." I said as I sprinted down the streets, "You are gonna tell me everything you know."

Mujin confirmed to me that he is connected to the man wearing the paperbag. He isn't giving me any other information willingly; All I have to do is beat it out of him.

After minutes of running, I reached the bar in question. It was located in the corner of a street. It was quite small with its windows closed so I couldn't see anything inside. This told me that there could be a bunch of thugs waiting to ambush me.

There was nobody outside so that made it even more suspicious to me. I looked around me and only saw that the street and sidewalk was empty. There was nobody in sight.

"He must've had this block cleared." I muttered to myself, "Definitely expected a fight."

I took a step forward before hearing someone clearing their throat.

Looking back, I saw a large Korean man walking up to me wearing a grey trench coat. His round face covered with scars. Whatever he was, He has seen his fair of battle. I couldn't see his arms since the trench coat sleeves were waving around empty.

"And who are you supposed to be?" I asked as I faced him

He did not say a single word to me but quickly took off the trench coat. It fell on the ground while the man revealed he had a white muscle shirt covering his hairy body. He was large, as in fat type of large but even so, I saw his arms were nothing but pure muscle. He was those burly kind of guys that while being big, are extremely strong and manly.

He then cracked his neck as he looked at me with a very serious expression.

I smiled, "Oh?" I said as I raised my arms and placed them in a fighting position, "You wanna go? Well, go ahead. I do hope you're not like the rest of them. Don't break so easily."

Without saying a word, He raised his right arm and what I saw threw me for a loop. His frigging arm started to grow three times its regular size. And they were already big normally, what in the hell...

It's been a while since I've dealt with one but he's a body enlarging type superhuman. These types usually enlarge their body parts and with its increased mass comes increased physical strength. They come a dime a dozen but some are very skilled and strong if they have used their abilities for a long time. See, it is very hard to control how long the enlargement lasts since it spends stamina too much. Very rarely you see someone that enlarges not only his body parts but his whole body, basically gigantifying themselves. I don't know if that's a word. Peter from my gym is one of this types, that's how I know.

He then lunged at me with surprising speed. As he reached me, He swung his arm with great force.

"Whoa!" I blocked his arm as I felt my knees buckle a little, "Geez! You've definitely been drinking your milk, big guy."

I then pushed him off with my own strength and went for a punch to his stomach. As soon as it landed, I heard him grunt a little and stagger back. So his defenses are normal as I expected. Normally, these guys do not reinforce their defense even though they can but it takes more skill than expected. This guy isn't a smallfry, it is just that he decided to focus on offense.

I then threw a jab with my right to his face, hitting him in the nose. He jerked backwards as he tried to regain his posture. Before anything, I went for a left uppercut to his stomach, targeting it again. I heard him grunt again while my fist drove into him.

Then, without warning, I felt his left arm clutch me by my shoulder. I turn to look at it and saw he enlarge it as well.

"Ah shit." I said as his grip started to tighten

He grabbed me with his right arm as well, rearing his head back and then launching a massive headbutt.

He sent me reeling back a couple of feet. His frigging forehead hit me square in the nose so hard that I was squinting due to the pain. I watched as he jumped a couple of feet further away from me, something very impressive I tell you.

"You little shit!" I spat at him

I saw as he enlarged his arms a bit more as he glared at me. He still did not say a word, I was starting to think he was mute or something.

I then shook my head rapidly and readied my fists again. After a few moments of thinking, I decided to finish him quickly.

"I don't think I have time for you, buddy." I told him

He then started to charge at me, his deformed figure looking menacingly as he ran towards me.

"Sorry but you ain't having fun on this one." I said as I threw an uppercut in the air, "Get lost!"

Suddenly, a bright purple light shone below him. He looked down as a massive energy fist burst from the ground and punched him straight in the jaw, sending him hurling upwards into the air. I didn't have to look at his face to know that he was knocked out cold.

"Take a nap, roundface." I said as he dropped to the ground

The large purple arm slowly faded away as I rubbed my nose, still feeling the impact of the headbutt.

It's been a good minute since I've used my ability on the field. Things have been too peaceful these past months. It somewhat felt refreshing.

I then turned to the door of the bar and headed to it.

"I got you now, bastard." I said as I kicked the door open, "Put your dirty paws up!"

I literally could not feel any more embarrassed. There was nobody inside. The bar was completely empty.

I walked inside and looked frantically around, "What?!" I exclaimed, "But the tracker!"

I pulled out to see the phone, the tracker was still active and Mujin's location was still in this bar.

"Oh, you're here?" a static voice said

I turned to see a radio sitting on a table. I walked up to it and saw that there was a small device that had a red light on atop of the radio. I examined it and could only deduce that this was some sort of signal scrambler.

"Tigress...." I could hear Mujin's static voice come out of the radio, "You must be aware that I am capable of pulling tricks of my own. I apologize for this, I have somewhere to be and I could not risk you interfering with my business. So do me a favor and stay put in Busan. My men would soon be broken out, so do look forward to that."

Then, the connection cut off.

I stood there, merely staring at the damn thing. He must've expected me to track his phone call and had this scrambler device give me a fake location in order to send me here while he went ahead and left somewhere.

"A diversion..." I clenched my fists

I started to shake in anger, glaring at the radio. Who knows what the hell he could be up to but the longer he's out there out of my reach, the more time we waste on not knowing where the man with the paperbag is at.

"Damn you, MUJIN!" I punched the radio completely breaking it along with the table, "How dare you trick me!!"

I then looked up and out the door. I could barely see the burly man laying unconscious in the pavement outside.

"Tch." I said as I made my way towards him,

"Guess there's only one way to know what he's up to."