
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Movement in Busan

Aanya's POV

"You slipped up, Mujin's goons." I smirked

I was sitting on top of a pile of a couple of thugs that I beat up.

It was the middle of the night and things were getting a bit busy over at Busan. For whatever reason, Mujin's thugs were acting a bit strange tonight so I had to take a look. No matter what, we can't really underestimate these guys.

The gangs in the criminal underground are a nasty bunch, really. Old school when it comes to crime, they don't tend to do flashy stuff like those superhuman criminals that attack buildings or rob banks and all. No, this guys are far more cunning and calculating. Their crimes are those of patience and precision. Murder, mass theft, drug trade, weapons trafficking, you name it. These guys are a bunch of scum; even if the majority aren't even superhuman.

Mujin is one of the major crime bosses and he operates mostly in Busan. He has an insane amount of influence across the country. His goons are really dangerous guys to the average person but to a Purgatory Hero, they're nothing much.

I caught these guys behind a warehouse moving a bunch of crates that contained what I assumed were weapons. They were loading them up to a bunch of moving trucks. I had decided to say hello and the moment they saw me, they attacked. Obviously, I took them down relatively easy.

I stepped on the back of the head of one of them as he groaned in pain.

"So, care to tell me what these weapons are for?" I asked him

They were all human, not one of them superhuman, so they broke easily. But I managed to keep one conscious in order to interrogate him. The crates all had assault rifles, ammunition, and a couple of explosives. Enough to supply a small army. For whatever reason, they must've felt like moving them somewhere. Mujin doesn't normally does this unless distressed. The last time he mobilized his men for some serious violence, things went sour. I have to prevent something similar at all costs.

The thug struggled to pry my foot off him, "Go to hell!" he spat at me

"Aww...." I mocked, "How rude of you."

I pressed my foot a bit harder. He started to yell out in pain.

"Ahhh!" he yelled out

"You know damn well that I won't show you mercy, buddy." I warned, "So best answer my question."

Then, before he could answer, a couple of vehicles drove up, shining their headlights on me. It was bright so I covered my eyes with my arm.

"Tch." I muttered

The lights turned off and I watched as a dozen men walked out of the vehicles. All of them wearing suits and holding weapons; from bats to machetes. One of them walked in front of them. He was a tall and muscular korean man with a large burn scar on his left cheek. His eyes were dark brown and his hair, well, he did not have any.

He had his hands in his pockets as he stopped a couple of meters in front of me. I did not move from the pile of his unconscious colleagues, but merely stared at him.

I nodded at him, "Fresh meat?" I asked, "You really want some of this? Wait, no, I should ask you what Mujin's men are doing at this time of night. It's past you lot's bedtime, don't you think?"

The bald guy just scowled as he took out a phone from his pocket. He then walked a bit closer to me and stopped to be around 5 feet away from me. He then received a call and immediately answered it.

I watched as he put it on speaker and pointed at me.

He merely looked at me without saying a word. I think he wanted me to say something

"Uh....Hello?" I spoke to the phone

"Tigress." The man of a voice said

I almost immediately recognized it. It was the voice of Mujin.

"Ah, Mujin!" I smiled, "This is perfect, care to tell me what you're doing? Your boys don't seem to like to talk at all. Perhaps you are different, maybe on a good mood to spill tonight?"

"I am afraid not, Tigress." Mujin spoke through the cell phone, "I do have to warn you, though. It is best to stay out of my way, Aanya. Or we will have a couple of problems."

I raised my eyebrow, "Oho?" I said, "What do we have here? Mujin, the great crime boss, has finally regrown his pair, eh? Took you a while, didn't it? You lot didn't even get near us ever since Apex put you scum in your place. You and the other jackass bosses. You wanna start something with us, now?"

I placed my hands on my knees and stretched back as the bald guy stared at me.

"Hmph, Apex isn't in South Korea. There is no reason for you glorified clowns to use him to threaten us." Mujin told me, "Besides, I am not willing to start anything with you. You may already know that we had nothing to do with the murders of your heroes."

I looked at the phone, "Yes, we are aware." I said, "But the one responsible is connected to you, isn't he? Care to tell me who he is? If you do, I am willing to let your boys go tonight. You do know they're going to jail, right?"

"As if I am willing to tell you anything." he said, "I am only warning you to let us be or people will not get hurt. I give you my word, Let me do what I need to, and everything will be resolved. The people of this country are starting to panic, with 3 of their heroes dead, they will start to loose hope in you lot. I am aware of the threat that is the man that killed them. But I will deal with him on my own terms."

I crossed my arms, "You got beef with him, then?" I said, "And you may be right, the people are starting to get too tense as of the moment. But let me tell you one thing, Mujin. We will end this our way. We cannot allow you lot to cause any more trouble, no matter what you think you're trying to achieve. I know your pride prevents you from giving us information, but at least I am aware you have some sort of vendetta with this guy. Let me guess, he wants to target you? What, he got you by the balls?"

"Keep your mouth shut, Tigress." Mujin spat, "I will rather rot in a ditch than tell a hero anything."

I smirked as I stood up, "Then in a ditch you will rot, Mujin." I said as I pulled out a cellphone of my own, "Your foolishness brought your end tonight."

I showed the screen of the phone to the bald guy. He looked at it and widened his eyes.

"Courtesy of Cyberknight." I said, "While you were talking, I had this wirelessly connect to the phone and track your location."

"what?" Mujin said

I then looked at the screen and saw a dot on a map of Busan. He was in a bar, a couple of blocks away. I then put the phone away in my pocket and walked up to the bald guy.

"See you in a bit, buddy." I said as I pulled my fist back

The bald guy knew what this meant and dropped the phone while reaching for his gun with his other hand. But, in an instant, I punched him in the face sending him flying back a couple of meters away. His body hit the pavement hard and skidded for a bit while slowing to a stop in front of the men that were behind him.

They all looked down at the unconscious man before looking back up at me.

I gave them a smirk as I cracked my knuckles,

"Let's make this quick, no?"