
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Meeting Amongst The Shadows

Third Person POV

ln the streets of Busan, a couple of vehicles made their way to a certain location. It was the middle of the night already, the city lights were in full view, and the sounds of the city being alive could be heard.

The vehicles, two black SUVs with a grey sedan in the middle in between them, made their way to a stop next to a building. In front of them, there was a single white SUV parked with its lights off.

Then, the back doors from the grey sedan opened and two men walked out from each side respectively.

One of them was a tall man, around 6'3, with blonde hair and brown eyes, wearing a blue suit with a white undershirt and blue tie. He did not look Korean, clearly foreigner, probably european. The other man was indeed Korean, a bit shorter than the first one, around 6'0, wearing an all black suit, undershirt and tie as well. He also wore shades so you could not see his eyes at all. His dark hair was combed nicely.

He walked with the foreigner to the front of the vehicles as a couple of suited up men holding weapons walked out of the SUVs and stood there next to the vehicles. The two made their way towards the white SUV and stopped halfway.

The Korean man then pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and proceeded to light it up and started to smoke it as he looked at the truck in front of them.

Without saying a word, he took a look on his watch and then looked at his companion who merely stared at the truck.

Then, the door opened from the white truck and a man walked out.

He was wearing a grey suit with a brown paperbag on his head. He slowly made his way towards the two as he rubbed his hands together, showing the white gloves on them.

He stopped a couple of meters away from them and bowed, "Ah, Mujin..." he said with a sly voice, "It's been a while, my old friend..."

He clearly addressed the Korean man who was smoking the cigarette.

Paperbag extended his arms outwards, "Come now, you must remember me....."

Mujin then tossed the cigarette on the ground and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

He then cleared his throat, "Your name is not worth uttering, shit-stain." He said with venom, "Do you have any idea what the fuck you just do? Killing those heroes has put a target on our backs, not just the Busan gang."

This was Mujin, one of the major Gang Bosses in South Korea. He has operations in Busan, Daegu, and other cities. He is considered to be one of South Korea's most dangerous humans due to his influence in the underground.

Paperbag lowered his arms, "Ah, I see..." he said, "So they must be watching you carefully, eh....."

"Of course they are." Mujin said, "The weapon that killed them is being tied to the underground. They know that only a few of us use M1911s. What they don't know is that the filth that pulled the trigger is no longer affiliated with us. So I am going to give you one chance to explain yourself. Just what are you trying to pull here? You answer might decide if we let you live or not."

Mujin was dead serious as he looked at Paperbag. To him, some lowlife scum had tried to sabotage the criminal underground operations by forcing Purgatory's gaze to them. Even if Purgatory was sure they were not involved, their guard was still up and one minor slip of the gangs might cause the whole thing to collapse.

Paperbag slowly placed his hands in his pockets, "Oh Mujin...." he said calmly, "You must me blind, then. It is as clear as day, don't you know?"

"What is?" Mujin asked

Paperbag then took out his right hand and pointed at Mujin with a finger gun, "Bang."

This was clear now, Paperbag intended to kill Mujin.

The foreigner scowled and reached for his gun but was stopped by Mujin who merely held his arm.

Mujin took off his shades to reveal his black eyes that were filled with anger.

"You want to kill me?" he asked, "Is this is what all this is about, eh?"

Paperbag shook his head, "Not just that, Mujin..." he said, "I want to take everything from you....Everything....from your life..to your empire....your family.....Everything."

Mujin raised his eyebrow, "And you say this to me here?" he asked, "Where you are alone and outnumbered? You are not a superhuman, filth. You are nothing but a man."

Paperbag chuckled, "A man with a plan...." he said, "If you happen to kill me, I have some of associates ready to seize your cache over by Daegu....and they will destroy it....Why'd you think I was there in the first place? I had to multi-task. Locate your drugs and money...and kill the heroes...."

Mujin scowled, "You are bluffing."

"Am I?" Paperbag said, "Are you seriously willing to risk it? You have not heard from your men there in a while, why do you think that is..."

There was a long and tense silence as Mujin was trying to piece together some things he was dealing with the past couple of days. His eyes widened in realization, Paperbag was right. His men have not been reporting for two days now, something he was going to go check on before he was called for this unexpected meeting.

The night that Paperbag murdered the heroes, he had his associates find the cache he was talking about. They took care of Mujin's men and managed to hide the bodies so well that nobody, including Mujin realized something was wrong.

Paperbag placed his hands back in his pocket, "That's right, I also killed your men at the cache location...." he said, "Think before you act, Mujin....You know what this means, don't you?"

Mujin glared at him, "War." he hissed, "You want war, filthy low-life? You'll get one."

He was clenching his fists, fighting back the urge to pull out a gun and end him. But he could not risk loosing one of his caches since recovering what will be lost will take too much time. He had no choice but to stand down and review his options. He had to be composed and think of ways of getting it back.

Paperbag then took his hands up and clapped them.

"Ha!" he said, "War, it is! Get ready, Mujin.....I will end you...."

He started walking back to the truck before stopping to look back at Mujin.

"Oh and I can count on you not communicating with Purgatory, right?" he said, "Those heroes will not work with a criminal like yourself...Well.....good luck....My chess pieces have already been placed..."

"You are all playing in my game, now...."

So it begins....How will Paperbag go about this?

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