
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Battle of Gangnam: Vex vs Zack vs Michael

(3rd Person POV)

"Are you fucking insane, woman!?!" Michael shouted, "What in the fuck are you doing with that thing!?"

The woman laughed, "The name's Vex, Michael!!" She shouted, "Come here!! I'll scorch your wings right off!!!"

Ryuki narrowed his eyes, "Vex?" He said as he faced her, "So you're the one that knows of the weapons.."

Vex looked at him and frowned, "And who are you, hotshot?" She said, "Bah, no matter."

She then swung her left arm, shooting a fireball at Ryuki, who merely dodged. The fireball hit where Ryuki stood and exploded.

Vex then looked up at Michael and swung her right arm, sending another fireball at him. Michael dodged the fireball and watched as it exploded several meters away from him. He then looked down at Vex who sneered at him.

"You idiot!" He hissed, "You almost hit the body of your underling!"

Vex frowned, "That's one of mine?" She said referring to the lifeless body of the thug Michael kept afloat in the air with him, "Oh well. Guess that's one less mouth to feed."

Michael glared at her, "You scum.." he growled

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man who turns into mist stand up and pull out his phone.

The man placed the phone in his ear, "Sir. Have you located the convoy?" He spoke to someone, "You have? Send the location, I will intercept it. Do not worry, I'll make sure there are no survivors."

Ryuki widened his eyes and looked at him, "The weapons." He muttered to himself

The man then looked up at the rubble atop the building where Ryuki had sent the rock superhuman flying through.

"Zack." He said, "I leave you to this."

Then, out of the rubble, Zack shot out and downwards. He reeled his fist back as a massive stone fist formed. Ryuki jumped away as Zack punched the ground where he stood, causing a massive shockwave and cracking the pavement.

Ryuki landed a few feet away and looked towards the shadow mist man. The man had formed into mist and started crawling up a building, his shadowy arms grasping at the wall.

Ryuki looked up at Michael, "Can you handle this by yourself?" He asked the hero, "I must go to that convoy."

Michael nodded as he slowly descended to the ground, placing the corpse of the thug down next to him.

"Yea, you go." As he tucked his wings away, he said, "I got this."

Ryuki then jumped up towards the building, jumping off the wall and upwards in an impressive show of inhuman athleticism. He managed to reach the roof and disappeared, chasing after the shadow mist.

Michael then looked around and saw the thugs were no longer there. He saw only a wall of flames that engulfed the group of vehicles that they had used to get here. He could assume that the thugs had retreated due to the explosions.

He then looked over to Vex who was patiently waiting with a smirk. He then glanced over at Zack, crouching down and clutching his chest. He noticed his body was covered in what he assumed was a layer of stone. The stone was shattered due to Ryuki's attacks. Zack was still recovering from the immense damage he had suffered.

Vex took a step forward, "Best get ready, Michael. The night has just started!" She said, "It's about to get crazy!"

Michael looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Vex opened her palm and covered it in flames, "What I mean, hotshot, is that war is about to start." She said, "And it'll start here in Gangnam. Our side against Mujin's!!"

She pointed her palm and shot out a stream of flames at Michael who jumped away and landed meters from where he stood. He looked at Vex who smirked at him while she pointed her palm at Zack, the flames following.

Zack merely summoned a massive shield of stone from his forearm, large enough to cover his body, and covered himself as the flames hit it. However, the flames were not hot enough to melt the stone, so Vex called them off and frowned.

Zack then twisted his arm, breaking the stone as it fell to the ground.

"Oi, you fiery bitch!" He growled, "Watch where you point that thing!"

Vex smirked, "Ha! Hey, stone head!" She said, "Where's your posse?! They all scrammed!"

Zack scowled, "Course they did, you tried to blow them up." He exclaimed, "I won't be surprised if some of them are dead."

Then, Michael appeared in front of Zack.

"Your guard is down." Michael said as he punched Zack straight in the stomach

The blow was strong enough to send Zack crashing through the wall behind him. A cloud of dust formed around the hole in the wall and Michael straightened himself. He then looked back at Vex who merely smirked.

"I have some questions for you, lady" Michael said

"Oh?" Vex mused

She then formed her fingers into gun gestures and aimed at Michael. Her fingertips started to glow bright orange.

"Bang!" she said

Then, she fired multiple fire projectiles from her fingers in rapid succession. Michael jumped up and sprouted his wings to avoid the projectiles. Vex easily followed him as she sprayed the bullet-like flames. Michael easily avoided them as he flew around the air.

He then waved his hand at Vex and suddenly, a bunch of debris flew at her. Michael had used his telekinesis to fling the pieces of concrete and stone at the woman, interrupting her attack.

Vex saw this and dodged the incoming pieces, "You little-!" she said as she looked back up at the Hero

Michael had used this opportunity to swoop down at her with great speed. As soon as he reached her, Michael hit her with a knee to the stomach.

"Gah!" she yelled out in pain

Michael's superstrength was powerful enough for him to seriously damage Vex without much effort. Vex fell to her knees clutching her stomach as she gagged.

"As I was saying." Michael said as he stood over her, "Questions. Where are the weapons and weren't you supposed to be guarding them?"

Vex tried to get up but Michael placed his boot on her shoulder, pressing her down. She then glared up at the hero as she still clutched her stomach. Vex was a pyrokinetic and her ability to summon and control fire was impressive, fire is indeed a very destructive force. But her physical strength pales in comparison to her pyrokinetic. The only thing impressive about her actual body is its resistance to heat and flames. So understandably, getting hit by The Archangel was going to hurt.

"Y-you bitch!" she cursed at him, "Those fucking weapons! They were on a truck, the convoy was supposed to transport them from Seoul down to Daegu."

Michael raised his eyebrow, "Seoul?" He said, "What are they doing up here so fast? They were delivered at Busan."

Vex looked down, she tried to control her breathing. The blow was hard enough to knock the wind out of her and it broke her focus on using her powers. She somehow felt that Michael was holding back on the blow as well, she had a feeling that he could've easily broken something. She knows that she must gain some distance from the hero and try to scorch him with her fire.

"How should I know?" She said, "We just allied with that paper bag guy for the money?"

Michael frowned, "We?"

Before he could say anything else, he turned his head and raised his forearm to block Zack who had punched him with his fist covered with massive stones. The blow was strong enough to cause a shockwave as Michael winced slightly. The stones shattered and flew around, hitting the surroundings.

Zack widened his eyes at this, he wasn't prepared for Michael to block his attack so easily.

Before Michael can counterattack, Zack jumped back.

"Tch!" He grumbled, "I was about to say that your guard was also down but I guess I was wrong."

Michael was about to open his mouth but he felt a bit of heat underneath him, he looked down and without a second thought, he jumped away and used his wings to fly upwards and avoid a wall of flames that swooped past him.

"whoa!" he said as he narrowly avoided the flames

He looked down at Vex who was still crouched down, her hands cloaked in flames. She was glaring up at Michael who was in the air.

Michael then looked at Zack who was clutching his stomach. He could only assume he had also suffered a lot of damage from his punch.

He was reassessing his options here. He could easily take these two on. They were strong indeed, but he was stronger and their defenses weren't much. But the only issue is that he needed information as to what was going on. Vex said that the weapons were transported from Seoul to Daegu which didn't make any sense to him. The weapons were delivered to Busan where Paperbag's men received them. Did they take them up to the capital quickly and now they're taking them back? This was so confusing to him.

"Hm." He said as he kept afloat as his wings flapped, "I guess I could mess about a bit longer..."

Zack glared up at him, "You stupid chicken-winged fuck!" He shouted, "Get down here and fight me like a man!"

Michael smirked and cracked his knuckles,

"Oh, it's on."