
Pure Luck! A Pokémon Journey

With no warning Pokémon have inhabited earth, the fate of humanity at the fingertips of creatures never before seen, what will our poor Ray do? Read to find out!

BeginnerReader · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 5

"Mikah start the tutorial!" Ray said before dispersing, leaving only a bewildered Mikah behind. "This is nothing like last time." Mikah grimaced. The last hour had been beyond hectic and now with Ray vanishing he was all alone. Thinking about Ray's last words Mikah took one last look at his stats.

* 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬 I Shop I Party I Mail (1) I Quest I Info I Friends I Inventory (1) I *

Party: 0

Pokedex: 0 caught 1 seen

Items: 0

Luck: 0.1x

Balance: 0¢

[Click for More]

* *

'Well now that I'm alone I should get to work' Mikah sighed, he to had to prepare for the 'True' integration. Without wasting time he got to work.

"System skip tutorial!"

* Skip Tutorial? *

* Yes * * No *

"Yes." Mikah said with a surprised tone, he was joking when he instructed the system to do so. He'd never expected it to actually be a feature.

* Choose which starter Pokémon you'd like *

* Chikorita * * Cyndaquil * * Totodile *

"Hmmph," Mikah murmured as he hovered his finger over the three options. "I think I'll pick this one he said as he smashed his finger into the panel.

* Congratulations trainer Mikah, you are 1st trainer to complete the tutorial globally *

Reward: 10x Rare candies

* *

"What are the odds." Mikah smirked, He hadn't anticipated that skipping the tutorial counted as completing it. He immediately got to work figuring out the in's and out's of his new system.

"System use 'Rare candies' on all Pokémon in my party"

* There's only one Pokémon in your party, do you still wish to continue?*

* Yes * * No *

"Yes." These confirmation screens were really starting to agitate him. He watched as the Pokeball in his hand started glowing as swirls of light danced around it.

* Congratulations your 'Totodile' has reached level 15 and has learned two new moves *

"Nice, with this I should be the strongest trainer out there." Mikah said before being interrupted by bangs coming from the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" "LET US IN" "PLEASE" and other loud shouts could be heard before the door rushed open as over 90 kids tried to squish into the locker room. Mikah was smart enough to know that staying with them would do know good.

'I'll come back for you later Ray, for now just stay there,' Mikah promised, as he made his way out he caught a glimpse of a Pokémon entering the room.

* Houndoom has been entered into your Pokedex. *

As soon as Mikah read the message he sprinted like never before. He was about 200 ft. away from the gymnasium when he started hearing the screams. A flash of terror struck Mikah's face as he listened to the screams the smell of blood invaded his nostrils despite the distance he'd made. he knew his level 15. Totodile didn't stand a chance so he wasn't going to risk it all. while he was contemplating on if he should wait for Ray a system message appeared.

* Quest 2 *

Catch a Pokémon


* *

"I'm so screwed." Mikah exclaimed as he sat down on a patch of grass. The heavy rain drenched him but it was better than being near that demon in the locker rooms. Minutes passed as he pondered the second quest, before he even realized it a small yellow rat creeped up next to him. He only came back to reality when a notification appeared.

* Pichu has been added to the Pokedex. *

"H-Huh" Mikah blurted out thoughtlessly, he turned his head to see the small yellow rat looking back at him. "Well I'll be dammed" Mikah said a smile on his face and a Pokeball in hand.

"W-what." Ray muttered as a rancid smell invaded his nostrils. The first thing he should of saw when he came back was a locker room with Mikah in it but no, the only thing he could see was blood and guts smeared all around the room. Ray couldn't help but puke, and puke he did.

'what, what is all this' Ray thought as a seemingly endless rain of puke doused the floor. Ray couldn't think straight he fell to his knee's as his throat slowly started to clear. Only after Ray came to his senses did he see it. A horned dog with red and black skin paired with fierce red eyes, The only thing he could do was sit there as it approached him. The aura it emitted alone brought him to his knees but paired with the state he was already in his body was paralyzed. It took a system notification to wake him from the trance.

* Houndoom has been added to your Pokedex. *

"H-Houndoom?" Ray muttered while he forced himself to stand up. As soon as the dog was within 5 meters of Ray a health bar appeared over its head

* Houndoom I lv.10 *

* Emergency quest! *

Defeat the beast in front of you and be the first trainer to defeat an -Evil- Pokémon!

* *

"I think we can take him Cyndaquil," Ray said as he clutched onto the ball in his pocket. "SYSTEM USE A RARE CANDY ON CYNDAQUIL!" Ray shouted as he threw the Pokeball in front of him. Before he had time to catch his breath he was already on the attack "Cyndaquil use tackle!" Ray screamed as his partner slammed itself into the Houndoom.

The health bar dismissed slightly and stopped around 2/3 of the original bar. Houndoom was utterly shocked by this attack, it had never been hurt before and it couldn't help but close its eyes in pain.

* Houndoom flinched! *

"Again Cyndaquil! Ray shouted as his little Pokémon rushed at the Houndoom. Ray was giving his all to remain conscious, the shock of seeing blood and corpses for the first time was to much to bear. Right before he fainted system prompt appeared.

* Critical Hit! Houndoom has fainted *

* Completed emergency quest! *

Rewards will be given momentarily

* *

Ray didn't have the chance to celebrate before his legs gave out and his eyes shut.


Another day another chapter! What should Ray get as a reward for slaying the mighty beast! I hope you enjoyed reading and comment your ideas, Happy Reading!

1016 words

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