
Pure Entrapment

Jorgeana is a Dhampir, a vampire and werewolf hybrid, her existence is threatened by both Werewolves and Vampires. Will her mate accept her knowing her true identity?

JorgeanaRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Part One: Pure


"Why is it so dang cold out here" I murmured to myself as I made my way through the dense forest. I was hoping I was near my grandparents house by now. My body was hurting from top to bottom at this point. I just had to decide to take the four hour trake instead of waiting for another cab. I was in great shape, but I was not in the type cloths to be hiking.

"Fuck," I yelped as I slipped on a slight hill of snow and fell onto my backside. "Damn, this snow!" I ranted angerly as I got up wiping the snow from my body. This was not the kind of thing I was used to being from Bell Rose, Louisiana. Welcome to Falling Water, Tennessee, population a small grand. I didn't even want to come but of course my tragic life got more tragic when my parents died in a car accident. I was lost in thought, still wiping the snow from my body when I heard a crack. I froze in terror, these woods were filled with nightmarish creatures.

What creatures do I have to fear as a Dhampir? Well, werewolves aren't exactly friendly to my rarity as well as vampires. So the answer is both of them. A low growl caught my attention and a silent gasp left my mouth. In front of me was a beautiful midnight black wolf. His fur was so dark is almost shimmered a dark blue. But the thing that caught me off guard was the light blue eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the dense forest. I held my breath as we stared each other down. I felt an almost magnetic pull to him.

After what seemed like forever, he padded away from me. I let out a slow breath and leaned against a tree in relief. I now realized the woods are only getting darker. I need to hurry to get out of here before it does. I started walking at a brisk pace when a warm comforting voice called out to me.

"Neliel, there you are!" my pawpaw's voice came as soon as he saw me. He took of his coat and wrapped it around me. Even though he knew that I didn't get cold easily. But then again he had to know I was out here awhile. I sighed relief and followed him to his and grandma's winter home. They loved the snow so they came here every year. I haven't been here in years like since I was ten. It was pretty big, about six bedrooms and six and half bathrooms. The kitchen was an chef's dream with everything you could ever imagine. The back deck was large with the most beautiful views of the mountains. My breath caught when we entered as my grandfather rambled on and on about how much I had grown. I was supposed to move here sooner but I stayed to finish out my senior fall semester. I would be attending spring academy on pack land.

Which would be less than fun since they hate what I am. But I can keep it a secret for awhile, plus my grandfather and the Alpha had already spoken about it. The Alpha promised to keep my identity a secret as much as he could. My grandfather showed me to my room. "This is yours Nel." he beamed as he used my old nickname. I smiled a thank you and took in the room. I had a queen size bed with a deer skin blanket draped over it. The woodwork on the bed was exquisite with elk and wolves eloquently craved into the frame. I smiled as I ran my fingers across the carvings lathered in polyurethane to protect it. I had a master bathroom with a large walk in closet. There was a soaking tub and a huge shower with a rainfall setting that I used to adore.

I decided to unpack my bag then take a quick shower before heading down to my join my grandparents for dinner. By the time I was putting on comfy sweatpants and sweater I could smell the food. It made my mouth water as I threw my hair into a bun. I quickly drifted down the stairs to my grandma who was stirring the jambalaya. Even though Tennessee doesn't have andouille, they fly it in to have it.

"Smells great mawmaw!" I hugged her and pecked her cheek. She threw her arms around me and squeezed me tight. "There's my wild child!" she teased. "Did you get lost on the way here? I didn't think the cab drivers would take that long to find the place." she ranted to herself. Well apparently grandpa didn't tell her. I gave him a playful glare, and mouthed a nice going to him. "Well, I took the scenic route and decided to hike." I said hesitantly with a nervous laugh. She whirled and screeched in shock "YOU WHAT!" She questioned. "George, you're to blame for this," she pointed at him with her finger. "She gets it from you, a whole heathen. Neliel Rose, do you NOT realize how dangerous it is for you. If any wolves were to find you out there and realize what you are. IT'S DANGEROUS!" She ranted out in anger.

"Barb stop giving her a hard time, she's fine and nothing happened." my grandpa defended. My grandma huff and crossed her arms. "Fine but," she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You are not to pull a stunt like that again, this is pack territory, their word is law and absolute." I nodded in agreement and decided to say nothing about the wolf I had seen. She nodded back in affirmation to my agreement and dished out the bowls. I stuffed my face until I was full and asked to turn in. They both bid me goodnight and to carried myself up that stairs and into bed. It wasn't long before my heavy eyes won and I was out cold.


I caught a most pleasant scent pawing through the woods. I couldn't help but be drawn to it. I took deep whiffs of pomegranate and honey suckle. It was getting stronger as I got closer and closer. It was driving me absolutely insane with lust and longing. Before long a woman came into view. She had gorgeous long red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin was milky as the snow around her. She was such an alluring beauty that without realizing it I took a step forward. I knew I made a mistake when I stepped on a twig. I winced knowing she now knew I was here. She tensed as she looked around before locking eyes with me. I had to use everything in my power to reign Echo, my wolf. Hurt filled my heart as I realized she had fear in her eyes. Echo growled at me to let him go to her. She tensed at the sound making me wince and plead with him to move on and leave her be until I could meet her in person. Echo whined back at me because he wanted our mate but agreed and left her sight.

I changed as soon as I got close to the pack house. I entered and was greeted by Astrid. She wanted the title Luna so bad, she would try every tactic possible to sleep with me. If she succeed and got pregnant I would have no choice but to care for her. Which would cause so much pain to my future mate and Luna until the Nyx our Moon Goddess blessed Astrid with her own mate. I sighed "Astrid, I'm not up for your antics today, I'm rather busy." She frowned at this, and gave a sigh with attitude as she crossed her arms. "You'll want me one day River." She called after me. Don't get me wrong Astrid was a beautiful bombshell but she wasn't my mate and that is who I wanted.

I headed to my room for a short shower, once under the water I relished the thought of my beautiful mate. I felt myself harden at the thoughts of her close to me. I closed my eyes and put my head against the wall as the warm water encased me. She does things to me with me just thinking of her. I sighed and decided to get out and dressed, I put on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. I headed to my fathers office to deliver the good news. I knocked on the door once and heard a short "come in" before I entered.

"Hey dad" I called to him as I entered. He looked up from his paperwork momentarily. "Hey champ, how was the run of the territory?" He questioned. "Pretty good, well actually great!" I said with enthusiasm which peaked his interest since he knew I hated running around our territory. "Why is that?" He questioned with an inquizative look on his face. I shrugged and then smiled "I found her! and MaN she is beautifuL!" I gushed. A smile spread across my old mans face faster than I've ever seen before. He stood up coming around the table to grab me into a huge hug. "Congratulations my son!" he laughed. "You got to go tell your mother! She'll wanna hear all about it!" He stated happily. I nodded in agreement and headed out to go to tell her.

I found my mom in the parlor with the beta's and delta's wife.

"Hey mom." I called to her to drift her attention to me. She turned and greeted me with a smile "Hey River, how's my little love today." I externally groaned, she still insisted I was her little boy despite me being almost 19 and ready to take over the title of Alpha. I forced a smile after she gave me a stern look for groaning. "I got some amazing news for you!" I exclaimed. She was already on her feet like she knew what I was going to say. "Your mate? Where is she? I want to meet her soon as possible!" She said excitedly. I chuckled, "Calm down mom, she doesn't know yet, I was in my wolf form. I don't think she knows about us so." I said with a little sadness. My mother knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. "Is she not from this pack? or is she human?" She questioned. I shrugged because I wasn't actually sure either. Sadness covered my moms eyes as she rubbed my shoulder to comfort me.

I sighed "I'm gonna head to bed, I have to be up early." I replied. My moms lips went in a straight line. "Okay baby, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled lovingly. I replied that I loved her and she returned the affection before I turned to head to my room. Once in my room I laid in my bed and thought of my mate and her beauty. I fell asleep with a wide smile on my face.