

In a city divided by wealth, Everly, a former military hacker, toils in an exhausting office amid a class-stricken society. Plagued by her late father's debts and haunted by his tragic suicide, she grapples for mere survival. One fateful night, seeking solace, Everly ventures into the treacherous Underworld District. Here, she collides with Specter, a charismatic yet perilous antagonist. His tempting offer of a single unforgettable night propels Everly into an unforeseen journey, the prelude to her gravest mistake.

LumineScenceWrites · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Story Details

Welcome reader..

If you're reading this then I'm glad you've taken interest to this story.

I hope it meets your expectations and I'm glad you've chosen to try this book.

I'll be your assistant throughout this journey so if you have questions I'll try my best to answer them.

Now, let's get started on a quick overview of the setting and other information for you to know in order to understand the story better.

These are just summaries nothing too complex to understand.

In the sprawling cityscape of Nebula, where neon-lit skyscrapers pierce the heavens and technology orchestrates every facet of life, a stark reality lurks beneath the gloss of innovation. Nebula's reputation as a futuristic utopia is a veneer that conceals a society governed by three inescapable pillars: Money, Classification, and Skill.

At first glance, Nebula seems like a paradise of advancement, with its citizens relishing the benefits of cutting-edge technology. But the truth is far more complex and unforgiving. Money is the lifeblood of survival, an unspoken tax that extracts its toll with each heartbeat. The pursuit of wealth isn't just ambition; it's the thread that ties every citizen's fate.

Yet even wealth doesn't obliterate the rigidity of Classification. The government dictates your place in society with ruthless precision, evaluating lineage, academics, and perceived value. The ranks are demarcated clearly—

Upper Class (UC)

Lower Upper Class (LUC)

Middle Class (MC)

Lower Middle Class (LMC)

Lower Class (LC)

Working Class (WC)

However, it's the gray expanse below Middle Class that faces the harshest reality. For those relegated to the shadows, society's regard is sparse, and the government's indifference is palpable.

In this unforgiving landscape, Skill is your passport to betterment. Competing, excelling, and honing your craft become the currency of upward mobility. The most coveted paths lie in the technology and science sectors, areas that demand the best from their aspirants. A staggering 35% of the populace gravitates toward these domains, all seeking the promise of a better life.



At the heart of the city's intricate power play lies the enigmatic entity known only as "Anomaly." With an ostensible facade of governance under the Mayor's rule, the true orchestrators remain obscured within the shadows, weaving their influence and agenda from the realms unseen.

An aura of controversy shrouds Anomaly, a complex organization that straddles the fine line between benevolence and malevolence, leaving theorists and citizens alike grappling with the duality of their motives. Are they architects of progress or harbingers of oppression? The answer remains elusive, fueling speculation as stories of their actions weave through the city's tapestry.

Prominent among these accounts is the haunting whisper of human experimentation, casting a chilling glow upon Anomaly's actions. The creation of cyborgs, entities that meld human essence with artificial intelligence, evokes shades of science fiction brought to life in an era where the unthinkable is within reach. Their role as architects of this union between man and machine, if true, signifies a staggering leap into uncharted realms of technological capability.

In a city where facades are a currency, Anomaly's true essence remains cloaked, leaving citizens to ponder the balance between a utopian vision of human-machine symbiosis and the unsettling specter of manipulation and control. As the tapestry of their influence continues to unfurl, one thing is certain—Anomaly's legacy is etched in both the dazzling potential and the ominous uncertainty of the future they seek to shape.



PsyKode stands as the unchallenged dominators of Nebula's Underworld District, a shadowy realm where their notoriety reigns supreme. Infamous for their audacious exploits, this cyberpunk mafia operates at the nexus of technology and criminal prowess, wielding a combination of psychological manipulation and cutting-edge gadgetry.

Their empire is forged upon a diverse array of criminal enterprises that send ripples of fear throughout the city. Drug deals transpire beneath neon-lit alleys, arms deals unfold in hidden corners, and the echoes of assassinations reverberate through the digital and physical realms alike. Yet it is their mastery of the digital domain that truly sets them apart.

Within the sprawling labyrinth of virtual networks, the PsyKode Syndicate's hackers reign supreme. Data is both their weapon and their currency, as they plunder corporate secrets and personal information with relentless efficiency. Selling stolen data is a trade they have honed to perfection, shifting the balance of power with every transaction.

In a world where the boundary between flesh and machine is blurred, the PsyKode Syndicate embodies the dystopian underbelly of Nebula's high-tech society. Their legacy is one of ruthless ambition, where survival depends on mastering the interplay of code, chaos, data, and deception.



Enjoy the book!

This section may also update depending on how the story goes but this is a general idea.

If you still didn't understand what I wrote here's a simpler definition.

Nebula: Futuristic city in which your life is determined by government depending on your money, class, and skill.

Anomaly: The controversial group in charge of Nebula.

PsyKode: The notorious mafia specializing in several crimes and rulers of the Underworld District.

I don't know how else I can explain it but I hope that was helpful!

Anyways, I'll stop holding you up

Enjoy the story!