
Psychic in a Magus World

In a world where magic reigns supreme, what happens when a boy was left out unable to use magic? Augustus Gray was one such child. He always dreamt to be a mage, to unravel the mysteries of magic but he was cast aside by the magic itself. Watch as Augustus explores the world to find out the answer to why he was abandoned and sets out on a journey to become the strongest even without being able to use magic. P.S. - MC is not a reincarnate or a transmigrator so do not expect him to know all the possibilities of psychic powers. He will have to train his ability. I'm a new author so please advice me if you have any suggestions for the story. Try to leave healthy criticism and I will work on it

voidd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


I love Magic.

Ever since I was little I've wondered how amazing it is to harness different elements. You can do almost anything with magic, from using it to wash the dishes and dry the clothes to being able to fly and change the weather.

Just imagine cutting down trees with a flick of a hand, calling upon the rain, illuminating the dark, anything you could think can be done by magic.

In this world, Magic reigns supreme. Everyone can use magic to some degree. From the king of the kingdom to a random beggar in the street.

Well, everyone but me.

Yes, you heard it right. I can't use magic or you could probably say it hates me or something cause even before I started talking I was fascinated by it. Seeing all the kids in the orphanage and the caretakers use it makes me want it even more.

Isn't it ironic?

I've seen kids my age who don't even try to use it to be better at magic and they still have it.

Yet, here am I who always dreamt to be a mage, to find out the truth about magic.

I've always been a curious kid or that's what people say. I've always had questions but people never really answered them for me or they will simply shrug and say "that's how it's always been". I mean how can they be so stupid to not even be curious about the origin of the very thing they constantly use?

Or is it just me who's stupid to have these questions?

Am I a fool like the kids in the orphanage say or am I different from them?

Did the gods create magic or were they just slightly more powerful mages who deemed themselves a god?

Well whatever, even though I cannot use magic that doesn't mean I will sulk about it all my life or live as a loser.

Even magic must be something that someone created, if that's the case then I simply have to create something even better than magic!

Ugh. It's easier than done.

It's been 5 years since I've known to be not able to use magic but I still cannot do anything other than train my body a little.

Well, my name is Augustus and I'm 13 years old.

I live in an orphanage in a small town near the capital.

In this world, people awaken their element at the age of 7 except me of course.

It was sure an embarrassing day for me cause I was bloating in the orphanage to become the best mage but I was not able to even awaken my magic. The townspeople sure were surprised as it never happened in history.

I've always wanted to create my legend but not this way!

I still remember how much I cried for not being able to even having a chance to achieve my single dream.

That was the day everything changed for me.

There were not a lot of bullies in the orphanage but the constant teasing and reminder of not being able to use magic really did hurt a lot.

"Augustus, Stop zoning out.

Dinner's ready". Called Sophia, the matron of the orphanage.

She was tall, it was all in her legs. Her long brown hair swayed behind her as she walked. When she's in a good mood, her blue eyes brighten up. Her nose came to more of a point than she would've liked but she eventually got used to that. She was one of the caretakers of the orphanage that I liked as they never discriminated against me even after learning that I couldn't use magic.

"Coming and I was not zoning out". I replied.

"Oh come on, that was the fourth time I was you gazing out like that. What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking of the future".

"You think too much. Why don't you ever go out and hang out with the other kids rather than being all alone in your room".

"What's the point of that? They'll just try to make fun of me with their poor imitation of jokes.

And I think being with them too much is harmful to my brain.

You know yesterday I saw George laughing at his own face looking at the mirror for an hour.

I mean how does that even work?"

"Well, George really does things like that huh, well whatever. At least have dinner before sleeping".

"Yeah, sure". Augustus replied.

'I should go out, maybe that'll clear my mind a little'.

Looking up at the stars, they remind me of the things that are within my grasp yet I could not reach them

'These stars look so far. I wish I could just grab them.

Augustus makes a gesture to grab a star when he felt something.

Something that would change the world and his future.