
Chapter 5 Helping Sister-in-law Heal_1

Translator: 549690339

Lu Chuan quickly turned his body away, facing away from Mu Nanqing.

He then heard the sound of clothes being removed, and his mind involuntarily conjured up some images, making his breathing grow heavy.

Soon after, Mu Nanqing's voice rang out, "All right, come and treat me now, it hurts like hell."

Only then did Lu Chuan turn around, to find that Mu Nanqing had already laid down on the bed. She had taken off her upper clothing, and a quilt covered her, hiding her private parts. However, because the bruised area needed to be exposed for treatment, Lu Chuan could still vaguely see a swath of smooth, undulating skin, partially hidden and revealed, which only stirred his thoughts all the more.

He swallowed, walked to the bedside, constantly reminding himself not to look improperly, and then extended his hand to the bruised area on Mu Nanqing's body to release spiritual power.

Since the bruised area was extensive, Lu Chuan had to keep moving his hands around, and there were several instances where he accidentally touched something soft, making his tense body go rigid.

Mu Nanqing's face was also flushed with heat, but in order not to disrupt Lu Chuan's healing, she didn't show any signs of discomfort.

About fifteen minutes later, the bruises on Mu Nanqing's body had been completely healed, and Lu Chuan let out a sigh of relief and quickly turned away, saying, "Sister-in-law, I'm done treating you. You should get dressed now."

Mu Nanqing got up, put on her clothes, and as the flush on her face gradually faded, she said shyly, "Xiaochuan, thank you."

Lu Chuan smiled, "Sister-in-law, you are too polite."

Mu Nanqing glanced out the window and noticed that it had grown dark, saying, "Have dinner here before you go, I'll start cooking now."

Lu Chuan nodded; it had been a long time since he had tasted his sister-in-law's cooking.

Just then, a loud knocking came at the door.

Bang bang bang!

"Mu Nanqing, you've been behind on three months of rent, how long are you planning to drag this out!"

Mu Nanqing's expression changed, and she quickly went to open the door.

Standing outside was a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing slippers, somewhat bald, and looking very sloppy.

This man was Mu Nanqing's landlord.

Mu Nanqing said apologetically, "Brother Wang, I'm already trying to raise the money. Please give me a few more days, and I promise to make up for the rent I owe."

She worked at a nearby bar, but the bar had recently run into cash flow problems and hadn't paid wages for three months, which made her life extremely strained. That was why she didn't want Lu Chuan to go buy the medicinal herbs.

The landlord sneered, "I've given you plenty of time. You have to pay the rent today!"

His gaze kept wandering over Mu Nanqing's attractive figure, and his expression suddenly turned lecherous, "But I'm a person who understands human sentiment, so how about this? You sleep with me for one night, make me feel good, and you don't have to pay the three months' rent. Plus, if you're willing to be my lover, you can live in this apartment as long as you like, how about it?"

Mu Nanqing frowned, a little angrily, "Brother Wang, stop joking around, I am not that kind of person."

At that moment, Lu Chuan walked over, gave the landlord a look, and asked Mu Nanqing, "Sister-in-law, don't you have the money to pay the rent?"

Mu Nanqing was somewhat embarrassed but still nodded her head.

Then the landlord exaggeratedly said, "Oh, isn't this your little brother-in-law? I was wondering why there was noise inside just now, turns out you've been messing around with him!"

"It makes sense though, your husband has been dead for a few years, and you must have needs. But since you've already done it with your little brother-in-law, sleeping with me shouldn't be an issue, right?"

Mu Nanqing's eyes widened, as if she had been insulted, and she shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about! How could Xiaochuan and I ever mess around!"

The landlord scoffed, "Don't pretend, who can resist that lascivious way you sway your big hips? You two have been in the room for so long, if you say you haven't done that thing, nobody would believe it!"

Mu Nanqing was so angry that she clenched her teeth, and her chest heaved.

Lu Chuan raised his hand and slapped the landlord, knocking him to the ground, "If you slander my sister-in-law again, I'll make sure you spend the second half of your life in a wheelchair!"

The landlord, covering his face, looked at Lu Chuan in fear, not expecting him to be so fierce. He gritted his teeth and said, "Your sister-in-law owes me rent and doesn't pay, and you still hit me, is there no law anymore!"

Lu Chuan said coldly, "How much rent does my sister-in-law owe you? I'll pay it for her!"

"A total of four thousand five hundred for three months, pay up!" the landlord shouted.

Lu Chuan immediately transferred five thousand to him, "Take the extra five hundred to get your brain checked at the hospital, see how dirty it is inside!"

Then he turned to Mu Nanqing, "Sister-in-law, pack your stuff. We're not staying here anymore."

Mu Nanqing looked bewildered, "Not... not staying here, where will we live?"

Lu Chuan said with a smile, "You'll come with me. I'll take you to live in a big house."

In a daze, Mu Nanqing packed up her valuables and personal items, then followed Lu Chuan out of the place.

Lu Chuan called for a private car, loaded up Mu Nanqing's things, and headed towards the Gold Lake Neighborhood District.

On the way, he received a phone call from Qin Lan.

"Lu Chuan, you've really got some nerve now, daring to hit my dear one! Let me tell you, we've spent a fortune to hire an Inner Strength master to take care of you,"

the voice on the phone continued harshly,

"The instructions I gave him are to break your legs, and then make sure you can never have descendants. Just wait for the 'great gift' I'm sending your way!"

With that, the call was abruptly disconnected.

A frown creased Lu Chuan's brow.

He had heard of Inner Strength masters before, rumored to be very different from the floozy moves showcased on TV. These masters were true inheritors of ancient martial arts, capable of cultivating explosive inner energy within their bodies, mastering genuine lethal techniques—definitely not to be underestimated.

"Qin Lan is really ruthless, actually hiring an Inner Strength master to deal with me," Lu Chuan said with a wry smile, feeling resigned.

Mu Nanqing asked, "Xiaochuan, what's wrong?"

Lu Chuan shook his head. "It's nothing. Qin Lan and Liu Kun want to get back at me, that's all."

Mu Nanqing immediately looked worried. "Then what are we going to do?"

Lu Chuan said with a smile, "It's fine. They can't come up with anything too tricky."

An Inner Strength master was indeed fearsome, but Lu Chuan was an even more mysterious and powerful Cultivator, so naturally, he wasn't concerned.

Before long, they arrived at the Gold Lake Neighborhood District.

Mu Nanqing looked around at the upscale environment with surprise written all over her face.

When she entered Lu Chuan's spacious house and saw the luxurious interior, her disbelief only grew.

She quickly turned to Lu Chuan and asked, "Xiaochuan, didn't you leave Qin Lan's with nothing? You even said you weren't delivering takeout anymore. How did you come to live in such a nice place? You didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

Lu Chuan replied with a laugh, "Sister-in-law, you're underestimating me. I was given this house after treating someone's illness."

Mu Nanqing's face registered shock as she thought of Lu Chuan's miraculous medical skills, which dispelled her doubts instantly. With emotion, she said, "To be given such a big house just for treating an illness, the person must be incredibly wealthy."

Lu Chuan just smiled and didn't reply.

He walked to a bedroom door and said, "Sister-in-law, you'll stay in this room from now on. I'll get it ready for you."

Mu Nanqing was conflicted, knowing that her relationship with Lu Chuan was complicated, and living together might invite rumors.

However, after a long consideration, she ultimately made her decision and said to Lu Chuan, "Well... then I won't stand on ceremony with you."

After they finished fixing up the room, Mu Nanqing went to cook a meal.

After dinner, filled with emotion, she said, "I never once dreamed that in my life I would have the chance to live in such a big house."

Lu Chuan replied with a smile, "Sister-in-law, this is just the beginning. Our life will get better and better, and I promise, from now on, no one will ever be able to bully you again."

He knew that with Mu Nanqing's looks, just opening her legs would afford her a life of luxury, but she had never done so.

Even in the hardest times, Mu Nanqing always thought of Lu Chuan, which deeply moved him. Now that he had the means, he naturally wanted to make sure his only family member could enjoy a good life.

Hearing Lu Chuan's words, Mu Nanqing just smiled. "With your words, sister-in-law is more than satisfied. But keep the money you earn for yourself; I'm still hoping you'll find a wife."

Lu Chuan laughed heartily and said, "There's no rush for finding a wife. Sister-in-law, let me take you on a tour around the neighborhood, get you acquainted with the area and maybe take a stroll after the meal."

Mu Nanqing nodded and followed Lu Chuan down the stairs.

The neighborhood environment was exceptionally nice, and at night, it felt even quieter and more serene.

They walked toward a small grove, with Lu Chuan contemplating the brighter future, and Mu Nanqing following him, her beautiful eyes fixated on his silhouette, lost in thought.

Suddenly, a dark figure darted out in front of them.

Mu Nanqing was startled and hurried behind Lu Chuan, clinging to him tightly, "What was that just now?"

Lu Chuan became immediately alert, but feeling the soft contact at his back made him a bit embarrassed. Pretending to be nonchalant, he took a half step forward, "Sister-in-law really has quite the figure."

He eyed the thicket ahead and shouted, "Whoever's lurking, have the guts to come out!"

A strong gust of wind approached; Lu Chuan saw a middle-aged man with a Fu Manchu mustache appear, aiming a palm strike at his chest.

Reacting instantly, Lu Chuan circulated his Spiritual Power and countered the attack with his own palm.

As their palms met, the middle-aged man let out a surprised grunt and quickly retreated.

Lu Chuan's expression turned serious; he had felt a peculiar force in the man's palm, not as formidable as his Spiritual Power but deeply solid, not to be taken lightly.

This man must be the Inner Strength master Qin Lan had hired.

The middle-aged man steadied himself, appraised Lu Chuan, and then his gaze shifted to Mu Nanqing, causing his eyes to light up. He licked his lips with a lecherous grin, "Kid, you actually withstood my palm; you've got a decent build. Even though I'm paid to do a job, everything is negotiable. Hand over the woman next to you for some fun, and I'll let you off the hook, how about that?"