
Chapter 1

Noelle POV

I looked around the room, staring at the bare walls that held posters of anime characters until yesterday noon. The memories of dad and I played."Noelle it's time to go" mum shouted from downstairs. "Coming" I replied her and went downstairs to meet her. I threw my backpack on the seat and slide into back seat. I looked at the house that I had called my home for the past 17 yearss of my life. It has been a month since dad died, ever since then mom had become a shell of her former self gone was the bubbly and cheerful woman,she has now become the shadow of her self. It was as if a part of her has been lost and it's true dad is that part of her that has been lost. I'm kind of grateful that we are moving maybe she could be happy once again and as for me hopefully I find a way to let go of my pain.

Hopefully Darkwood town would be a nice place.

Jason POV

Dropping the paper I was reading on the table, I rubbed my eye the annoying part of being the alpha is the paperwork, trust me it's hell on earth. It has been a year since I took over the alpha title from my dad and I bet, he is enjoying his retirement with his Luna,mom. Speaking of Luna, I am still yet to find my mate. For the past one year I have travelled to different packs around the continent, but am still yet to find her. I think she is human." Alpha" Greyson, my beta knocked." Come in", I replied. This are the information on the humans coming into the pack territory. Greyson comes in with more paperwork." Great more paperwork " I said sarcastically. My pack,the Dark Moon pack formed a town,80% of the population being werewolves, we are still careful not to expose ourselves to the humans. I looked into the file of the family of two