
Chapter 29: It’s time.

A women's voice calls out: MIss. Grayson it's time.

Willow: Two more minutes.

Bryan: Yeah he knew.

Willow: For how long?

Bryan: The night of your wedding to David. I had a bit much to drink and well your dad you know how he was how he just always knew things. He could get anyone to tell him anything and in my drunken stupor I may have confessed everything to him. When I realized what I had confessed I thought for sure I'd lose my job but instead he gave me some advise and confessed to me that he had always suspected and had hoped I would have made a move sooner before David.

I look to Bryan wide eyed.

Willow: WOW!

Taking a deep breath.

Willow: I won't lie. It kind of hurts knowing that there was a possible moment in time that you and I could have been.

...But everything happens for a reason. And we are where we are today because of all the choices we both have made.

.....You are and will always be my best friend Bryan. I love you.

I pull Bryan in for a hug.

Bryan: This is why I love you Willow.

With somewhat dry eyes and half smiles we stand arm in arm and head for the church garden.

Willow: Promise me Bryan you will move on and allow your self to let someone else in.

He stops turning to me with a bit of sadness.

Willow: Bryan, you deserve happiness. There's someone out their for you please promise you will try.

He gives his signature smile full of confidence and reassurance nodding conformation as we continue through the garden.

The classical elegant wedding march begins and all I can see is Liam looking as godly as ever in his black tux.

Bryan gives Liam a firm shake then offers him my hand.

His smile is so sexy, his beautiful blue eyes stare into mine with hunger.

We exchange traditional vows and before the Priest can spit out the famous last words Liams lips are locked on mine.

He pulls me into his chest with no intent of letting go as he deepens the kiss more.

Only pausing for a second to take a much needed breath then returning to our passionate first kiss as husband and wife.

He rests his forehead on mine with the most adorable ear to ear grin.

Liam: I love you Wife

Willow: I love you husband.

In this moment we are the only two people in the world.

I am his and he is mine.

My Protector.

By Shelly Gray 7-10-19 (won 3rd place in summer writing contest for Chapters/crazy maple studios)

Re write 11-16-19