
Chapter 18: seductive

I fix some bacon and eggs piling them onto a plate and sit next to Liam on the bar stool of the extended kitchen counter.

I stare at this beautiful man next to me sipping my coffee and I can not help the overwhelming feeling of desire and contentment. My heart pounds heavy in my chest. I am falling for this man and hard. But I know he will soon be on his next job and probably his next women.

As if reading my thoughts Liam looks over at me with a sincere smile. Brushing a fallen hair from my face his thumb lingers over my lip.

Liam: I have never done this before.

Willow: What?

Liam: Gone home with a client.

I let out a snort of a laugh. But when I look in his eyes I see what I think is truth.

Liam: Willow this isn't a one night stand.

Willow: It's ok Liam. With your kind of job I wasn't expecting you to stick around.

His brows furrow. He opens his mouth to say something then stops. I shovel some bacon in my mouth defusing the awkward moment and start clearing the dishes.

Liam helps which of course he makes even that all sexy as hell as he turns the faucet on me soaking his shirt which I'm still wearing.

This turns into a game of cat and mouse as I run for the bed room trying to escape.

With very few quick strides he has me up over his shoulder squeezing my thighs just below my cheeks. Stroking my womanly folds with his long manly yet tender fingers.

He throws me onto the bed and hovers over me peppering my face with kisses.

Willow: So Mr. Davers? Do you make a habit of seducing all your clients.

Liam: Only beautiful ones with Phoenix tattoos.

His fingers find there way back down through my wet folds.

Suddenly Liams face goes serious at the sound of his alarming ring tone.

Liam: That's Tom I need to take that.

He kisses my nose and leaps off the bed grabbing his phone. As he heads out of the room my eyes scan his lean back side down to the hem of his pants loosely hanging off below his swaggering hips.

Feeling my eyes on him he gives me a look over his shoulder with a wide grin.

I take this opportunity to take a quick shower.

Only it wasn't very quick.

Liam steps in behind me kissing the wing tips of my tattoo across my shoulders running his hands around my front grasping my breasts.

Liam: You didn't think your were going to get away that easy did you!

One hand still cupping a breast the other hand planted over my scar holding me in place while he eases his erection through my core.

His one hand runs up from my breast to my throat to my jaw line tilting my head slightly up and towards him.

Taking advantage of my gasp he slides his tongue across mine before grazing his teeth across my lip to my ear. He makes love to me slowly and sensually till the water runs cold and we are out of breath.