
Chapter 10: un wanted reunion

David takes a step towards me flashing his signature cocky smile like he just won the lotto.

David: It's good to see you Willow.

He takes another step with his arms out. I press my back further into the wall wrapping my arms around my self afraid to look away. My heart pounds against my chest taking my breath away like a mouse that's just been caught by a cat.

Willow: What are you doing here?

I manage to form a few coherent words.

David: I came to see my wife!

My jaw muscles clench with anger at the sound of his choice words. Allowing the anger to fuel my nerves I quickly try to dart past him when he grabs hold of my upper arm.

Willow: let go of me!

I frantically yank out of his grip to see for a split second what I though was regret and loss in his eyes.

David: Willow please. I swear Im not going to hurt you, I just needed to see you.

He steps forward again but when I step back he puts his hands up in defeat. Though his eyes turn dark.

David: I just wanted to tell you that I started seeing a shrink months ago and I'm better now willow.

I shake my head in disbelief. Taking another step back causing his body to tense with anger of my rejection.

David: I did it for you Willow. For us.

He reaches out to grab my arm but as I pull away to take yet another another step back I am met with a warm embrace as an arm circles around my waist and lips crash onto mine.

For a split second I am lost in his passionate kiss forgetting David is all but a few feet away.

Liam breaks the kiss turning his full attention on David.

Liam: everything alright Babe?

He pulls me close. Never taking an eye off David.