
Chapter 83 : Fake Karakura War (Part 20).

Aizen's blade came at my head.


But before it decapitated me, it was stopped by two swords. One had a white blade, while the other had a red hilt. These swords belonged to Rukia and Kūkako respectively.

"*Sigh*. What took you so long?" I rhetorically asked.

Then Nelliel stabbed Aizen's stomach using her spear, Cirucci threw her yo-yo's rotating blade at his back. Fixing my feet on the ground, I pushed him down while all the girls did the same. Then, this made Aizen fell a few meters away.

"We ran into something unexpected." Nelliel said.

"Wait... Why Kūkaku is here?" I asked while placing my greatsword on my shoulder.

"My poison made Ichigo disoriented and Gin made absolutely nothing to stop me." Kūkaku shrugged.

Then Aizen got back on his feet.

"Nelliel... I already expected you to still be alive. Now you're stronger than ever. But this still doesn't matter. I will achieve what I have t-." He got interrupted.

"Why don't you shut up?" I asked after I dashed at him and punched him in the face.

"I'm getting tired of being interrupted." Then he punched me back sending me straight to the floor.

"Things are about to get really serious." I anticipated what was going to happen.

"|Henkan(Tranform): Chimera|!" Kūkaku said.

"|Kakkire(Rip): Golondrina|!" Cirucci said.

"|Bankai: Hakka no Togame(White Haze Punishment)|!" Rukia said.

Then those three Reiatsu exploded, he got frozen and electrocuted at the same time. Aizen attacked Rukia, she clashed swords with him and his arm using the sword began to freeze. From one side of his back, Nelliel stabbed him with her spear, from the other, Kūkaku clawed his back and from afar, Cirucci used her wings as whips together with electricity. I could see that their attacks did something to him.

Then Aizen exploded his Reiatsu making a big bluish-purple explosion that sent all four of them flying and hitting the surrounding buildings.

"It is useless. You can do nothing to me." He said while regenerating his wounds.

"Perhaps did you forgot about me?" I asked when I was behind him.

Then I hit his head with the flat side of my greatsword. He was smashed on the ground. After he got up, he turned to me and he had a surprised face.

"Did you just increased in height?" He asked while looking at his hand.

"Me? Nah. You are seeing things. I always had this height. Maybe you need your glasses again?" I mocked him.

"I'm weaker. I don't know what you are plotting... But I'm sure it will not work as I-." He was beginning to babble about his awesomeness.

"And there he goes again. Don't you know when to stop? You talk too much." I said and dashed at him.


Our attacks met, but before he could attack again, Rukia appeared behind him and stabbing his back, freezing a big part of it. Then Nelliel appeared on the other side and did the same but many times more than Rukia. He began to push me back until he sent me dragging my feet.

'Tch. No matter how much I get stronger, this motherfucker still is strong enough to overpower me while ignoring Rukia's and Nelliel's attacks.' I thought.

"No one can stop me. I have achieved a greater strength and became a superior being." He said while defending from Nelliel's thrusts.

"Honey is right. You talk too much!" Kūkaku, who was on the air, said before descending with a punch, smashing him on the ground.

Then she punched many more times until he exploded his Reiatsu again and made everyone go back. After he got up he began to talk.

"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of-." He was chanting.

"{Hadou #90: Kurohitsugi}? As if I'm letting you use it!" I dashed at him.

He attacked me while chanting it, I dodged his attack and changed from my greatsword to spiked knuckles.

'Now is is time to do what I know!' I thought while I began to send supersonic punches on his face, chest, ribs and stomach.

I did this as I used my lightning Reiatsu to boost my speed and strength. Aizen did not even had the chance to finish his chant, while I did this, Rukia attacked his back, when he tried to use his other hand, Nelliel thrusted her spear on it and sticked it to the ground, immobilizing it.

Cirucci's wings punctured his shoulder and began to send him heavy quantities of lightning Reiatsu whiler her legs stuck his feet on the ground. After a few seconds of this bullying, I said.

"Retreat!" Before I got to far away.

Right after they did what I told, Kūkaku appeared.

"{Kyodaina kujo kakyuu(Gigantic Exterminating Fire Ball)}!" She said before she aimed her hand at Aizen and from it a tiny fireball flew at Aizen.

"Really?! Gigantic?! What about it is gigan-." Cirucci was interrupted by something.


There was a gigantic explosion of orange fire. It took the shape of a globe and made the entire fake city tremble. Surprisingly, it was almost at the same level of Yamamoto's explosion.

"Huff, huff, huff. This is what I call gigantic, not at the same level as Honey's cock, though~. Huff. But seriously, I hope it was worth it as I used most of my Reiatsu in this attack. Huff, huff." Kūkaku said, breathless.

"Your attack was... Strong enough. But a pity it was... Useless. I'm impossible to be defeated." Aizen was inside of a gigantic crater.

His body was charred but he was regenerating it at an fast speed.

"*Sigh*. I did not wanted to use my trump card." I lamented my resolution.

"Trump card? You haven't gotten stronger as the fight went on. You stole my Reiatsu to power yours and somehow managed to transform it into your strength." He said.

"Bingo! You're smart! And also, you are right. Girls, sorry, but I'll have to borrow your strength." I told them.

'There was a ability that I got when I bought the randon abilities from the System. It was called {Hunter's Fest} and it was the ability to steal, and use another beings power adding it to my strength. It was Ban's power. It is a very fitting ability for my greedy soul.' I thought before I began to suck their strength and Reiatsu.

"Īsan/Honey/Brother Īsan/Master, you can have my strength!" They said.

"You can have mine too." Yoruichi said before getting near them.

'As they are weaker than me, I can suck their strength without any worry. While with aizen, I have to do it with caution to not exhaust myself. My version of the ability is different from Ban's, as it was shaped for me. Made to fit me.' I thought.

Then my body began to grow, the runes on my left shoulder began to glow even strongly. Their constant whispers for the first time stopped. My muscles bulged, my clothes ripped off. Everything on me began to be overdrived by sheer strength and Reiatsu.

The first one to lose consciousness was Kūkaku as she was the one with fewer Reiatsu. Then Rukia, Cirucci, Nelliel and Yoruichi followed after her as I sucked their Reiatsu. In the end, my body grew to 3 meters(roughtly 10 feet) and I placed my greatsword at my shoulder. I now had lightning, fire and poison Reiatsu within me, mixed.

Each time I breath, either things froze or things burn. My veins were bulging too. The runes had one white glow instead of the blue, red and yellow from before.

"Such power... Has to have some consequences. All that Reiatsu mixed in one body, must take a huge toll on your body." Aizen said while looking at me.

'Hahahahahahahaha! He may be arrogant but at least he still uses his brain. He figured out the weakness of this ability before the true fight even started.' I admired his insane thought process.

"Aizen. In this fight, what will decide the winner is... If my body breaksdown before I kill you. You win. But if I kill you before it happens... Then I win. There isn't going to have a tie. Only one will come out of here alive."