
Chapter 41 : Fierce Chimera and Bingo.


\Īsan POV/

The transformed Kūkaku was beating the shit out of Aaroniero's sword released state.

"I am an army of 33,650 Hollows! How can you defeat me?!" Aaroniero screamed as he shot many water attacks on Kūkaku.

In response, she took a deep breath and when she exhaled, a wild fire came from her mouth, transforming the water to steam and blocking Aaroniero's vision of her.

Taking this chance, she vanished from her position, appearing on top of the blob and making her snake tail be covered with fire and using it like a whip, she swinged it. He was startled by her sudden change of positions, but he moved the Naginata to block the attack.

But the snake suddenly changed it's tragectory and it got through his stomach, setting his body in fire. He then used his water manipulation to create water to put out the fire. Before he could, Kūkaku fell from the sky and hugged his upper body, her wings embraced them.

After a few seconds, her entird body lit on fire, while she threw her head back and headbutted Aaroniero's head, or should I say, tank. He tried to shrug her off, or put our the fire, but the intensity of the fire grew so much that it covered his entire purple blob body. To counter each of his attempts, Kūkaku would headbutt him, with each headbutt, her horns would crack his tank, until.

*Glass breaking*

"N-No." Was what Aaroniero said.

"B-Brother, whenever you are, know that I will miss you. And I and Ganju will always love you, not matter what you had become." Kūkaku said slowly.

"Y-YOU BITCH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Aaroniero screamed in anger.

"Farewell... Brother." Kūkaku said while thrusting her clawed hand on one of the lower heads of Aaroniero.

Then all of his blob body exploded in a lot green water-like thing. Jumping, I stood on the air while the thing went pass where I was.

"Gross." Was what I said.

Looking at Kūkaku, on her right hand there was one of Aaroniero's head, this one was intact, while on the other hand, there was the other head, but this one had a big hole on the middle.

"Finally. I can put my brother to rest." She said while looking at the heads.

"A-Aizen-sama! P-Please help us! I don't want to die! I don't want to die. I don't want to die! Damnit! Crap! Fuck!" The high-pitched head with a hole said.

"You got us good, bitch. Hope all of this was worth." The low-pitched head said.

"It was." She simply said.

Then, fire came from her body, incinerating the heads and cleaning her body from that disgusting liquid.

"Īsan. Thank you." She looked at me, her expression unreadable.

Descending to the ground.

"There is no need to thank me, it was something that I promissed you. Besides... You are pretty hot on this clothes." I said while eyeing her from up to down.

"A perverted as al-." She was interrupted by me.

I grabbed her chin with my left hand and kissed her lips, my tongue entered her hot mouth and entangled with hers.

"Hmn~. Hum~. Nn~.*Muah*." She seemed to like the kiss.

"Don't you think that it is time to give me what I owned from the moment you entered the chamber?" I said while my right hand grabbed her heavy and massive left breast.

"Hmn~. Of course~. For giving me my revenge, eat what is yours~. I shall become your wife from now on~." She said, mischievouly.

"Don't you have fear of what the others will do to you after hearing what you said?" I asked.

"They can come. My husband will defend me, right?" This mischievous woman needs to be disciplined.

I pinched her big nipple and kissed her again. Her body temperature suddenly increases and it was abnormally high.

"*Muah*. Īsan. I am way too horny to kiss right now. Give me your cock." She said while descending her hand to meet my cock.

She then tried to overcome my strength and push me to the ground. But I resisted and pushed her instead.


We fell on the ground, but I was on top of her. She turned to be more aggresive than before, maybe a side effect from ther Resurrección. I lowered my pants and took my cock out. Pushing the wet cloth that was covering her pussy aside, I placed my cock on her slit.

"Fuck~! So big~! Push this monstrosity inside me in one go~!" She said.

Looking at her eyes, I saw that her pupils changed to be like a slit. She looked like a snake now.

Doing what she wanted, I pushed my cock, burrying it inside her in one go.

"Y-YES~! U-UHHHHHH~!" She moaned.

Her insides were even hotter than her skin. If my {Hierro} was not so strong, I think that I would have been burned. Her womb instantly clenched the tip and her walls tightened their hold of me.

"Fuck me like you fuck those bitches! Make my pussy be shaped by your cock!" She said while locking her legs behind my ass.

Her arms tried to lock behind my back too but her claws were rather fearsome. As I knew that women in constant pleasure like to claw their man's back, there was no way that I would let her claw mine. So I grabbed ber arms and placed it at the top of her head and held them with my right hand.

My left pushed aside the cloth covering her breasts, grabbed her right and pinched her nipple strongly.

"Only. I. Have. The. Right. To. Call. Them. Bitches." I said while thrusting inside of her.

"Ahn~! Fuck~! God~! Damn~! Deeper~! Impale me~!" She moaned these words.

She was clamping my cock hard. By far she was the most tight, most hot and most agressive as she was meeting my thrusts from below and rotating her hips, making her walls caress me.

"F-Fuck~! T-That spot~! Hahnn~! Ohhh~! D-Damn, this feels good~! Ouhhhh~! A-Another~?! F-Fuck me right there~! Ahhhhhnn~!"

I was thrusting strongly inside her. And she was loving it. Looking at he belly, I could vaguely see the shape of my cock.

'Well... Shaping her pussy was something that she wanted, right?' I said to myself.

"R-Release my hands, I want to be at the top!" She said while swinging her hips from below.

"Try." I said while hitting one of her sweet spots.

"Fuck yo-. Hummm~! D-Don't play dirty~! G-God~! I-I am c-close~! P-Please, let me be at the top~!" She was becoming desperate.

Her snake tail then came and entagled with my upper body, it's head licked my face. Feeling her hole's sucking force becoming stronger, I started to focus on her weaknesses.

"N-No~! N-Not there~! F-Fuck~! I am COMMMMMIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG~❤!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

I saw her eyes roll and a really hot splash of water hit my crotch. Her body temperature can make wonders. But I was not done.

As I stopped so that she could bask on her orgasm, I began to move again after a few seconds.

"*Gasp*. N-No~! I just came~!" She said while her vision regained her focus.

"How egoistic. You came but I did not. What a selfish wife I have~." I said.

As a form of punishment, I only focused on her sweet spots.

"P-Please, stooooop~!" She moaned.

Feeling the pressure rising, I gave long and deep thrusts, when suddenly.

"F-FFFFFUCK~❤!" She screamed again.

This time, both of us came. Her pussy milked me, filling her up completely. Taking it out, I got up and fixed my clothes.

She was sprawled on the ground, breathing heavily, from her pussy cum was being oozed out and a few parts of her body was twitching.

"Did not knew that you had such a tamed side." I said.

"You were the one to tame me, you fucker!" She said after catching her breath.

"Ohh~. Really?"

"Of course! When I said that I wanted to be on top, was because a feeling overcame me, it said that I had to be on top so that I would become the alpha on the relationship! But you negated that!" She said, as if I had done something terrible.

Getting near her, I saw her burn the cum that was oozing out of her as she sat. Extending my hand, she grabbed it and I pulled her.

"Now you are mine, I gave you the power to get your revenge, everything you have is mine now. You belong to me. Let's go home. Your objective was fulfilled and you was filled with my cum." I said to her.

"I know that I am yours. So shut up." She said, fixing her clothes.

Then she deactivated her Resurrección, making her body glow a little, returning to her previous attire and swords.


After we got out of Aaroniero's palace, we went to our home. But when we reached there, we could see an exhausted Ichigo, he could not even stand up without trembling. His swords was weighting too much.

'What should I do to him? Hmm, let's give this trouble to another person.' I thought.

Looking at the Tres Bestias, they were extremely bored. *Sigh*. I think that they will come to me so that I can cure their boredom. Tonight is going to be long.

Getting near the almost fainting Ichigo, I grabbed his head with my right hand, aimed using my left, felt all the Reiatsus on Las noches and threw him with strength, to one specific Reiatsu.

"Yeet." I said.

"AAAAAAAaaaaaaa..." Was his scream.

When I felt Ichigo's Reiatsu falling near where I wanted, I said.
