
Chapter 117 : The War.

Me, Benimaru, Hakurou and Shion, together with my army were marching towards the Lizardmen territory, to fight against the Orc Lord's army. Suddenly, in front of us there was many Orcs that were surrounding Gabiru's sister.

Stopping on my tracks by tapping Ranga's back, I opened my arms and hands. In the tip of my fingers, many silver threads could be seen. Then I closed my hand and pulled my arms together. This made the heads of the Orcs fell on the ground. Lifeless.

I used my {Steel Threads} to decapitate all the Orcs in front of us. Then I tapped at Ranga's back again, this made him advance and get near her.

"Are you an Envoy of the Lizardmen?" I asked.

"Who asks?" She was panting.

"I am the Lord of the Goblin Village." I said.

"I am the Daughter of the Lord of the Lizardmen... Or was. My brother, Gabiru, stole my Father's throne and tossed me and my Father in the Dungeon. However, I managed to escape from there." She said while trying to regain her breath, since she was fighting an Orc.

"So... You are the sister of the guy that had enough ball to demand the subjugation of my village?" I seriously looked at her.

"I apologize for my brother' behavior." She said while bowing.

"Apologize? This won't be enough. Your brother almost started a war between villages. Disrespecting the Lord of a village, inside of his own home, for me this is enough to start a war. The only reason I didn't attacked you is because the Orc Lord is a greater threat than you.

I will help your Father on the condition that he becomes my vassal. He will help me in future wars and I will support you if there is a threat to your territory. I will not interfere in your internal business. However, you will obey my final words. This will be my compensation." I said.

"... Fine. I accept." She agreed but her face was filled of a heavy amount of hesitation since she basically is giving her Father's nation to someone else.

After this, we advanced further ahead, with the objective of fighting the Orc Lord.

When we reached there, I created wings and flew high up in the sky, just to see the gigantic number of Orcs that occupied the battlefield. There was hundreds of thousands of Orcs marching through the Lizarmen's territory.

Looking at where Gabiru was, I saw that he was fighting the Orc General but was losing pitifully.

'Gabiru is truly an idiot. He almost exterminated my future army of a hundred thousand Lizardmen in this pitiful attempt of fighting against the Orc Lord's army. From this number, at least ten thousand is already dead and eaten by the forever hungry Orcs.' I thought before something happened.

Ranga howled loudly before the previously sunny sky was replaced for a really dark sky. Suddenly, gigantic tornadoes, heavily charged with electricity made thousands of Orcs fly and die by the thunders.

'At this moment Ranga must have evolved to a Tempest Star Wolf. Nice one, Ranga.' I complimented him in my mind.


At this moment, there was a big explosion, looking at it, I saw that it was Benimaru's fire magic. It created an extremely big dome of purple fire. It was at least three to four times bigger than the one shown in the anime. He was swinging his hand like crazy, sending like fireballs that when exploded created these domes.

'Yeah... The Oni class sure is strong.' I thought before I heard someone calling for me.

Looking at who, I saw Shion cleaving down her sword. This made a deep slash on the ground, killing hundreds of Orcs in a single swing.

'They are way more terrifying if compared with the ones in the anime.' I looked at Shion's excited grin as she slashed many times more.

Turning my attention to the fact that many Orcs were losing their heads and falling dead on the ground, I saw Hakurou dashing and using his sword to cut hundreds of Orcs heads before he sheathe his sword, making their heads fall in the ground.

"This is the start of Kuroku-sama's many victories in war." I heard Hakurou saying.

I looked at the sky, then at my hands before strongly grasping them.

'I will conquer this entire world. My first step to rule everything. I will follow Gaius Julius Caesar's steps. Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered).' While I thought of this, I began to search for the Orc Lord.

When I found him, my subordinates were trying to engage him but their attacks were useless.

"I will take it from here on." I said to them when I approached them.

Suddenly, the Majin appeared and sent an attack at me. I looked at this pitiful attack and said.

"Pathetic." I dodged his attack and sent a {Water Blade} and cut one of his arms off.

Then I descended on the ground and pointed my finger at him. From it, I shot a {Bullet String}, an skill where I condense the {Steel Thread} and shot it from any part of my body.

I hit his right leg, this made him fall on the ground, agonizing. Shooting it five more time, I temporarely crippled both his legs.

"No! You ruined my plans! I have to deal with this or else, He will kill me!" He regenerated his legs before getting up and firing an attack at me.

To which I extended my hand and swallowed it before getting near him and punching his face, this sent him flying back.

"No, no, no. He will kill me. Gerd! Help me, you useless Orc! Help the one who gave you your name!" He begged to the Orc Lord.

"You know... I could have killed you easily but I choose to see the show." I said to him.

He turned to me clearly confised about what was the meaning of my words, when suddenly, the Orc Lord grabbed him and gave his body a big chomp, before proceeding to eat the rest of him.

Then he proceeded to became the Orc Disaster. But before he could do anything, I jumped in his body before making my body expand and covering him. As he was admiring his new strength, he was caught off-guard. In mere seconds, my slimy body was already covered his entire body while he tried to resist.

"Gerd. You can rest. I will not let the Orcs pass through another tragedy, like the one they did when they spent years starving. From now on, the Orcs will be able to eat without any restraint. They will not be opressed, as long as they live under my banner, they will spend the rest of their days living without the fear of hunger. Rest well as I will will eat away all of your sins." As I said that, I felt his resistance becoming weak until he stopped resisting.

Then, I ate and completely absorbed him.

["New Skill Acquired, {Starved}"]

'A skill I really deserve.' I thought before descending on the ground in my human form.

"The Orc Lord is dead, drop your weapons and don't resist. If you do, only death awaits you!" I loudly told the Orcs that were surrounding us.

Looking at the Onis, I said.

"Thank you for helping me until here. You are now free to do anything you want to." Then I turned around and began to think.

'Now I need to deal with the post war conference and annex all the Orcs. I may want to annex the Lizardmen too but it is way too risky. If I do it with both of them at once, my nation will have many problems. For now, I will only annex the Orcs and allow the Lizardmen to have their own nation for a while.'

Suddenly, I heard.

"Kuroku-sama, I have one request." Benimaru said.

"Ask away." I said while turning around.

"I wanted you to accept our allegiance." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked, as I was already expecting them to say this.

"I don't have any complaints." Hakurou said.

"Of course! After all, I am you secretary and guard!" Shion said before she went behind me and hugged me, placing her gigantic breasts on top of my head.

'The wonders of being small.' I thought.

"Okay then. From now own, you all are going to be my permanent subordinates." I said.

"Yes, Kuroku-sama!" They agreed.