
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urbano
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59 Chs

When the blood calls

Kevin got back to his office looking more confused than he has ever been. He had just met a boy who looked so much like Chantel back at his old school and that kind of gave him a weird feeling. He was more confused about the man with the boy as well. He looked so oddly familiar. He tried to place where he had met the man before but he could not remember where. 

He walked into the office he shares with Bismarck with a long face. Bismark was already in the room working on one of their designs when Kevin walked in. He looked a bit pale and that made Bismarck worry a bit. 

"Hey man, are you okay?" Kevin just shook his head and fell on behind his desk trying to make sense of everything that had happened earlier. 

Instead of answering his friend, he asked a question of his own. "Why does he look so much like her?"

The confused state Kevin was in was making Bismark worry more. He drew closer to his best friend and stood in front of him with his hands crossed. He had suddenly forgotten about his work. At this point, Kevin mattered more to him. 

"Hey, man. Did something happen? Are you okay?"

Kevin looked up at him with the confused look still on his face. "He looks so much like her. And the man with him, why does he look so familiar?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Remember I told you I was going to our former school before coming here to work? Well I kinda bumped into someone. No, I mean, they walked in when I was about to leave my godfather's office. A boy and a man. The boy looked so much like Chantel and the man with him looked so familiar."

Bismarck rolled his eyes. "I know you are still crazy about Chantel but I do not expect you going round looking for her in everyone you meet. Come on, man."0

Kevin banged his hand on the desk making Bismarck jump back a bit. "Damn it, Bismarck. Stop making me look like I am some sort of crazy person. I know what I saw and I am certain of it. I have met that man somewhere before."

"Okay, okay. I am sorry. I did not mean to make you feel this way. It's not my intention." Bismarck raised his hands in surrender. 

Kevin heaved a deep sigh and finally felt himself relaxing. He had not realised how tensed he had become ever since he met Travis and his grandfather. 

"I'm sorry. I should rather be the one apologising for this. I should not have gotten angry over this. You were just trying to help. But, wait a minute. I now know where I have met the man before. You know what, I have to go," Kevin said and rushed out the door. 

"Hey, wait. Where are you going? Kevin, come back," Kevin was long gone before Bismarck could do anything. He threw his arms in the air and went back to his desk. Then continued with his work. 

Kevin drove straight to Chantel's boutique and was stopped at once by her personal assistant, Cordelia. 

"Sir, please the lady boss is busy at the moment and cannot see you."

"It is important I see her today, please. It's a matter of life and death. I really need to speak to her," Kevin begged the young woman who looked a bit annoyed by the man's persistence. 

"And who should I say is looking for her?"

"Kevin. Kevin Owusu. Please let her know it's really important for me to talk to her."

Cordelia went into Chantel's office to tell her Kevin was outside looking for her. 

"What did he say he wants?"

"Well he did not say much. All he said was that it is very important for him to speak to you."

Chantel was angry but kept her cool. She did not want to speak to the man or much less be alone with him. She had not seen him since they met at the supermarket and was not planning on meeting him anytime soon. He had also not made any attempt on contacting her so what could be so important now? 

"Let him in." 

Cordelia nodded and walked out. A few minutes later, a knock was heard on Chantel's door. She rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration. She answered and Kevin walked into the office. He looked around and smiled a little. He stood in front of Chantel who was pretending he was not even in the room. 

"Hello, Chantel. I really do love your office. It is really spacious," Kevin suddenly said with a small smile. 

Chantel rolled her eyes dramatically and looked up at the man who was once the love of her life. She was clearly pissed and was not ready for any jokes. 

"What do you want, Kevin? I thought we already said whatever we had to say to each other."

"Aren't you going to offer me a seat first?" Chantel glared at him and offered him a seat. He sat down and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, confusing Chantel a bit. 

"So now, tell me why you are here and leave. I don't have all day."

"Alright then. I want to know something. What happened to the child you were expecting fifteen years ago?" Kevin asked 

Chantel was taken aback by the question. At first, she thought she had not heard him well. But the loom on his face showed he was very serious about what he was asking. 

Why was he even asking about their child all of a sudden? She had been trying so hard to hide this fact from him that is one of the reasons why she never gave him the chance to come near her. So, why now?

"Are you going to answer me?" Kevin asked again since Chantel was taking too long to answer him. 

Chantel sat up straight in her chair, pushing her laptop aside. She was not prepared to face Kevin about this right now so she needed to find a way to get his mind off it. 

"Well, why are you suddenly asking about a child you wanted nothing to do with?"

"Chantel, no need to play that game with me. Just answer me. Where is the child?"

"If you now care to know, then, I will tell you. I aborted it long ago."

"You are lying. I know you did not abort the child. You were very much against it when I suggested it. So I know, that child is still alive. So tell me, where is he or she?"

"You are right. I kept the baby. He is very much alive. But, I will never allow you to get close to him. You did not want to be a part of his life then. So, why bother now?"

"I made a silly mistake which I regret so much. And I really want to meet the boy, Chantel. I don't care if you insult me or call me names. I just want to meet the boy, please."

"That won't happen. I won't allow that to happen."

"Really? Is that what you want to do? Fine then. Don't worry, I have already met him. He looks exactly like you. And I met your father too. There is no way you can deny that it's not them because I know that boy is my son as soon as I saw your father. So, if you want to make this difficult, then I will promise you one thing."

Kevin had not smiled at all ever since he started talking about Travis. And, when did they meet each other? How come her father never said anything to her? Kevin's next words brought her out of her state. 

"I will do everything in my power to investigate. And when I get prove that he is truly my son, nothing on this earth will stop me from getting close to him. Not even you," he looked her up and down and left her office in anger. 

Chantel's heart was beating loudly in her chest. She had not expected things to go this way this soon. She had to do something. And Kevin looked so angry. She had never seen him this angry before and that made all his threats to start scaring her. She had to do something soon.