
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Travis's school choice

Mr and Mrs Asare were in their sitting room having a funny discussion about something not so important when Travis walked into the room with a a brochure in his hand. He sat beside his grandmother, who placed her arms around him. 

"Hello, grandson. What's up? Have you finished looking through the brochure I gave you?" Mrs Asare asked him. 

"I did, grandma. And one school caught my attention," Travis said. 

"Really? Which one did you choose? I realise the first term is already ending, right?" Mr Asare said. 

"Yeah. The first term is about to end that is why I want to be ready when the next term begins. Actually, I thought about it long and hard and I have decided I am going to go to The Kings High School."

"The kings high school? Where have I heard about that school before?" Mr Asare asked, trying to remember.

"Honey, that's one of the best schools in this country. I guess that's the reason why it sounds familiar. Anyway, my dear boy, why that school when there are many you can choose from?" Mrs Asare asked Travis. 

"Because I feel that school is the only place I can feel at home. And, they are one of the best schools in the country just as you said. So, I believe that's the best school for me," Travis answered. 

"Alright then. If that is the school you want to go to, I have no objections. Next week, we will go there and speak to the headmaster and see if they can admit you there. Okay?" Mr Asare said. 

"Thank you so much, grandpa. You are the best," Travis said and got up to hug his grandfather. He was very happy that his grandparents had agreed and supported his decision. 

Right at that moment, Chantel returned from work. She greeted her parents and sat down lazily on the chair beside them. She sighed tiredly and placed her bag beside her on the floor. 

"You look tired, mom. How was your day?" Travis asked Chantel. 

"Tiring. It was very tiring but very fruitful," Chantel replied. 

"Fruitful? I think we will like to hear about it. But before that, why don't you take a quick shower and have something to eat?" Mrs Asare suggested. 

"Yeah, I think I will do just that. Let me take a quick shower, I will be right back," Chantel said and picked up her bag. 

"Hey, Mom. Before you go, can we talk?"

"Can't it wait? I am really tired and it has been a long day," Chantel said and sat back on the chair. 

"No, mom. The thing is, I decided the school I want to go to and it is The kings high school."

Chantel snapped her head so quick that it almost felt like it was about to fall off. "What did you just say?"

"I want to go to the kings high school. That's the school I chose and that is the school I want to go to," Travis repeated. 

"That will never happen. That will be over my dead body. There is no way I will allow you go to that school. You hear me? You won't go to that school," Chantel replied angrily. 

"But why? Grandma and Grandfather have no problems with me going to that school. It is one of the best schools in the country. So, tell me why you don't want me to attend that school?"

"Chantel, why are you against your son attending a school that has caught his interest? Is something wrong with that school?" Mr Asare asked. 

"Father, I will be very happy if he could attend any other school but I can't give my approval on this one. I am sorry," Chantel said. 

"You have not said anything, Chantel. Is there something you have against the school that none of us know about? Do tell us," Mrs Asare said. 

"Mom, I have already chosen the school I want and since I already have the support of both Grandfather and Grandmother, there is nothing you can do about it," Travis said. 

"Oh really? Don't forget I am your mother. And whatever I say stands. Before we came back here to this country, I was the one who made the decisions for both of us and so you are going to listen to me," Chantel growled. 

"No, mother! All my life, I have been listening to you. But I will have to disobey you on this one. This is about my life, my future, my education. I have chosen this school and that is the school I want. Please, just support me on this."

The arguments between mother and son was getting intense that Mr Asare had no choice than to come in. 

"Travis, can you please go to your room? I want to talk to your mother in private. Can you please go now?"

Travis nodded his head slowly and left the room with a small frown on his face. He did not even look at his mother when he left the room. Mrs Asare noticed it but did not say anything. 

After Travis was gone and Mr Asare was sure they were alone, he looked at his daughter straight in the eye. Whenever he did that, it meant whatever he wanted to say was very serious. 

"So, can you tell me why you do not want your son to go to a school he desires?"

"Father, I dont want to talk about this. Travis won't go to that school and that is my final decision."

"You are not making any sense. Why exactly are you stopping your only son from attending the school he wants?" Mrs Asare added. 

"Do you know how much you are hurting your son? He has been having a hard time getting a school he really likes and when he finally does, you forbid him from going? Have you really even spent time with your son even since you came back from Canada to find out how he is coping here?" Mr Asare questioned. 

"I know I have been very busy with a lot of work. And Travis know that too. I am working my ass just for him. Why can't anyone understand that?"

"We understand you. But why are you stopping your son from doing what he wants to do? I just don't get it. What is your problem with this?" Mrs Asare asked again. 

"It's because that school happens to be the school Kevin attended. Are you happy now?" Chantel shouted. 

"Don't you dare raise your voice at us! We are your parents. We have always accepted and supported your ideas and dreams and we never stopped you from doing something you wanted to do. So, why can't you do the same for your son? Travis is your son. Try to understand him. He is your son, talk to him. And please stop doing this. This is not you," Mr Asare said. 

Chantel looked like she was about to cry. Her father was right. She had not been really been there for her son lately and they seem to have been quite distant. She really needed to talk to her son. And she had to do it now.