
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urbano
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59 Chs


Rumors began to spread. It had been three weeks since Chantel and her encounter with Nadia and Naa. She had not heard from then since then till the rumors began. Chantel heard the rumors and it broke her into pieces. It happened that morning. She had woken up early in the morning just so she could be early for school. The morning sickness had subsided a bit so it was easier for her to wake up early like she had always wanted. 

She entered into her class early and sat down. She took out her notes and began to read. She wanted to go over her notes before classes started. While she was reading, two of her classmates entered the class. When they saw her, they suddenly stopped talking and stood at the door, watching her. Chantel heard them murmuring among themselves but she did not even bother to listen to what they were saying. 

"Maybe we should ask her," one of the students said. 

"Why do you want to ask her? What do you want her to tell you?" the other asked. 

"I will ask her. It is better than spreading rumors that may not be true."

True to her word, the student walked towards Chantel's table and stood by her side. Chantel noticed her presence and raised her eyes. 

"Hi Chantel, how are you doing?" the girl smiled. 

"Hello Bertha. I am good, you?" Chantel replied. 

"I am fine. I actually wanted to find something out from you. Is it true you are pregnant?" The girl, Bertha asked. 

Bertha was known in the class as a blunt girl. She was never the type that sweetened any word. She said things the way they are and was very straightforward. This did not surprise Chantel though. What surprised her was the fact that Bertha was asking about her pregnancy. This was a secret most people did not know yet and she wanted to keep it that way till the pregnancy became noticeable. 

"W-Where did you hear that?" Chantel stammered. Her voice was shaking and she looked visibly shaken. How did Bertha know about this? 

"Well we heard it when we went to the library yesterday. You know Golda? She told us. She says everyone in school knows about this too," Bertha replied innocently. 

What? The whole school knows? How did this happen? This was a nightmare for Chantel. She really did not expect this to happen. Who was the one spreading this rumors? 

"So, is it true?" Bertha asked again. 

"I... I... " Chantel did not know what to say. She was taken aback by the question and did not know how to answer Bertha. She tried to say something but no words came out. 

"Chantel!" someone called her from behind making her stretch her neck to see who it was. She was happy when she saw Adiepena standing by the door. She picked her bag and rushed out, brushing past Bertha who was surprised by Chantel's behavior. 

Adiepena took Chantel out the door, down the school premises towards the dormitory. 

"There is something we need to  tell you. Somebody is spreading rumors about your pregnancy. whoever it is is not just spreading rumors about your pregnancy,there are other things they are spreading alongside."

"What?! But, when did this start? How come I never heard anything? What are people saying about me?" Chantel asked worriedly. 

"Let's meet Cynthia at our room first. This is just something for the three of us. She already there waiting for us," Adiepena said and led Chantel to their room. 

Cynthia was in the room pacing up and down. She already had a fair idea of who was spreading this rumors but she had not evidence to back it up. She strongly believed Nadia was behind this rumors. She wanted so much to hit that girl for pulling this silly park on Chantel. 

Chantel and Adiepena entered and found Cynthia still pacing with a pensive mood on her face. 

"Cynthia, we are here," Adiepena announced. 

When Cynthia saw them, she sat down on the bed and calmed down a bit. 

"What's going on, girls? I don't understand why anyone would do this to harm me," Chantel cried out. 

"Chantel, I am really sorry about this. I really thought I would be able to prevent this from happening but I was wrong. And I know this rumors was started by Nadia and her friends," Cynthia said. 

"Nadia? Why would she go this far? What does she hope to gain from doing this?" Chantel asked looking totally confused. 

"She is doing this to hurt you of course."

"She just wants to pay you back for allegedly stealing Kevin from her," Adiepena said. 

"I did not steal Kevin from her. He chose me and did this to me. Isn't that punishment enough? What else does that girl want from me?" Chantel began to cry. 

Cynthia sighed and hugged her friend as Adiepena rubbed her back to calm her down. Chantel had always been afraid of what might happen if her classmates got to know her situation. And now, all her fears was beginning to manifest before her and she could not do anything about it. 

The following weeks were terrible for Chantel. Her friends began moving her and calling her names. Some called her Virgin Mary while others just stopped talking to her. One time, one girl she respected a lot in her class said hurtful things to her just because she greeted her. She felt so terrible and cried the whole day. Cynthia and Adiepena could not take it anymore so they complained to the teachers but the bullying and the mockery got worse. 

Chantel started to starve herself because of the problems she was facing in school. She no longer enjoyed her classes and was beginning to withdraw herself from every school activity she used to love. Cynthia and Adiepena were getting worried about Chantel. She was growing lean and always looked pale. She did not enjoy talking with her friends again like before and was always quiet. 

"We have to do something, Cynthia. I don't like how things are going on for Chantel. She has stopped talking to us and is now withdrawn. I am scared she might do something to herself." Adiepena said. 

"You are right. You know I have her father's card. Maybe we should call him and let him what is happening."

Adiepena nodded. "You are right. We need to send word back to her father."