
chapter 11

Avery's pov

She stood up and gave me a hug allowing me to rant and cry on her shoulder.

" Zoe I don't want to be a divorcee, even if I wasn't happy about the Arranged marriage, I want us to work"I told her.

"You'll be okay, Aves," she said as she patted my back.

"Zoe," I said, "we're going on our honeymoon this week, and he's already threatening to make it miserable. He thinks I'm the one telling his dad to force him into all of this!"

"Only a fool would think of you in that way. You're a wonderful person." She said comforting me

"I hope he's good-looking," she said with a smile, "because that's the only good thing that could possibly come out of this."

"Yeah, he's good-looking," I said, laughing. "That keeps me going."

We talked a bit more before we said our goodbyes. By the time I left, it was already noon.

It was nice to see Zoe again, and I really enjoyed being able to talk to her about everything that's been on my mind. Sometimes, ranting can be very cathartic.

I'm so proud of Zoe for being such a successful, independent woman. She now owns a fashion brand and she's thriving in her career, and it's inspiring to see her doing so well.

When I got home, I freshened up and went downstairs to have some ice cream with the cupcakes and brownies I had baked the other day. I wanted to relax and enjoy a movie.

I took my snacks and went back to my room. As I scrolled through Netflix, I decided to binge-watch the After series, which was originally a story on Wattpad. I find that watching movies is more interesting than reading books.

I snuggled into my bed with my snacks, as the opening credits for After began to roll. The movie started with a girl named Tessa who was leaving her small town to start college. As the movie progressed, Tessa met a boy named Hardin, who was a bit of a rebel.

The chemistry between Tessa and Hardin was electric, and I found myself completely engrossed in the movie. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen!

As the movie continued, Tessa and Hardin's relationship became more complicated, as they both had to deal with their own personal struggles. Tessa was torn between her feelings for Hardin and her desire to be a good student. Hardin, on the other hand, was dealing with his own family issues.

The tension between them was palpable, and I couldn't wait to see how it would all play out.

Tessa and Hardin's relationship became even more complicated. There were moments of joy and happiness, but there were also moments of heartbreak and sadness. It was an emotional roller coaster!

Then, Tessa made a shocking discovery about Hardin that changed everything.

This movie is peak.

I can't believe he lied to her about his past, no one wants a lying boyfriend. No wonder she became so devastated and felt betrayed.

I was completely engrossed in the movie, and found myself rooting for Tessa and Hardin, despite their complicated relationship. I felt a sense of empathy for both characters, and was invested in their story. I found myself thinking about the film long after it ended, and couldn't stop thinking about the moral dilemmas and complex emotions that the characters faced. I also found myself wondering if i would have acted differently in Tessa's shoes.

I yawned - it was getting late, and I was feeling tired. I decided to take a quick nap.

A few minutes later, the maid knocked on my door and said, "Dinner is ready."

"Okay, I'll be right down," I replied.

I went into the bathroom to splash some water on my face and wake myself up.

After freshening up, I headed downstairs and found Ace eating.

I walked in and took a seat. The maids served me my own food. They had prepared chicken parmesan, with a bowl of soup on the side. It looked so delicious, I started eating right away.

I wanted to make small talk with Ace to ease the awkwardness, but decided against it.

Suddenly, I heard a crackling sound from the fireplace. I looked up and saw a small flame flickering in the hearth. It brought a smile to my face, and for a moment, I felt a little more at ease.

"Mmm," he cleared his throat.

I looked at him, wondering if he was trying to tell me something.

"Get your bags packed," he said. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Leaving for where?" I asked, confused.

"For our honeymoon," he said, before taking another bite of his meal.

I was surprised by his sudden announcement. The Caribbean sounded like a wonderful place, but I couldn't help but wonder what was behind his urgency.

"I thought we were leaving next week," I said. "Why the rush?"

"I have a business meeting I need to attend," he replied curtly.

His reply took me by surprise. I was expecting him to ignore me, like he always did. Even for our honeymoon, he was thinking about work. Wasn't it supposed to be about us?

"Avery, don't worry about it," I thought to myself. "You're not even looking forward to this honeymoon anyway."

I rushed upstairs to pack as soon as I finished my meal. I wasn't sure how long we would be away, so I wasn't sure what to pack.

I packed a sundress, shorts, some dresses, few tops, some hats, bikinis, sunscreen, underwear, and some lingerie.

I wasn't sure I'd need that last item.

"Will we be having sex?" I wondered to myself. "He doesn't even look at you romantically. Stop getting your hopes up."

"But yes, you do," my inner voice responded.