


---He Misses Her

Jean Verodine

/"A simple wedding?/" Lexy looked at me like I grow 2 heads.

/"Yes, Lexy./" I nodded as I opened my Vogue magazine while eating my favorite chocolate bread.

/"Jean, you will only get married once. Why don’t you have a glamourous wedding?/" That statement made me turn to her.

/"We don’t love each other and this is all a fake wedding. He wants his heritage and I want my safety./" I rolled my eyes and continued to read.

/"Being safe in his arms?/" She raised her eyebrows.

/"Yeah./" I nodded weakly and she suddenly snapped her finger to get my attention.

/"Don’t tell me that you’re falling for him, Jean?/" That made me look at her.

/"No, I’m already numb for love, last time I love someone it turned out.. so.. you know./" I can’t help but put down my magazine and sighed.