
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
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48 Chs

Under the Cover of Night

It was now dark but the men continued to prepare for the upcoming mission despite having little to no rest. They were all too hyped up from Jacques' speech and all have bloodlust. Enraged to avenge the fallen, they were driven by an animalistic instinct that would usually lie dormant in a person. They all bear stern looks but hid a dark burning aura within.

"Assemble! We're hunting in packs tonight! Richard will take a platoon and subdue the nearby town to prevent enemy reinforcements, the other platoon is coming with me to take the bridge until the 18 armored cavalry arrives! Is that clear?!" Jacques exclaims.

"Sir, yes sir!" The men cheered before hopping in the troop transports.

Their convoy began driving southeast from Skikda towards a bridge near Poste 3. They were informed over the radio that a paratrooper division was sent a click South of the bridge to infiltrate behind enemy lines but was now tasked to help secure the bridge with them.

"This just got a whole lot more complicated. How are we supposed to coordinate with the 31st airborne division if they're on a different chain of command?" Jacques' complains.

"We best get there before them. Wouldn't want anyone crashing our party." Edward replied.

"Radio, inform the convoy to hurry up. The 31st is on foot but they're closer to the bridge." Jacques orders the radioman.

Once the others in the convoy were informed, they sped down the road like hungry wolves chasing their next pray. Despite being deep within enemy territory, they didn't experience any enemy resistance on their way to the bridge. They dismounted only a few hundred meters away from the town and continued on foot to prevent the enemy from detecting them.

"Captain, the town seems to be somewhat abandoned." Tristan whispers.

"We still have to search it thoroughly, follow protocols and in case you get separated...meet me on the rally." Richard whispers back as they walk in a line on the side of the road.

Jacques' platoon went ahead and flanked west before separating into two groups. The first group will attack the western side while the second group attacks the eastern side of the bridge. The atmosphere was very quiet, too quiet actually. The enemies standing guard on the bridge were ordered to demolish the bridge if they are under attack. Most of them guarding were in the small town, sleeping or taking a break from their post on the bridge. Only a few handful are actually on the bridge behind sandbag barricades and high caliber machine gun nests.

"Hilbert, find a vantage point and watch our backs. Shoot anyone who gets too close." Jacques tells Hilbert.

"Don't worry, I'll be watching. You take care of that bridge and I'll take care of those guys on the guns." Hilbert replies as he screws the suppressor on the muzzle of his rifle.

Hilbert separated from the group and looked for a perch, somewhere high where he could see the entirety of the bridge. He was able to find a telephone tower and he climbed it, he estimated the bridge to be 500 meters away so he adjusted his scope and zeroed in on the bridge.

"30 seconds, on zero the attack will begin. Edward and the others must be on the other side now." Jacques whispers.

Hilbert watches the others through his scope as he counts down in his head. Just before he reaches zero, he aimed on the enemy soldier on the machine gun and shot him in the head. Just as the body fell dead, Jacques' group moved towards the bridge. Hilbert panned his gun towards the other side and did the same to the other machine gunner, allowing Edward and his group entry from the other side of the bridge.

"This house is clear, move to the next. Tell the others to hurry up and don't leave any prisoners." Richard whispers to Tristan.

"Roger that." Tristan replied before crossing the street to the next house.

"Richard, why can't I go with the others?" Eugene asks.

"Because I say so, now stay behind cover and get away from the windows." Richard instructed.

Richard's platoon quietly cleared the entire town and killed the enemy soldiers they found resting in the buildings. Some were killed in their sleep and others suddenly choked to death while standing outside. It was the same on the bridge, they stealthily took out the enemy sentries.

"That seems to be everyone, let's wra- what are you doing there?" Hilbert mumbles as he sees an enemy soldier sneaking towards a small shack on the bridge.

Hilbert was about to take the shot when he lost visual of the target. He couldn't contact the group on the bridge so he decided to climb down the tower and he ran towards the bridge as fast as he could to warn the others.

"This is already heavily defended for them? These guys didn't even see us coming." Jacques states as he chokes an enemy soldier to death.

"Maybe high command underestimated us." Edward chuckles and puts the bayonet back in it's scabbard.

Little did they know that the last enemy soldier on the bridge entered the radio room and have already called for reinforcements and have warned them about the attack on the bridge.

"Jacques! There's one more in there!" Hilbert shouted as he pointed to the radio shack.

"I'll take care of this one." Edward replied as he runs in and traded blows with the enemy soldier before dragging him by the feet outside.

Edward threw him towards the others and they began kicking and stomping on him. Like a school of piranhas swarming on a bloody piece of meat on the water.

"Major! I see troops approaching from the southeast!" A soldier exclaimed.

"That must be the 31st! Give em a welcome boys!" Jacques shouted back.

The men stopped beating the unconscious soldier and all gathered towards the eastern side of the bridge. They all started singing the Lanstonian national anthem while waving their hands in the air which was then cut off by a sudden spray of gunfire.