
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Temporary Replacement

The Polish-Lanstonian border was now bulked up with defenses and several mixed military units were stationed to defend the border. Just the night before, The Republic of Lanston issued an international announcement that they will retaliate against Russia's violent act of war in the attack of Poland. Along with this, Great Britain swore to assist in both resources and manpower to Lanston and it's allies. On the other hand, Russia and it's allies declared war with Lanston. The world is once again on the brink of another world war, a war between most of Europe against Russia and it's Asian allies.

"The Republic of Lanston will not just stand and watch as the Soviet Union initiates an unprovoked attack against Poland and it's people." The voice of a man says over a radio.

"So we're really pushing on with this war, huh?" Roger says to himself.

"Roger, it's going to be a lot different now that Hilbert is gonna be away for a while." Timothy says as he enters the tent.

"That's true, we have to change up our formations and strategies while our trump card is still under maintenance." Jacques replies before taking a sip of coffee.

"Look, we've done it before without him so it means we can still do it now. He's gave us a handful of victories but he wasn't the turning point of those battles." Roger added.

"Actually, he was. Him and his squad are actually one of the most valuable resources we have." Jacques argued.

"He took most of the credits in his squad's achievements if I recall correctly." Timothy commented.

"You just proved that we can't win without him. Who's side are you really on?" Roger asks Timothy.

Timothy chuckled and patted Roger's back before walking out of the tent and heading back to their tank. Roger then let out a sigh before they heard a familiar voice ask permission to enter the tent. Jacques told them to come in and he was surprised to see Johann and Teresa enter the tent.

"Good day, Major." Teresa greeted before wetting her lips and smirking at Jacques.

"What brings you two here?" Jacques asks as he places his mug on the table.

"Orders from high command. In the absence of the asset, a succeeding asset will take over temporarily." Johann informs them.

"So you're 'temporarily' replacing Hilbert, huh?" Roger asks as he judged Teresa with his eyes.

"That's correct, Major. We'll be taking over for now." Teresa replied before glancing away and rolling her eyes.

"You said succeeding asset so why are there two of you?" Jacques inquires.

"Unfortunately, me and Teresa are tied for number 2. But we go together very well, we can even stand toe to toe with Hilbert if we worked together." Johann replies.

"Is that so? Then would you like to demonstrate what makes you two different but just as deadly as Hilbert?" Jacques requests.

Johann nodded and walked outside with Teresa, Jacques and Roger shortly followed behind them. Johann pulled his sleeves up and revealing that his left forearm was a prosthetic. He pulled it off and underneath was a blade, he walked towards a tree and began thrusting and slicing with his bladed arm. After Johann's little show, Teresa took her turn. She took off her coat and the nearby soldiers started watching more intently. Around her waist were several throwing daggers which she held in both hands before throwing all of them onto the tree, not a single dagger missed. But that wasn't all, a light on the handle of the dagger began blinking then a gas began seeping out. Jacques expressed his concern about it being against international law against biochemical weapons but Teresa reassured him that the gas was only a hallucinogenic substance. She explained that the gas won't leave any permanent side effects once it wears off, the knife was the killing blow and the gas was meant for the other enemies around the target.

"Okay, I think they're good enough." Roger commented before looking at the other soldiers and telling them to go back to their posts.

"So you two specialize in hand to hand combat?" Jacques asks.

"Just like Hilbert, we're also skilled with several weapons. Only that my preferences limits me to small handguns." Johann replied.

"I'm an expert in sharpshooting actually. Along with knife throwing, I'm also accurate with a gun." Teresa added.

Jacques then told them to look for Jeremy and inform him of the sudden changes while Hilbert was away. Johann nodded as he placed his prosthetic forearm back and walked away. Teresa picked up her coat and glanced at Jacques before giving him a wink and following behind Johann. Roger clenched his hand into a fist while glaring at Teresa before looking back at Jacques and letting out a soft sigh.

"He really is a monster. He took on two hundred men on his own. I can't even imagine taking on three, how much more if it's two hundred?" A soldier states.

"Then is the sargeant also a monster? He was able to singlehandedly disable 4 enemy tanks and take 56 men prisoner." Phillip asks.

"He did but no one is topping Hilbert's tally. It's probably over three hundred by now, maybe even more." The soldier commented.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I have a total of four hundred and thirty two confirmed kills?" Teresa whispered to Phillip's ear before blowing on it.

Phillip felt a shiver go up his back and he suddenly jumped forward, startled and confused at what Teresa did. Teresa chuckled and licked her lips before pulling her undershirt up to her diaphragm.

"Would you like to count them all?" Teresa asks as she showed them the tattoos on her torso.

"U-uhm...no thanks." Phillip replied as his face blushed.

"Take it easy on them Teresa. Do you guys know where we can find Jeremy and his squad?" Johann asks.

"We're who you're looking for, this is the squad Jeremy and Hilbert are in." Phillip replied as he rubbed his nape.

"That's perfect! It's not such a hussle here after all." Teresa added as she pulled her shirt back down.

"We're here in place of Hilbert." Johann states.

"You were those two from yesterday. The ones who took Hilbert away." A soldier pointed out.

"Yes, we're also old acquaintances of his. To put in easier terms, we're his seniors." Teresa replies.