
Project MUT

A Mutant is made in a lab of chemicals and scientists. We have no mother or father we just have DNA. We either have animal-like appearances or can control an element or even both. We have been trained to fight and become skilled soldiers of the project team force MUT. We can't help but know why we have to be contained.

BrownBabyBear · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


I don´t exactly have the best memory but the furthest back I could remember was the day I found a beautiful flower growing in the middle of the grass field. After reading about flowers I identified the flower and it was a gardenia flower, it is originated in southern China and Japan but can be found in Hawaii. I just remember sitting there admiring the flower and then a man came from behind me and sat next to me.


¨You like the gardenia flower?¨


When I heard his voice I sort of backed away from him. I thought at the time that he looked scary and he couldn't be trusted.


¨Im not here to hurt you, I'm here for the same reason you are. It is a beautiful flower, isn´t it?¨


¨You like the flower too?¨

When he said that I said to myself that he was a good person and I could feel it too. The thing about being a deer is that we can sense a person's feelings/emotions or intentions. He has good intentions for me he doesn't want to hurt me.


¨I was sent here to train you but you don seem like the fighting type. I'm going to have you learn the human body.¨


I didn't know what he meant at the time but I remember thinking, I don know whats a human body is. From then on I have studied with him and a few other people in white coats that looked over me and taught me everything there is to know about humans, diseases, infections, tumors, cancers, and more. Sensei wasn't there for me it was mostly the people in the white coats teaching me. The only thing he was there for was motivation and help me carry my books. If anything he treated me like his kid. He was strong but I don't think he was smart he was always kind to me and made sure I was okay. I hope nothing bad happens to him.

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