

 " I told you to place her veil properly " my mother said . This must be the most excited I've seen her , at least she's in a good mood for my wedding. 

 " I don't want her embarrassing me " , spoke too soon . 

 Not to sound heartless but knowing Alex lived alone made me relieved , no family members or anything so less drama . In case you were wondering, he's an orphan , never knew his parents at least according to the magazines . 

 Nobody knows much about him so not like I'm stalking him but I couldn't find anything useful except that he's a self made guy with no parents . 

 "Anastasia it's time , get up" she said , that's it , no tears no words of encouragement. Sometimes I crack myself up with my imagination what do I expect the woman who laughed when I rolled down the stairs and was bleeding can't feel anything other than hate .

 Father walked me down the isle yada yada yada we said our ' vows ' and the priest said " you may now kiss the bride " 

 I saw some kind of emotion in his eyes , was it pain... before I could process it his expression changed back to his stoic persona . He just gave me a peck on my cheek and that was it . Better than nothing right 

 I heard everyone clapping and we socialsed , danced and I honestly wasn't present cause I was just tired . 

 We entered his car and I wanted to start a conversation but I was worried he'd change his mind and return me to my family . So the ride was silent and nerve wrecking. 

 We arrived at Alexander's house and it was huge take it from someone who lived in luxury all her life . 


 " Let's go "he said and I got out of the car and followed him in .

 We climbed up the stairs to the second floor and went in a room , the room was huge and sophisticated. Painted black like his soul maybe . 



 " Your clothes are in the closet , you can take a shower and go to sleep I'll be in my study " he said and left . 

 I know it sounds strange but I wasn't surprised but still a little of my hope died . 

 I did as he said and went to sleep with the happiness of waking up tomorrow without my family . 

 Alexander's pov 

 I'm in my study and I can't seem to get any work done , all I could think of was her . 

 The whole day was a pain for me , I hated every second of it .

 I'm pained me that her smile is something I want to see , and not the one she shows to the cameras , a real one .

 I'm most pained that... she doesn't ..remember me ....