
Programmable Magic

Our main character, Reo van Dijck, tries to survive in a world where magic-spells are stored in game-like-cartridges. Only a few lucky ones can use them though. These chosen ones are venerated and worshipped like celebrities, unbelievable riches lie only a single dungeon-exploration away for them, they are called Machia. What will happen to our protagonist when he awakens as a Machia and discovers that he can actually program these magic-cartridges?... The Earth also changed drastically since the dungeons appeared, how could it not? These unknown, giant towers suddenly started spewing out hordes of fiends and monstrosities. Only The Machia were able to defend against these attacks on humanity. Countries were destroyed, safe-havens were build and then yet again destroyed. Eventually humanity adapted, like it always does. The economy was rebuild and centered around these new towers, these dungeons, the treasures they hold outweigh their dangers. Life is relatively safe again, for most at least… Read about Reo’s exploits, an immigrant from the Netherlands, as he tries to honor his dead parents and… find love? Establish a Guild?! Live the Ideal Harem life?!! BECOME PIRATE KING?!!! Okay maybe not that last one, but Reo will definitely leave his mark behind on this world full of mystery. This story features romance, comradery, an interesting power system and a post-apocalyptic world with amusing characters, what more do you want?! No seriously, I’m always open to constructive feedback. This story also displays my interpretation of a magic-coding-language (based on JAVA). Although knowledge about coding helps, you can also enjoy the story without it :).

Niku20 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs


As I have nothing to do today, I decided to chill in our living room and listen to some music as I try to program my mana-cultivation cartridge. Juniper, unfortunately, headed straight towards her room after our breakfast… I would have loved to spend some more time with her. Oh well…

I had to google some basic biology questions before I could start programming. Like how my body stores and uses food as an energy source. I vaguely remember a couple of things from biology class, but I don't want to get the details wrong, I'm putting my own body on the line for this after all…

After a couple of hours of research, I finally figured out some options to convert from. I could use fat, something called… ATP? Or the glucose my body directly extracts from food…

I played around with these options by trying to code them into the script I copied from Sara's cartridge, but it only recognized glucose as a suitable energy source, the rest all gave syntax errors.

While listening to some lo-fi beats, which normally help me get through long programming assignments, I finally drafted something I deemed usable.

When using this magic, I would have to consume an extra 120 g of glucose every day, which, after some googling, I discovered was the average amount the body normally uses throughout the day. It seemed like a tough challenge to eat double the meals I normally eat though, but the statistics the code gave me at the end were too alluring to pass on:



Average Mana Conversion Rate: 14 Mana/Day

Mana Ceiling: 1054 Mana




I figured that 'Mana Ceiling' meant I could only cultivate a mana-pool of 1054 before the mana-gain really slowed down or even stopped.

This mana-rate is really insane though, I can double my mana-pool in just 8 days or so?! Thank god I decided to focus on mana-cultivation for now.

I saved the code and named it: 'Glutton'. After glowing for a bit, the orange cartridge was finally ready.

I'm pretty proud of my creation If I do say so myself:

[Orange] Glutton: see authors note.

I immediately pop the cartridge into my chest and hit the 'store' option.

I don't really feel any different from usual though? I hope it will at least increase my mana… A mana-measuring device would be real handy right now… *SIGH* Well it's not like I could ask Fudo to give it back or anything, besides, he already sold it… Let's just have faith that it works, after a week or so I should be able to fire 2 more explosions…

Now that I programmed the magic that I wanted, let's flirt with juniper for a bit!

I call her out to the living room in order to play some drinking games, under the pretext of "increasing our shared-dorm-experiment points".

After some back and forth, she comes out of her room holding a bottle of vodka.

"Vodka eh? I didn't picture you as much of a drinker."

"Hi-Hi, I can actually hold my alcohol pretty well."

"We'll see about that."

I gave her a cheeky smile as we started playing a game of 'Beer pong'.

After I sunk a couple of her cups on my first try, I noticed she definitely wasn't lying about being able to hold her liquor. She drank almost half of the vodka-bottle and was still sober enough to absolutely decimate me in only 2 turns.

"Y-You're pretty good at this it seems."

Was the only thing I could say as I struggled to chug three 'Stella Artois', my beer of choice, in a row.

"Yeah I played this a lot when I was young hi-hi."

Just what kind of a childhood did she have?!

Shit… I wanted to impress her with my beer pong skills, but that backfired… let's try some other games I guess… Maybe she was just lucky?

"L-Looks like beer pong didn't give us any points, let's try some other games then."

I grab a deck of cards and lay them out on the floor. Meanwhile, she sits down on the ground in front of me… Let's try my luck… I mean she did just chug half a liter of vodka right?

"Maybe we should sit closer to each other… T-To get more points of course…"

Oh man, that really wasn't smooth…

"Sure, that makes sense."

Success! I knew I had a talent to pick up ladies, I just didn't find the right ones yet.


"He-He looks like I was right, let's sit like this while we play some more games."

After that we played 'Fuck the Dealer', 'Circle of Death', 'Mexican Dice' and 'Mine Field'.


Yeah… So it turned out she wasn't just lucky… I realized it after I had to empty my 15th can of Stella… I thought that I finally caught a break when I won a couple of rounds of 'Fuck the Dealer' since she didn't know that game yet… Unfortunately, she's a fast learner…

I did make her empty her Vodka-bottle though… Needless to say, I was quite surprised when she just casually took out a second bottle from her room… Imagine my surprise when she came back with a third bottle after emptying her second one…

She can definitely hold her liquor… Frighteningly so! In the middle of our games, after her second bottle of vodka, she just randomly stood up and started cooking us dinner, which was actually really delicious by the way.

I wasn't getting anywhere, so I finally decided to try my luck after we started playing truth or dare…

import Magic_Class.Sensing;

import Human_World.EnergySource;

import Magic_Class.Storage;

import Magic_Class.Convert;

import Magic_Class.Collect;

import Magic_Class.Mana;

import User;

public class FoodCultivation extends ManaActivity {

private Storage<Void> glucoseContainer = new Storage<>(); //Creates a pocket dimension of the type: 'void'.

private int measure = 160;


protected void onActivation() {

boolean active = true;

while(active) {

private Sensor foodSniffer = new Sensor();

//sensor initiation

foodSniffer.operationArea = User.circulatorySystems.bloodVessels; //Checks small parts of these vessels one by one.

foodSniffer.target = energySource.GLUCOSE;


if (User.Brain.Thought_detection == "Deactivate") {

active = false;




//Modifier 1: Gathering and storing Glucose.

public void gather(Sensor sens){

Collector foodEater;

//collector initiation

foodEater.collectionArea = sens.getLocation();

foodEater.collectionType = energySource.GLUCOSE;


//activate collector


//delete the collector




//Modifier 2: safety implementation, should only convert 120 grams daily. (This results in doubling of average glucose consumption)

public void amountDetection(Sensor sens){

if (glucoseContainer.getContent().toMg() >= measure){ //Returns the value of glucose in milligrams and checks if it's 160.

measure += 160;

sens.sleep(55000); //Wait 55 seconds before collecting another 160 milligrams of glucose.


if (glucoseContainer.getContent().toMg() >= 10000){ //This should happen every hour or so.

measure = 160;





//Modifier 3: conversion of energy source to mana.

public void convert(){

Converter foodConverter;

//converter initiation





//converter activation


//converter deletion




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