
Progenitor of Dragons

"Release me! Pitiful Human!" The primal voice demands "What was that? Know your place. Bow! For I am the King." Kaler Dakrun is an 18-year-old student. He is frequently bullied because he is scrawny and relatively quiet. On his 18th birthday, an accident occurred where he would discover his family history, powers and his destiny. He already possessed elemental powers along with most in this world. However, they are not fully developed. In an ancient cavern, he stumbles across the Gauntlets of the Progenitor. He is deemed worthy to wield them, taking the role of the Dragon King. He can use his elemental powers to tame and create dragons and avatars. Now he lives a double life. He must continue to go to school and conceal his identity while attaining the full powers of the Progenitor of Dragons. He must gain full elemental Domination as well as regaining the power of his familiars, the elemental dragon Avatars. All the while, he must be careful of who he can trust Book Cover found on Pinterest. Made by sngm66 on DeviantArt

xan5104 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
122 Chs

Terrorists (2)

*Third person POV* *5 years ago*

A high-tech drop ship flew over the seas, leaving no trail in is wake. Not even a puff of smoke or steam. It travelled silently, like it had ion engines like something out of a sci fi film. It also travelled at impeccable speeds. Within about half an hour, the ship flew from the secret hanger in Ourannos all the way to Tyrador. A trip that would usually take about 3 to 4 hours by a commercial plane. 

Inside the dropship, a squadron of men and women dressed in a peculiar armour and uniform were seated. They chatted solemnly, going over details of the mission that were about to take place. For context, they were about to enter a country that has self imploded due to radical extremist with extremely dangerous weaponry. The Wraith Corps involvement has not been known to any of them at this point in time.