
Professor's Lover

Boundless Love, Endless desire.

Dwiinee · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs



The professor fell on the ground with a loud thud as slight moan escaped from his mouth due to pain.

As professor kenzo landed on the ground, both aoki and haru stopped immediately.

Ah...professor I'm sorry said aoki with upmost respect and regretting his decision of not stopping the fight even when the professor asked himself.

Professor was totally unbothered about the surrounding because of the extreme pain in his hands.

Both aoki and haru apologized and bowed to professor.

After a little while, aoki carried professor kenzo in his arms just the way a bride is carried by her groom.

Ah... hey put me down, aoki please said professor in embarrassed way because everyone were watching both of them...

It's okay professor you are hurt… Let me take you to the hospital and get you treated said aoki ignoring the flushed red face of his professor.

After a while, aoki drove kenzo'scar and reached to the hospital successfully and got it checked. And nothing was fine about this condition because kenzos hands were broken and plastered.

Professor.. I'm so..sorry, I'm very sorry.. said aoki loudly in nervousness which attracted eyes of many people on the hospital hallways.. making things more embarrassing than it actually was for kenzo.

Hey come here said kenzo and dragged aoki out of hospital after he paid all his bills for his checkup and everything.

But professor said aoki in a very impatient tone.

Aoki, what do I do with you huh? said kenzo in a very stressed way.

(Aoki's pov)

Oh my goodness what do I do, I broke his hands ... in so nervous what if he never forgives me and anything like that... I don't think I'll be able to live with this guilt for any more time. I should keep apologizing.. I think he will punish me forever...

(End of Aoki's pov)

Professor, I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean it to be like this said aoki in a very sad way again which made kenzo melt within a second.

Kenzo cupped Aoki's face with his one hand and smilingly said, Stop apologizing.. I'm totally fine.

Are you s-sure professor said aoki in surprised tone after looking the position of hands of his professor.

Yes I'm stop getting worried for God's sake please."

S..sure professor should I take you home?

Yes please."

After a while of the safe drive aoki and kenzo reached home. and talked it out about everything. Everything was fine until kenzo invite aoki inside the house for the help because his hands were unwell.

aoki said are you sure about allowing me inside your house professor?

Yes totally I am.. I can't cook, I can't eat, I can't wash just because of you... so be mine personal maid from now on.. said kenzo grinning

Aoki's face dropped because of embarrassment and many things that got played in his head during the professor kept tangling his words.

Me, a personal maid!!!

To be continued