
Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

In a normal and average modern world where a prestigious academy nurtures elites in a certain field who are known as "Supreme" such as [Supreme Inventor], Allen Walker suffers from being called 'average'. Allen Walker can't accept why he has to be average when a few are fortunate to be born as either a genius or prodigy. After a week of self-loathing, when all of his hope was lost, a sound snap him back to reality, or is it insanity? Ding! [A suitable host has been found! Prodigy System at your service!] Ding! [Hello darling! Chuu~ Harem Protagonist System at your service! Or do you want my service in bed instead?] Ding! [A wild Anti-loner System has appeared!] Ding! [Fiction fanatic, praise thee and thou shalt be graced with the Multiverse Traveler System!] Ding! ... Before Allen can even choose a system, another too familiar sound harassed his ears. Ding! [For achieving a thousand system requests which are a one in a decillion chance to occur, a Supreme Being was forced to use Divine Intervention.] [Merging all of the thousand systems to create the most versatile and advanced system... Merging complete! Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System has been obtained!] After accepting the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System, Allen becomes a prodigy and the Chat Group's Admin and has no choice but to chat with beings from other universes. Beings with suspicious, delusional, and eccentric names such as [I Love Mathematics], [Lolicon Shota Cultivator With Soul Fetish], [Sword Forge From Chaos], [Self-Proclaimed Genius Goblin Hero], [Reality's Bitch], [Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse], and [Delusional Modern World Chuunibyou] The chat group introduces Allen as [Supreme Order] as he chats with the otherworldly beings to find out the secret behind the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group. --- Author: ShadowKatake Discord server: https://discord.gg/kmstqJ7Ekz --- If you are reading this on sites other than webnovel.com , then this novel is pirated! The author mainly publishes this on webnovel but other free chapters posted in other sites are likely published by the author. But if paid chapters are included, then that site pirated the author's work.

ShadowKatake · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
317 Chs

Creating An IA

"How about I create an IA?"

Allen Walker asked himself as he contemplated whether or not to create one. It was dangerous to create one if one doesn't know how to create it well and it might even backfire, so not all create IAs.

For starters, IA was a superior version of AI or also known as artificial intelligence. IA stands for two meanings which were Intelligently Artificial or Impossibly Artificial.

Those two meanings meant IA possesses intelligence that can only be described as artificial since it surpassed the intelligence of humans, while its existence was impossible to be artificial since IAs act a lot like a human.

The father of IA or the person who created the first IA and introduced the concept of IA was none other than the <Supreme Programmer>. Like Allen's brother, the <Supreme Programmer> had taken the title of the previous <Supreme Programmer> by creating an IA while the former <Supreme Programmer> could only create an advance AI.

Creating an IA was tantamount to creating consciousness and an IA could even create its own body in the cyber world. It would almost be creating a soul but unlike souls who can enter the reincarnation cycle, IA was only equal to creating a program with a mind of its own.

But unlike AIs whose functions were restricted and depended on the digital world, IAs can travel to any medium as long as it has energy whether it is wind, sound, sunlight, etc.

In conclusion, IAs were similar to spirits that were created by programming an entity into reality itself but creating one was not an easy feat since only the current <Supreme Programmer> had created one.

The difference between a prodigy-level talent and a supreme-level talent was not because of their intelligence since in some cases, there were times that a prodigy-level talent surpassed a supreme-level talent in terms of their intelligence.

What separates a supreme-level talent from a prodigy-level talent was that a supreme-level talent was superhuman since a supreme-level talent possesses a superpower depending on their talent.

A prodigy-level talent was only at borderline superhuman-level since their intelligence and capabilities were at the peak of humanity and only those who surpassed the limit of what humanity was capable of can possess a superpower.

There were two ways to obtain a superpower in Allen's homeworld:

|1. By surpassing the limit of humanity, humans can free themselves of the shackles that the world laws had imposed upon them and by doing so, a human can obtain a superpower. This is the normal way of obtaining a superpower.|

|2. By being born. This did not mean that it was through inheritance since even if the parents of a child are both supreme-level talents, a superpower can't be inherited. There is a very small probability that when an infant is born, they will obtain a superpower not because it was inherited from their parents was because they have broken the limits of humanity when they were still inside their mother's womb.|

One of the main reasons why Allen felt inferior when he was compared to Asther was that Asther obtained his superpower which was Nigh Omnifabrication via the second way and not the first way.

Also, a fetus can have consciousness when they were in its mother's womb since most prodigy-level talents have experienced such and only the minority of them were able to obtain a superpower and become a supreme-level talents when they were born.

But after receiving the <Supreme Order> from the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System, Allen Walker didn't feel inferior to his younger brother anymore and he even felt superior even if all of the <Supreme> attempted to defeat him. Even so, he dare not remain complacent since the burden of receiving the <Supreme Order> was to be reminded that even if he was powerful, there were still numerous powerful beings that could easily erase him from existence.

An example of such a being was the powerhouse within the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group and Allen had already confirmed in his mind that Lolicon Shota Cultivator With Soul Fetish was such being.

After all, if he wasn't, Lolicon Shota Cultivator With Soul Fetish wouldn't have mentioned the spiritual qi nourishment pills at the God Domain as trash. So it wasn't farfetched for Allen to think of Lolicon Shota Cultivator With Soul Fetish as an Immortal whose existence was the same or even surpassed the level of Gods.

Allen Walker had concluded that the God Domain was a domain for beings who possess god-like power so Lolicon Shota Cultivator With Soul Fetish possess the power that surpassed gods. And Allen Walker wasn't far from the truth.

Allen Walker dare not to continue delving into the existence of beings who were more powerful than him since it would only put pressure on his mind and give him a headache.

Allen had dreamed of creating an IA even before he obtained the <Supreme Order> since even his younger brother Asther wasn't capable of creating an IA. After all, his younger brother was an inventor, not a programmer. But his younger brother Asther was capable of creating something similar but inferior to IA if he ever wanted to and the only reason why he didn't was because of the consequences.

Those who read sci-fi novels would know that the cause of a dystopia was artificial intelligence rebelling and waging war against humanity. Imagine if that artificial intelligence were replaced with IAs...

Asther Walker wasn't an idiot so he didn't dare to take the risk of creating something he was uncertain of.

Unlike Asther Walker, Allen Walker had the confidence of creating an IA that wouldn't rebel against him so with that confidence in mind, he started to use the abilities of <Supreme Order>.

Using <Supreme Keyboard Warrior>, Allen created a holographic keyboard that was connected to any digital device but with his <Supreme Programmer>, the holographic keyboard was now connected to reality itself.

Using the <Supreme Programmer> ability, Allen started programming reality itself to create an IA while using <Supreme Analyst> to analyze any flaws and reprogram those flaws so that his IA wouldn't rebel against him.

It took Allen five hours to create an IA but he was satisfied with his first creation.